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Franklin Institute to honor scientist snubbed for Nobel

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  • Franklin Institute to honor scientist snubbed for Nobel

    Posted on Thu, Mar. 18, 2004
    Franklin Institute to honor scientist snubbed for Nobel
    By Faye Flam

    Inquirer Staff Writer

    Raymond Damadian, the scientist who was publicly miffed that he didn't
    win last year's Nobel Prize, is a winner of one of the Franklin
    Institute's top awards, to be announced today.

    Damadian, 67, a pioneer in medical imaging research, made waves in
    October when he bought ads in three major newspapers to argue that he
    should have won the 2003 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine.

    He is among the scientists and innovators to be honored with the
    prestigious Franklin awards, bestowed over the last 180 years on
    scientists, engineers and inventors including such luminaries as
    Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Thomas Edison, and Alexander Graham

    In addition to five Franklin Medals, the institute gives out two
    special honors called the Bower Awards, one for business and one for
    science. The awards are tied to a different theme each year - for
    2004, it's brain research.

    Damadian won the Bower Award for business leadership. It carries no
    monetary prize. He said he was honored to be recognized by the
    Franklin Institute and has put the Nobel disappointment behind him.

    The Bower Award for science, which includes a cash prize of $250,000,
    will go to Seymour Benzer of the California Institute of Technology,
    who laid the foundation for today's understanding of the way genes
    influence behavior. Benzer's work was chronicled in the Pulitzer
    Prize-winning book Love, Time, Memory by Bucks County author Jonathan

    Benzer discovered he could use fruit flies to study how the brain
    works. Small and simple as they appear, fruit flies can record
    memories and learn. They have elaborate courting behavior and keep
    time with internal clocks. And fruit flies multiply fast, so multiple
    generations can be tracked in just a few weeks. Benzer bred flies with
    abnormalities in their behavior and then isolated the genetic mistakes

    This year's other winners include physicist Robert Meyer of Brandeis
    University; chemist Harry Gray of Caltech; computer scientist Richard
    Karp of the University of California, Berkeley; electrical engineer
    Robert Newnham of Pennsylvania State University; and mechanical
    engineer Roger Bacon of Amoco and Union Carbide.

    All of the medalists will be honored at a ceremony at the Franklin
    Institute on April 29.

    Damadian was recognized for his contribution to the medical use of
    magnetic resonance imaging, which has proved extremely valuable for
    detecting tumors, damaged ligaments and cartilage, and other problems
    with the body's soft tissue. It also has opened up new frontiers in
    brain research.

    During the 1950s, scientists were using what was to become MRI as an
    analytical tool for chemistry. The technique, then called nuclear
    magnetic resonance, relied on the way the nuclei of different atoms
    became excited when subjected to a magnetic field and pulses of radio
    waves. The time these different nuclei took to "relax" back to their
    normal states could be used to distinguish one type of atom from

    In the late 1960s, Damadian thought it might be possible to use
    nuclear magnetic resonance to distinguish cancerous tumors from
    healthy tissue. He tested his idea and eventually secured a patent on
    the technology.

    Damadian, a native of Forest Hills, N.Y., started a company named
    Fonar, which has installed 300 MRI machines around the world. He and
    his company have prospered; in one recent patent dispute against
    General Electric, he won $127.8 million.

    But there was more to the MRI story. During the 1970s, two other
    researchers, Paul Lauterbur and Peter Mansfield, independently
    realized that if they varied the magnetic field in space, the
    molecules in different parts of an internal organ - say, the brain -
    would respond differently, depending on their positions. These
    scientists further developed this concept as a way to build up a 3-D
    picture of the brain or other soft tissue in the body, which is the
    main use of MRI today.

    In 2003, Lauterbur and Mansfield won the Nobel Prize in physiology or
    medicine for developing MRI as a technique for 3-D images. Some who
    work in the field have said publicly they agree with the Nobel
    committee's decision; others side with Damadian, who has suggested he
    might have been overlooked because of his outspoken view that God
    created human beings along with the rest of the universe 6,000 years
    ago, a notion that offends many scientists.

    Damadian spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to take out full-page
    ads in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington
    Post under the headline: "The Shameful Wrong that Should be Righted."
    He argued that if he had never been born, there would be no MRI today.

    Contact staff writer Faye Flam at 215-854-4977 or [email protected]