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Presidents discuss problems of Georgia's Armenian community

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  • Presidents discuss problems of Georgia's Armenian community

    Presidents discuss problems of Georgia's Armenian community

    12 Mar 04


    Georgian Armenians should be full citizens of our country with equal
    opportunities, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili told a news
    conference in Yerevan today.

    At the same time, the Georgian president noted the need for concrete
    work in regions. For example, he said that a Russian military base is
    the only employer in Akhalkalaki [Georgian region populated by ethnic
    Armenians]. "This is not a normal situation," he said, adding that one
    could not survive without a well-developed economy. Moreover, he
    mentioned tough climatic conditions in the region. This circumstance,
    as well as the fact that the region is located on the border, became
    obstacles to the development of the region back during the Soviet era.

    As for the demands that the political status of the Georgian region be
    changed, Saakashvili said that this kind of issues could be resolved
    exclusively within Georgia.

    I am thankful to the Armenian president for his strict position on
    territorial integrity and stability in Georgia and in the region as a
    whole. This is in the interests of Armenia, Georgia and of the future
    of the South Caucasus," Saakashvili said.

    At the same time, he noted that "any attempt to artificially disrupt
    stability is doomed to failure, as Armenia has a president who
    understands very well the significance of stability and peace and
    second, understands that this intention can lead to tragedy, which I
    would not advise anybody even to think about".

    He noted that he even did not welcome debates on this issue. He said
    that sometimes people think about this. Those are the people who have
    no idea about the region and its problems but are engaged in
    theoretical alterations to maps, Saakashvili said.

    Armenian President Robert Kocharyan also underlined the similarity of
    the positions of the Armenian and Georgian authorities, which called
    for more harmonic and deeper integration of the Armenian diaspora into
    Georgia's economic, political and cultural life.

    "This is the core on the basis of which concrete actions should be
    taken. These include a road linking Tbilisi with the region of
    Javakheti, a road which will create conditions for selling produce
    from the region on Tbilisi's markets and also economic programmes.

    "We could work on this together," Kocharyan noted. He said that the
    main goal was proper integration of the Armenian community into
    Georgian communities of these regions. "This is Armenia's official
    position," the Armenian president said.