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Scorsolini remembers Peace Corps service in the town of Stepanavan

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  • Scorsolini remembers Peace Corps service in the town of Stepanavan

    Allentown Messenger Press, NJ
    March 18 2004

    Washington Township resident, Lisa Scorsolini, remembers her Peace
    Corps service in the town of Stepanavan, Armenia.

    WASHINGTON - The smiling faces look out from the photos that
    captured a moment in the past. Lisa Scorsolini looks through the
    pictures, remembering the time she spent in a country halfway around
    the world.
    From May 1997 to August 1999 Ms. Scorsolini, 32, of Schenk Place
    was a volunteer with the Peace Corps. She was stationed in Armenia,
    in the small town of Stepanavan.
    "I joined the Peace Corps because it was something I had always
    wanted to do," she said. "In today's world it would behoove us to
    know more about the rest of the world. The Peace Corps is one of the
    best uses of taxpayers' dollars that I can think of."
    In honor of National Peace Corps Week held last week, Ms.
    Scorsolini spent the week encouraging young people to consider
    volunteering for the organization, while creating an interest and
    awareness of the program.
    She gave presentations about her experience at Pond Road Middle
    School and Notre Dame High School in Lawrence Township.
    "The Peace Corps has three main missions - to provide technical
    assistance to countries in need, provide a better understanding of
    American culture to foreign peoples and to give Americans a chance to
    better understand foreign cultures," she said.
    Ms. Scorsolini studied international relations and Hispanic and
    Italian studies in college. and said the Peace Corps seemed like an
    interesting experience. She also has been an exchange student to
    Mexico in high school and that experience prompted her to want to
    travel and work abroad.
    However, the Peace Corps was not her first stop after graduating
    from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. She went to work as an
    international marketing manager at the World Trade Center for a
    division of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
    "My department was slated for privatization and downsizing, so for
    a few months it was very unsettling to work there," she said. "No one
    knew what the future would bring so I considered applying for the
    Peace Corps."
    She submitted her application in February 1997 and received her
    acceptance in April along with her assignment to Armenia. She said
    the Peace Corps does not allow volunteers to choose where they will
    work and live.
    "The application asks for a geographic preference and I put down
    Latin America," she said. "I figured that would be good for me
    because I spoke Spanish and had already been there when I was in high
    She said she was excited about the chance to explore a different
    area of the world but was naive about the former Soviet Union.
    "I researched the country before I left but I always assumed I'd
    be speaking Russian," she said. "When I got there I realized that
    everyone knows Russian but Armenian is what's spoken in homes,
    workplaces and on the streets."
    After arriving in Armenia Ms. Scorsolini lived with a host family
    in Abovian. For 12 weeks she underwent intense Peace Corps training,
    including language and cross-cultural awareness classes.
    After graduating and becoming an official volunteer she was moved
    to Stepanavan and lived on her own in a small studio apartment.
    "Armenia was affected by a massive earthquake in December 1988
    that killed between 25,000 and 30,000 people and left more than
    100,000 people homeless," she said. "Then winter hit and the
    international community brought in temporary housing structures to
    hold the country over until permanent buildings could be built."
    However, 10 years later the citizens are still living in the
    temporary structures, including Ms. Scorsolini. The wooden building
    was heated by individual heaters and she had a flushing toilet. There
    was no running hot water or gas, but she said she had it better than
    most of her fellow volunteers.
    "Some people only had access to running water at specifics times
    during the day," she said. "And the water was always cold. They had
    to schedule their time around when the water would come."
    She had a refrigerator and cooked with propane tanks and portable
    gas burners provided by the Peace Corps. She also received a $180 a
    month stipend.
    "It was very modest but it met my needs," she said. "It's amazing
    what you can do without. You couldn't take a vacation but it was
    enough to pay for basic necessities with some money leftover."
    One of the requirements of the Peace Corps is that the volunteers
    live at the same economic level of the people they are living with.
    Ms. Scorsolini said she had a neighbor, a single mother with two
    children, aging parents and a younger brother, who supported her
    family of six on less than $80 a month.
    "Living there is very different from living in the United States,"
    she said. "Every meal is prepared from scratch. You have to can
    vegetables in the summer because during the winter all you can eat
    are carrots, cabbage and potatoes because that's what's in season."
    Getting the food she needed to eat was not an easy task. There was
    no public transportation in Stepanavan so she was forced to walk to
    the market every day.
    "One time I needed milk and when I was living there in 1997 there
    was no processed milk," she said. "If you did not own a cow you
    needed to know someone who did. Even then, milk was only available in
    the early mornings after the cows were milked. It was late afternoon
    and I needed milk for a dish I was making and I spent the afternoon
    walking around the town asking if someone had any milk. They all
    laughed at me."
    Officially Ms. Scorsolini was a business development volunteer,
    but she said her job description was purposely vague.
    "The Peace Corps sets up a broad framework for volunteers so that
    the individual can make the experience their own," she said.
    One of her missions in Stepanavan was to set up a language and
    computer center by working with local community groups to write grant
    proposals for local improvement projects. She managed to secure
    computers for the center with a Peace Corps grant.
    "There was a woman there who had been trained in computers, but
    she had never worked with Microsoft Word, Windows or the Internet,"
    Ms. Scorsolini said. "Our grant was to enable her to take classes and
    then teach what she learned to the townspeople."
    The center also provided language books and classes to the town's
    residents for a modest fee. According to Ms. Scorsolini the center is
    still operating today and has expanded twice.
    Ms. Scorsolini also taught an aerobics class for women, recruiting
    a local carpenter to make steps out of wood. The classes were held in
    the evenings in an old building.
    "I made it work however I could," she said, adding that she wanted
    to provide recreational opportunities for Armenia's large female
    population that would improve their self-esteem and promote healthy
    "It's a Christian nation that tends to be male dominated," Ms.
    Scorsolini said. "There aren't any activities for young women."
    In addition to her other jobs, she taught junior achievement
    classes in Western business practices at local universities. Her
    classes were made up entirely of women.
    "There is a disparate population of girls in Armenia," she said.
    "There are seven women to every one man."
    She said most men left the country to find work or were killed
    during conflicts with neighboring countries.
    A typical day entailed waking up and going for a morning jog with
    her neighbor. Then they would cook breakfast, usually an omelet made
    with vegetables, pancakes made from scratch or french toast.
    "Eggs and bread were very plentiful in town and my neighbor had a
    cow so we had lots of milk," she said. "Dinner leftovers were also
    served for breakfast sometimes, which was a common practice."
    After breakfast, Ms. Scorsolini taught her classes at the
    university, coming home for lunch, and then worked in the afternoon
    on grant proposals or conducted meetings. Her aerobics class met in
    the evenings and then she would cook dinner, socialize with friends
    and go to bed.
    "It was a very simple existence," she said. "The town didn't have
    many restaurants. There was no movie theater or other forms of
    After completing her two years of service with the Peace Corps,
    Ms. Scorsolini headed back to New Jersey. After three months of
    unsuccessful job hunting she realized she was not ready to be back
    stateside and began pursuing job opportunities overseas, ending up in
    Georgia on Armenia's northern border.
    "I was nostalgic for Armenia and my former life there and figured
    I could visit my friends on long weekends," she said.
    After six months of working in Georgia as program director working
    with internationally displaced persons, she moved back to Armenia to
    work with the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Population,
    Refugees and Migration.
    For more than three and a half years she worked as a grant writer,
    helping small tourism, apparel, information technology and jewelry
    businesses cooperate and compete in the growing Armenian market.
    However, too much of a good thing can spell disaster and for Ms.
    Scorsolini being away from home for more than six years caused her to
    burn out.
    "I just spent too long in one country," she said. "Our grants were
    significantly downsized and I realized that I had accomplished what I
    had set out to do."
    She also decided that she needed to further her education in order
    to advance professionally and personally. She is hoping to attend law
    school in the fall and one day work in international law, either for
    a United States government agency or the United Nations.
    One of the most important lessons Ms. Scorsolini learned from her
    Peace Corps experience was how to be tolerant and flexible.
    "I find that now I can do without luxuries," she said. "There are
    very limited resources in Armenia and it made me realize just how
    wasteful we are as Americans. Coming back and trying to adjust to the
    every day materialism is hard."
    She said she went into a Wal-Mart recently and was overwhelmed by
    the number of choices she had.
    "We really take everything for granted because we have access to
    everything in this country," she said. "We truly are a country that
    does not want for anything. To see what people in other countries can
    live without is astounding and really taught me a lot about