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NATO months in the Caucasus

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  • NATO months in the Caucasus

    Agency WPS
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    March 19, 2004, Friday


    SOURCE: Russky Kurier, March 15, 2004, p. 6

    by Rada Guseinova, Marina Kalashnikova


    American military and diplomatic delegation was met in Baku,
    Azerbaijan, on March 12. The delegation includes a group of the
    Supreme Consultative Council of the US Army European Command under
    General Charles Wald. The delegation comprises Admiral Gregory
    Johnson, US Navy Commander in Europe and NATO Commander in South
    Europe, and numerous ambassadors.

    President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev met with the Americans on
    Saturday. In his speech, Aliyev ascribed rapid rapprochement with
    official Washington and NATO in general to the necessity of
    "reinforcing regional stability and security." General Wald in his
    turn added that terrorist acts in Spain testifying to activeness of
    international terrorism only served to made Western aid in security
    matters all the more assured. Efforts of the international community
    should be concentrated on settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict, protection of Caspian energy resources, and elimination of
    terrorist groups in the southern part of the Caucasus. That is why an
    emphasis is made on military cooperation, not economy. Military
    cooperation and interaction was the talk of the week in Baku. In
    fact, the whole week became "American" for official Baku because of
    the delegations from across the ocean coming one after another.

    The capital of Azerbaijan was visited by a group of the US AF
    College, Undersecretary Lynn Pasco, a delegation under Eric Schultz
    of the US Department of State and Bruce Rogers, assistant political
    adviser to the US mission to NATO. Washington's plans are simple. It
    is out to draw countries of the southern part of the Caucasus - first
    and foremost Azerbaijan and Georgia - into the orbit of close
    cooperation with NATO within the next two or three years. And to
    bring their national armies closer to NATO standards. The latter
    objective is inseparable from settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    conflict. All these issues were discussed at length by Defense
    Minister of Azerbaijan Safar Abiyev and Schultz and Rogers. A more
    detailed discussion is to follow during Abiyev's upcoming visit to
    Washington in the near future.

    For the time being, General Wald in Baku continues discussion of the
    mobile groups, the idea he first came up with three months ago. A
    well-informed and trustworthy source in military circles of
    Azerbaijan says that the Americans came with specific suggestions.
    Issues of the European ballistic missile defense are being discussed
    among other things. An accord with Baku on the use of the Gabala
    radar may be of particular interest from this point of view. For the
    time being, the radar is a subject of the Russian-Azerbaijani
    agreement in accordance with which the signatories share the
    information obtained by the radar. Meanwhile, Baku signed several
    information exchange accords with advanced countries including the
    United States. According to the source, Wold is trying to convince
    official Baku that "Azerbaijan should share the information obtained
    by the radar with the United States as its military partner" since
    "there are no legal obstacles to it, actually." Details of military
    cooperation will be discussed at the meetings with heads of the
    Defense Ministry, State Border Service, and National Security

    Inspired by the new stimuli of rapprochement with the European Union
    and NATO, Aliyev with his Georgian counterpart is about to visit the
    countries that have already been drafted into the NATO orbit. He will
    meet with leaders of the Vilnius Ten in Bratislava within the
    framework of an international conference on the "expanded Europe" and
    "new neighbors" on March 18 and 19. Premiers of Ireland, Turkey,
    Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovine were invited to the
    forum too. NATO General Secretary Jaan de Hoop Sheffer and European
    Union Expansion Commissar Gunther Verheugen will also be present.

    US State Undersecretary Richard Armitage will tour capitals of the
    Caucasus in late March. This visit may speed up the sharp turn of
    countries of the southern part of the Caucasus to the West. Armitage
    is known as a prominent specialist in matters of security and war on
    terrorism. He intends to discuss pressing problems of the war on
    terrorism with three presidents of the Caucasus. It was Armitage who
    said in his time that establishment of US military bases in
    Azerbaijan was but a matter of time. Neither is Armitage exactly
    ignorant of Azerbaijani affairs. It is Armitage who knows everything
    there is to know about the Aliyevs and their affairs and explains
    their interests to the US Administration - both in the spheres of
    politics and oil. When in the Caucasus, he will apparently discuss
    Caspian oil, security of the Baku - Tbilisi - Dzheikhan pipeline,
    location of mobile groups, and roles of the three countries of the
    Caucasus in the war on international terrorism.

    Translated by A. Ignatkin