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BAKU: Senior US official to Azerbaijan with "concrete" proposals

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  • BAKU: Senior US official to Azerbaijan with "concrete" proposals

    Senior US official comes to Azerbaijan with "concrete" proposals, analyst

    Sarq, Baku
    16 Mar 04

    US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage is expected to visit the
    South Caucasus countries in a few days. The US official is also
    expected to hold talks with the presidents of the three countries of
    the region during his visit. It is also said that the goal of the
    visit is to discuss bilateral relations and regional problems.

    This visit by Armitage can be assessed as yet another step by the West
    and the USA which have recently increased their interest in the

    The director of the Centre of Political Innovations and Technologies,
    political analyst Mubariz Ahmadoglu, thinks that the major goal of the
    US official's visit to the region has to do with Azerbaijan.

    "There is an issue that the USA has always kept in the focus of
    attention. At the moment it is the settlement of all regional
    conflicts. Apart from the conflicts in Georgia and Azerbaijan, the USA
    is also interested in regional integration. There are almost no
    uncertainties in Georgian-US relations. What is not certain is that it
    is difficult to predict [Georgian President Mikheil] Saakashvili's
    steps. But this is not of great concern for the USA. So, Georgia is
    not a problem," Ahmadoglu said.

    He said that interestingly, ahead of Armitage's visit, US officials
    had made several statements in connection with the settlement of the
    Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. Thus, it cannot be ruled out that Richard
    Armitage will address regional leaders, in particular the Azerbaijani
    and Armenian presidents, with concrete proposals on the settlement of
    this problem.

    "He will also try to get more precise answers to his proposals from
    the sides," Ahmadoglu said.

    [Passage omitted: there might be other proposals on regional

    Ahmadoglu believes that the USA is interested in the strengthening of
    Azerbaijan. "There can be statements on human rights and
    democracy. But the USA accepts the incumbent authorities. The White
    House will boost both economic and geopolitical and military
    cooperation with Azerbaijan," the analyst said.