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Aravot: Useful advice to Misha

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  • Aravot: Useful advice to Misha

    Useful advice to Misha

    Aravot, Yerevan
    13 Mar 04

    On the eve of his visit to Armenia, Georgian President Mikheil
    Saakashvili gave an interview to Armenian journalists and said that he
    wanted very much to learn Armenia's experience in the law-enforcement
    agencies and especially, in fighting corruption in the police, as the
    level of corruption in Georgia is incomparably higher than in Armenia,
    according to Saakashvili. So the Georgian president wants Kocharyan to
    explain how he manages to do this and in addition, how our president
    has managed to establish law and order in the state service system. We
    are also eager to discuss this issue with Kocharyan. To be short, the
    young president of Georgia has come to Armenia not only for
    establishing friendly relations with the Armenians, but also for
    learning our country's experience that will be applied in Georgia

    If, for example, the police in Georgia do not simply take bribes as
    they do in our country, but demand money from drivers threatening them
    with a gun, then Kocharyan may give really good advice. The same
    concerns the state system, as nobody is being robbed in our country,
    and people and private companies "pay taxes" of their own volition. In
    this case, Kocharyan will teach Saakashvili how to create a system
    under which people will give bribes to officials and policemen of
    their own volition.

    But corruption is not the most important issue. The newly-elected
    president of Georgia should be thinking of gaining victory in the next
    presidential elections, when the people's euphoria ends and most of
    social problems are not resolved. Our president will really become an
    inestimable adviser for Saakashvili on the issue of "being re-elected".
    For example, Kocharyan may give very valuable advice about how to
    revoke the licence of any undesirable independent TV company, about
    how to turn the parliament into a puppet, about the laws that the
    parliament should be forced adopt in order to restrict freedom of
    speech and the press and about how to fight the opposition that
    irritates them from time to time. Saakashvili may get advice about how
    to stuff ballot boxes and rig the results of elections. And remember,
    my friend Misha [meaning Mikheil Saakashvili], opposition activists
    should be definitely arrested. The people should be kept in an
    atmosphere of fear. To be honest, Saakashvili will learn all these
    skills without his counterpart's advice in a year.