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Russian FM speaks out on Russia's policy in southeast Asia

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  • Russian FM speaks out on Russia's policy in southeast Asia

    RIA Novosti, Russia
    March 17 2004


    MOSCOW, March 17, 2004 (RIA Novosti) - Moscow has noted progress in
    Russian-Chinese relations. "China is our neighbour and friend,"
    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a press conference on

    "Russia's and China's positions on the overwhelming majority of
    international problems are identical," Mr. Lavrov said and added that
    China's position was becoming clearer and more outward-looking.

    Mr. Lavrov also said that China was emerging as a major international

    Russia believes it important that China should tackle international
    issues in cooperation with other countries. "This is a guarantee of
    sustainable international relations," said the minister.

    Speaking about Russia's relations with Japan, Mr. Lavrov said the
    bilateral peace treaty must be drafted with due heed to the two
    countries' constitutions.

    The minister said Moscow and Tokyo had a plan, according to which
    they were working over the treaty.

    When pressed for comment on Russia's position on the territorial
    dispute with Japan, Mr. Lavrov said that both countries had relevant
    guidelines and the desire to move on.

    Japanese Premier Junichiro Koizumi and Russian leaders adopted the
    Action Plan in January 2003 when Mr. Koizumi was visiting Russia.
    This comprehensive political document outlined the guidelines of
    bilateral cooperation, including the guidelines of peace treaty

    The negotiating process involves the two countries' senior officials
    and a bilateral commission, which was set up in 1998 and is headed by
    the two foreign ministers.

    Japan's claims to South Kuriles continue to be the most sensitive
    issue of bilateral relations, which hampers the signing of the peace
    treaty. The insufficient volume and dynamism of mutual trade, which
    do not correspond to the two countries' cooperation potential, poor
    investment in the Russian economy and Tokyo's refusal to re-register
    the former Soviet Union's property in Japan with modern Russia make a
    series of other problems facing the two countries.

    Mr. Lavrov also emphasised at the press conference that Moscow sought
    to continue the six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear programme.

    The Russian minister emphasised that the next round of talks had been
    scheduled for as early as the summer of 2004.

    Mr. Lavrov said he would meet his South Korean counterpart, Pan
    Ki-mun, in late April or early May.

    "This is when we will discuss arrangements for the third round of
    six-party talks on North Korea, which will positively take place,"
    Mr. Lavrov said, when asked whether the impeachment of South Korean
    President No Mu-hyon would influence the negotiating process.

    The process involves the United States, North Korea and other parties
    concerned, including Russia, China, South Korea and Japan, which are
    looking for ways to end the North's nuclear programme. The first two
    rounds of talks in Beijing did not bring progress, however the
    countries did not abandon their efforts.

    At the end of the second round of talks, the parties announced that
    they would gather for the third round in summer 2004. They also
    resolved to set up a joint working group to round off rough corners
    in the positions of, above all, the USA and North Korea.

    Observers suggested that the impeachment of the South Korean leader,
    who supports rapprochement with the North, may affect the course of
    talks. However, South Korea's constitutional court may overrule,
    within 6 months, the parliament's impeachment decision if it finds it
    insufficiently substantiated.

    When speaking about the situation in the Balkans, Mr. Lavrov said
    Russia was continuing to promote its interests in the region by
    developing friendly relations with regional countries.

    "We look forward to a time when the withdrawal of troops of one
    country from another country will not be treated as the latter's
    inability to ensure its interests," said Mr. Lavrov.

    Mr. Lavrov said Moscow advocated a united Cyprus' accession to the
    European Union. However, this must happen on mutual accord and under
    the UN aegis, said the Foreign Minister.

    In the beginning, Russia had some doubts about the UN-proposed scheme
    of resolving the Cyprus problem, according to which the UN Secretary
    General was to advance his solution if the Cypriot negotiators,
    Greece and Turkey fail to come to an agreement.

    "We thought such an approach would endanger the principle of
    voluntariness," said Mr. Lavrov. He added that the involved parties'
    current actions dispelled Moscow's doubts.

    In comments on media reports that Greece has approached NATO,
    requesting it to help ensure Greek athletes' security during the
    summer Olympics in Athens, Mr. Lavrov said it was Greece's legitimate
    right to do so. "As to our athletes, we will resolve this problem on
    our own," he said.

    When dwelling on certain aspects of Russia's relations with former
    Soviet republics, the Foreign Minister emphasised that Moscow was
    continuing efforts to settle the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over
    Nagorny Karabakh.

    "Russia co-chairs what is known as the Minsk Group, which also
    involves the USA and France. The group is looking for appropriate
    ways to settle the conflict," said Mr. Lavrov.

    The group had advanced a series of settlement scenarios, which did
    not work for technical, and later on, for political reasons,
    according to Mr. Lavrov.

    Yerevan and Baku will conduct direct political dialogue, which will
    bring stability to the entire region, said Mr. Lavrov.