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USA wants speedy reforms in Azerbaijan

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  • USA wants speedy reforms in Azerbaijan

    USA wants speedy reforms in Azerbaijan

    Zerkalo, Baku
    12 Mar 04

    The key goal of US officials' recent visits to Baku was to persuade
    the Azerbaijani leadership to carry out radical economic and political
    reforms, Azerbaijani daily Zerkalo has said. Washington wants
    Azerbaijan and other South Caucasus countries to share its values and
    pursue its policy. To that end, the USA is trying to attract
    Azerbaijan to NATO and has promised Baku assistance in reorganizing
    its army, Zerkalo said. However, the paper said, Washington's military
    aid is linked to the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict
    over Nagornyy Karabakh. Azerbaijan will have to make some compromises
    in the peace talks, and US officials seem to have partly convinced the
    Baku government, the daily said. The following is an excerpt from Rauf
    Mirqadirov's report by Azerbaijani newspaper Zerkalo on 12 March
    headlined "Washington insists on speedy reforms in Azerbaijan" and
    subheaded "The White House will wait for another three months";
    subheadings inserted editorially:

    Americans dominate Baku

    Americans dominated Baku this week. Never has the capital of
    Azerbaijan seen so many high level delegations during the course of
    one week. Moreover, one cannot help but notice that predominant among
    the Americans landing in Baku were State Department emissaries and
    military officials.

    Judge for yourselves. At the beginning of the week there was a
    delegation from the US airforce college together with US Deputy
    Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Lynn
    Pascoe. Staying in the capital yesterday was a delegation headed by
    the US State Department deputy director for European security and
    political affairs, Eric Schultz, and the deputy political adviser at
    the US mission in NATO, Bruce Rogers.

    And arriving today in Baku from Washington is yet another very
    impressive delegation comprised exclusively of military and diplomatic
    officials. This time it is a mission of the supreme advisory council
    to the US European Command (EUCOM), headed by the deputy commander of
    the US European Command, Gen Charles Wald. Also part of the delegation
    are Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces Southern Europe Adm Gregory
    Johnson and many ambassadors of various ranks.

    In a word, Azerbaijan is keeping diplomats and military officials
    busy, while economic questions have moved down to the second order of
    importance. It is clear why. The most important geopolitical task of
    the USA in the region involving economic aspects has already been
    resolved. The building of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline is already
    under way, and all the problems connected with the financing of this
    project have been resolved.

    Need for radical reforms

    Today, the Americans are trying to accomplish several tasks at the
    same time.

    First, to talk the Azerbaijani leadership into some radical economic
    and political reforms. As we have already learned from well-informed
    diplomatic sources, this theme was key to questions discussed between
    Lynn Pascoe and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

    Once again Pascoe brought to Baku's attention the White House's
    position, concluding that relations between the two countries could be
    raised to a qualitatively higher level only through assurance that
    both governments share the same values, i.e. adhere to the principles
    of democracy, respect and uphold human rights and liberal democracy.

    If we put all the abovementioned from the diplomatic language into
    plain language, Pascoe's statements imply that Azerbaijan should share
    the values recognized by the USA.

    Pascoe, however, noted that the White House did not rule out the
    possibility of inviting Ilham Aliyev to Washington on an official
    visit before the US presidential elections. But, the same diplomatic
    sources say that Pascoe stated that such an invitation could take
    place only if Baku did not confine itself to verbal promises but took
    real steps towards putting reforms into practice.

    Washington gives Baku another three months

    Delegation members did not hide the fact that Washington was
    disappointed with the developments in Azerbaijan and with Baku's
    activities since 15 October [presidential elections]. Azerbaijani
    officials were informed about this in a private conversation with a
    member of the American delegation. At the same time, he [the
    delegation member] said that Washington would wait for another three
    months. If, by this time, serious steps towards reforms have not been
    taken, then Washington will totally lose its faith in the ability of
    the current Azerbaijani leadership to lead the country on the path of
    integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures, with all ensuing

    Second, the USA will try not to lose the initiative in the South
    Caucasus to other players in the geopolitical game, above all, to the
    European Union and Russia. Pascoe said this with typical American
    straightforwardness at a meeting with Aliyev. Pointing out the growing
    interest of the European Union in Azerbaijan and other countries of
    the region, Pascoe said that the USA was making every effort "not to
    stay behind" this competition.

    USA wants "great changes"

    The US diplomat said that he intended to discuss a number of issues
    with Aliyev and to hold an exchange of views on "great changes" in the
    region. In fact, Pascoe hinted that Washington was worried about an
    undisguised increase in the activity of the European Union in the
    South Caucasus, where up until recently the USA has regarded its
    position as unshaken. However, now that "a democratically-elected
    president" came to power in Georgia, the European Union is ready to
    include the South Caucasus countries into its Wider Europe - New
    Neighbourhood policy. This means that the EU sees the region within
    its ranks in the near future. It is no coincidence that in Baku,
    [Georgian President Mikheil] Saakashvili proposed creating a
    mini-European Union of Azerbaijan and Georgia. Having left the
    Azerbaijani capital, he included Armenia and then Russia in this list.

    Things are clear with Russia - the EU does not want to see it as its
    member for good reasons, at least in the near future. But the EU views
    the South Caucasus as a single geopolitical and economic space. It is
    no coincidence that the EU's special representative for the South
    Caucasus, Heikki Talvitie, has more than once said that this
    organization treated equally all the three countries of the region.

    USA wants South Caucasus to pursue its policy

    The USA, in principle, is not against this prospect but would like to
    see the South Caucasus countries as countries pursuing Washington's
    policy, like Spain, Poland and some other countries in the Eastern
    Europe. Therefore, the USA is trying to attract the countries of the
    South Caucasus, above all Azerbaijan and Georgia, to NATO where
    Washington still has the final say. The USA thinks that this process
    should be completed over the next two or three years.

    However, except for the aforesaid, the armed forces of the regional
    countries have to be reorganized to meet NATO standards and also the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict has to be resolved. Strange as it may
    seem, but these two problems interrelate.

    It is no coincidence that at a meeting with Azerbaijani Defence
    Minister Safar Abiyev, Eric Schultz and Bruce Rogers discussed
    strategic partnership between Azerbaijan, the USA and NATO. US
    ambassador to Azerbaijan Reno Harnish noted at the meeting that
    US-NATO cooperation with Azerbaijan and other countries of the South
    Caucasus was aimed at eliminating instability in the region. He said
    that the USA intended to continue cooperation with Azerbaijan to
    ensure security. Harnish noted that the USA was expecting Safar
    Abiyev's visit to the USA where aspects of military cooperation
    between the countries would be discussed.

    [Passage omitted: at a meeting with the US delegation, Safar Abiyev
    said the liberation of Karabakh was priority]

    USA promises military assistance

    The matter is that without a settlement to the Karabakh conflict, the
    USA cannot render proper assistance to Azerbaijan to reorganize and
    upgrade the army in compliance with NATO standards.

    Suffice it to say that the Armenian group of the Congress took
    painfully the US decision to allocate to Azerbaijan in military
    assistance several million dollars more than to Armenia.

    We have learned from diplomatic sources that during the negotiations
    in Baku, Washington's emissaries promised assistance to Azerbaijan in
    reorganizing the army and in creating a large unit under NATO
    standards within two or three years.

    Need for compromises

    However, Azerbaijan will have to make certain compromises in the
    Karabakh peace talks.

    It seems that the emissaries have managed to partly convince Baku's
    officials. Not long ago, the Azerbaijani leadership did not rule out
    that the negotiations had to be started from scratch. However, Ilham
    Aliyev recently expressed his surprise at a pessimistic statement made
    by the Russian deputy foreign minister over the situation in the
    negotiations to settle the Karabakh conflict.

    Aside from this, against the background of the US week in Baku, a
    surprising report has emerged saying that Aliyev will pay a visit to
    Bratislava (Slovakia) on 18-19 March to attend an international
    conference "Towards a Wider Europe: The new Agenda".

    [Passage omitted: list of countries which are to attend the