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The AAE Call Upon the AGBU

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  • The AAE Call Upon the AGBU


    Azat Artsakh--Republic of Nagorno Karabagh (NKR)

    Brussels, March 15th, 2004 - It is with deep regret that the Assembly
    of Armenians of Europe learnt about the decision of the AGBU
    Administrative Board to close gradually the Melkonian School of
    Cyprus. The Boarding School of the Melkonian Educational Institution
    will be the first to be shut down. It is undeniable truth that the
    Armenian School is the stronghold that preserves the Armenian Diaspora
    from being assimilated and keeps alive the Armenian spirit. Indeed,
    since its foundation the Melkonian Educational Institution has not
    been just a school, but the principle basis for the preservation of
    our national identity outside of Armenia. Many political and cultural
    figures have been educated here. Taking into consideration that many
    young Armenians attend the Melkonian School, the closing of the latter
    will have grave consequences not only on the Armenian Community in
    Cyprus, but also in the countries of Middle East, Europe and countries
    of ex-Soviet Union Republic. The Melkonian School offers the best
    opportunity to the young Armenians to get acquainted with the Armenian
    history, culture and traditions and inspires them with the Armenian
    values. The fact that the Melkonian Educational Institution is the
    only Armenian secondary school in Europe (besides the school, recently
    established in France) emphasizes its importance. Such decision puts
    under question the very principles and objectives of the AGBU
    Administrative Board which for many decades has been administrating
    the Melkonian School and their commitment to the preservation of
    Armenian values. Therefore, the Assembly of Armenians of Europe calls
    upon the Administrative Board of the AGBU to reconsider their decision
    for the sake of the whole Armenian Diaspora. By applying such a
    decision, the AGBU will definitely fail to fulfill its historical
    mission, which is the preservation of the Armenian Identity and
    Armenian values.
