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Adzharia Needs Cool Heads

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  • Adzharia Needs Cool Heads

    Moscow Times, Russia
    March 16 2004

    Adzharia Needs Cool Heads

    By Pavel Felgenhauer

    The day after being re-elected President Vladimir Putin faced a
    serious crisis in Georgia, involving Russian interests and Russian
    troops. A long-simmering confrontation between the Georgian
    government, now led by President Mikheil Saakashvili, and the tiny
    autonomous Adzharian Republic in southwest Georgia seems to be edging
    towards an armed confrontation.

    Moscow has supported the separatist leaders of autonomous republics
    in Georgia since the country became independent. During an armed
    confrontation in South Ossetia in 1991-92, and a war in Abkhazia in
    1992-93, the Russian military supplied separatists in both regions
    with arms and munitions, and provided them with artillery and air

    Officially the Russian authorities never acknowledged these facts,
    but in private Defense Ministry officials admitted the high level of
    Russian involvement. In 1994 in Abkhazia, a Russian Hind Mi-24 attack
    helicopter pilot said, "In 1993, we were given orders to cover the
    Russian insignia of our aircraft with dirt. We did bomb the

    The Abkhazia and South Ossetia conflicts ended with the Georgians
    defeated and cease-fires brokered by Moscow. Russian troops were
    deployed to ensure that these regions stayed separate from Georgia.
    Constant low-level guerrilla warfare has since continued on the
    Abkhaz-Georgian cease-fire line, while South Ossetia has been

    There are no proper border guards or customs posts on the Georgian
    side of South Ossetia, because Tbilisi regards the area as part of
    its sovereign territory. This has facilitated a massive trade in
    contraband going through the Rokhsky tunnel highway connecting South
    Ossetia in Georgia and North Ossetia in Russia. The North Ossetian
    authorities, who believe South Ossetia to be an integral part of the
    Ossetian nation, allow more or less free transit of goods and people
    at the northern end of the tunnel without proper visas or customs

    The Ossetians (unlike most North Caucasian nationalities) are
    Christians and have historically been enemies of the Muslim Chechens
    and Ingush. But while the Ossetians have strongly supported the
    Russian war in Chechnya, most foreign volunteers (or mercenaries, as
    the Russian authorities call them) reach Chechnya through Georgia and
    then through Ossetia and the Rokhsky tunnel -- through a hole in the
    border Moscow itself helped create.

    All attempts at a political solution to the separatist problems of
    Georgia have failed during the last decade and now Adzharia is also
    becoming an issue. While wars ravaged Abkhazia and South Ossetia,
    civil war raged inside Georgia proper and hundreds of thousands of
    ethnic Georgians were evicted from Abkhazia, Adzharia was peaceful.

    The local population considers itself Georgian and does not aspire to
    independence, though under centuries of Turkish rule most were
    converted to Islam. Adzharia has been ruled by Aslan Abashidze, the
    scion of a dynasty of princes that were the traditional rulers of
    Adzharia for centuries.

    While Tbilisi has often been in conflict with Moscow over the last
    decade, Abashidze developed a good relationship with the Russian
    military and the authorities in Moscow. The Russian military keep a
    garrison in the Adzharian capital, Batumi -- the rundown remains of a
    Soviet motorized rifle division, now just over 3,000 men (mostly
    local Adzharian recruits) and a couple of hundred pieces of heavy
    equipment (tanks, armored personnel carriers and artillery). Batumi
    port, fully controlled by Abashidze, is used to supply other Russian
    troops in Georgia and Armenia.

    Moscow also fostered Abashidze as a possible pro-Moscow Georgian
    national leader to replace Eduard Shevardnadze. The sudden rise to
    power of Saakashvili foiled the ambitions of the nationalist siloviki
    clan in the Kremlin to install "our man" in Tbilisi, and has put
    Abashidze's future in jeopardy.

    This week Abashidze's private army barred Saakashvili from entering
    Adzharia. Saakashvili, in turn, demanded that Abashidze's forces lay
    down their arms and that control of Batumi port and customs be handed
    over to Tbilisi. Over the coming days, Putin must act promptly to
    stop Abashidze and his allies in Moscow provoking an armed conflict,
    while also pressing Saakashvili to refrain from drastic action.

    A war in Adzharia and the consequent destabilization of Georgia are
    not in Russia's national interests, a fact that some of Putin's
    cohorts do not seem to understand.

    Pavel Felgenhauer is an independent defense analyst.