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Direct negotiations are only way to Karabakh settlement- OSCE

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  • Direct negotiations are only way to Karabakh settlement- OSCE

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    March 16, 2004 Tuesday

    Direct negotiations are only way to Karabakh settlement- OSCE

    By Sevindzh Abdullayeva, Viktor Shulman


    OSCE thinks that direct negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia
    are the only way to the Karabakh settlement, Bulgarian Foreign
    Minister and OSCE Chairman-in-Office Solomon Pasi said at a Tuesday
    meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in Baku.

    He noted with regret that the OSCE Minsk Group mission had not
    brought positive results. "I expect a lot from dialog between the two
    presidents, and I will declare that during a visit to Yerevan," Pasi
    said. Pasi will go to Yerevan on Tuesday evening for discussing the
    Karabakh problem with the Armenian administration.

    The Azerbaijani president said he hoped for more intensive efforts of
    the Minsk Group in the Karabakh settlement. The unsettled problem "is
    a great danger to the region," he said.

    "Solomon Pasi promised support to the Azerbaijani striving for closer
    integration into Europe," the AzerTadz news agency reports.

    The absence of dialog is characteristic of conflicts in the South
    Caucasus, Pasi said. He noted that OSCE would boost dialog between
    Azerbaijan and Armenia for settling the Karabakh conflict. "We can
    offer a dozen of settlement options, but neither of them will be
    workable until Azerbaijan and Armenia reach understanding," he said.