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OSCE chairman conveys Azeri message on Karabakh to Armenians

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  • OSCE chairman conveys Azeri message on Karabakh to Armenians

    OSCE chairman conveys Azeri message on Karabakh to Armenians

    BTA web site, Sofia
    17 Mar 04

    Yerevan, 17 March: The authorities in Armenia insist on respect for
    the right of Nagorno-Karabakh to self-determination, Armenian Prime
    Minister Andranik Markaryan and Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan said
    when they conferred with Bulgarian Foreign Minister and
    Chairman-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
    Europe (OSCE) Solomon Pasi here on Wednesday [17 March].

    Pasi conveyed to Yerevan Baku's message on bilateral and vigorous
    dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan on settlement of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Bulgarian Foreign Ministry Information
    Directorate Chief Viktoria Melamed told Bulgarian journalists in

    The Armenian prime minister and foreign minister told the OSCE
    chairman-in-office that Yerevan is ready to consider the dialogue
    alternative even though it finds disturbing certain recent statements
    by Baku. According to Oskanyan, a more concrete European prospect for
    Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan will encourage the finding of
    solutions to a number of problems in the region. The Caucasus
    countries need a positive signal to stimulate the leaders and peoples
    in the region to look at the conflicts from a different angle,
    Oskanyan said.

    For his part, Pasi noted that OSCE is doing an enormous amount of work
    in the Balkans and he wants the same attention and efforts to be
    devoted to the Caucasus as well. "The Balkans were different 15 years
    ago and I am sure that the Caucasus will become different, too," Pasi

    Earlier on Wednesday, he visited the ancient Armenian capital of
    Echmiazin, where he conferred with Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and
    Catholicos of All Armenians.