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Humor Consultants Teach Workplaces How to Laugh Without Offending

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  • Humor Consultants Teach Workplaces How to Laugh Without Offending

    Miami Herald, FL
    March 18 2004

    Humor Consultants Teach Workplaces How to Laugh Without Offending

    By Diwata Fonte, The Fresno Bee, Calif. Knight Ridder/Tribune
    Business News

    Mar. 17--VISALIA, Calif. - Within minutes, Amy Shuklian is telling
    you about Armenians, turning 40, and the fad diets that lasted longer
    than her five-month marriage.

    "People would say things [to me] like, 'Gosh you had so much in
    common it seems like you wanted the same things out of life.' And we
    did. Unfortunately, the same thing we both wanted was a husband."

    Shuklian is warming up the crowd of about two dozen businesspeople at
    a meeting Tuesday of the Visalia Chamber of Commerce. She's breaking
    the ice, but also talking about humor in the workplace, tying in some
    of the best-known staples of joke-telling: ethnic and gender
    stereotypes and self-deprecation.

    These days, it seems like workplace humor is as dangerous on the job
    as exposed wiring or dirty air. While many employees are taught to
    tie their tongues and save the jokes for outside the office, humor
    consultants like Shuklian of Visalia work with companies to show that
    there is still room for laughter on the job.

    Workplace experts say a light-hearted work atmosphere is essential to
    reducing stress and improving employee morale and productivity.

    But -- and there's always a but when talking about humor -- it must
    also be appropriate, tasteful and sensitive.

    Jokes invoking ethnic or religious stereotypes, as well as those old
    standbys -- the priest, the minister and the rabbi who go golfing,
    for example -- can be landmines. Desk toys, situational comedy and
    "life's set-ups" -- those perfectly timed moments when a witty
    observation can crack up the room -- can easily fit into a
    professional workplace, Shuklian said.

    Alicia Sundstrom, owner of the Financial Credit Network collection
    agency in Visalia, took more than a dozen of her managers to listen
    to Shuklian's presentation.

    Sundstrom, who keeps a toy leprechaun and an oversized smile mask at
    her office, said: "Bill-collecting is not a happy environment. We
    work really hard to create an environment that the staff wants to
    come to daily."

    Humor consultants help to bridge the gray areas, by reminding
    employees that the right kind of humor is both acceptable and
    beneficial to their jobs.

    In fact, most employers list a good sense of humor as a desirable
    trait in a new employee; for example, it improves employee
    relationships, said Steven M. Sultanoff of Irvine, a consultant who
    holds a doctorate in clinical psychology. It also helps employees
    manage stress and crisis, he said.

    "The first thing is to look at the target of the humor," Sultanoff
    said. Situations, self and other people are the basic targets of
    humor, he said.

    "In general, the least threatening humor is when you target the
    situation," Sultanoff said.

    For example, poking fun at a company policy or an event is relatively
    safe. Another safe target is making fun at yourself, like pointing
    out your messy desk.

    The most dangerous area is targeting other people, even if you think
    they can take a little good-natured ribbing.

    "Not only because some people can't tell jokes, there's a fine line
    between what can draw people together, and an even finer line of what
    can draw people apart," Shuklian said.

    For that reason, Shuklian advises avoiding all jokes in the "Did you
    hear the one about...?" genre, no matter how benign they might seem.

    When the fine line gets crossed, human resources professionals
    usually get called.

    "You're trying to create an enjoyable work place. Humor can help
    improve the morale; however, when done inappropriately, it can lower
    morale, or worse," said Ward Scheitrum, the president of the Human
    Resource Association of Central California.

    As a result, some businesses create broad zero-tolerance policies on
    top of the state's Fair Employment and Housing Act, which protects
    certain groups from discrimination, said Charles Taylor, a Fresno
    employment lawyer.

    Those policies, while not specifically forbidding any attempts at
    humor, make it clear that the employer takes a dim view of humor that
    may involve ethnic, religious or gender stereotypes.