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BAKU: Georgian crisis to negatively impact Azerbaijan - politicians

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  • BAKU: Georgian crisis to negatively impact Azerbaijan - politicians

    Georgian crisis to negatively impact Azerbaijan, politicians say

    Zerkalo, Baku
    18 Mar 04

    Azerbaijani opposition politicians have said that the latest events in
    Georgia will have a negative impact on the geopolitical situation in
    the region and on Azerbaijan's economic interests. In an interview
    with Zerkalo newspaper, the leaders of the main opposition parties
    called on Azerbaijan to maintain neutrality on the issue. The
    following is an excerpt from F.Teymurxanli, X. Safaroglu report by
    Azerbaijani newspaper Zerkalo on 18 March headlined "Tension in
    Georgian not in Azerbaijan's interests", subheaded "Local politicians
    think so"; subheadings have been inserted editorially:

    For obvious reasons, the Azerbaijani public cannot be indifferent to
    the recent developments in Georgia. Baku expressed its stance in this

    [Passage omitted: reported details]

    What does the [Azerbaijani] opposition think of the situation?

    In an interview with a Zerkalo correspondent, the AMIP [Azarbaycan
    Milli Istiqlal Party] chairman, Etibar Mammadov, described the
    Georgian events as a crisis, which might have a negative impact on the
    whole region. He said that the events may get out of control if they
    are not tackled. Touching upon the Ajarian authorities' attempts to
    prevent the Georgian president from entering the area, Mammadov said
    that "the head of state has the right to move freely within his
    country". The AMIP chairman said that relations between Tbilisi and
    Batumi were rather strained from the very start and therefore, the
    attempts to enter Ajaria had just aggravated the crisis.

    "The military solution to the issue means a civil war. Two flash
    points of conflict already exist in Georgia, that is South Ossetia and
    Abkhazia. No sensible president would aim at creating a third seat of
    tension," Mammadov said.

    The AMIP leader said one should not draw parallels between Ajaria and
    Nagornyy Karabakh, as "the first case is the country's internal
    affair, while the second one is the occupation of Azerbaijani
    territory by another state".

    He said that the Georgian events would affect Azerbaijan's strategic
    projects and the geopolitical situation in the region. Mammadov said
    that under the circumstances Baku should take a neutral position and
    support Georgia's territorial integrity.

    Ali Karimli

    The PFAP [People's Front of Azerbaijan Party] chairman, Ali Karimli,
    also said that Azerbaijan should support Georgia's territorial
    integrity. "Of course, we want the conflict between Tbilisi and Batumi
    to be resolved peacefully. We hope that the issue will be resolved
    through international mediators and efforts of the Georgian and
    Ajarian authorities," he said. He said that any attempts to prevent
    President Mikheil Saakashvili from moving freely in his own country
    are not logical.

    The PFAP leader said that the status of Nagornyy Karabakh should not
    be compared to that of Ajaria but of Abkhazia or South Ossetia with
    their ongoing military conflicts. He said that unlike the
    aforementioned regions, Ajaria supports the territorial integrity of
    its country and "it is not talking about ethnic separatism". He said
    that in the worst case scenario the developments in Georgia will make
    a negative impact on Azerbaijan's interests.

    "However, the development of communication lines in the region is in
    the interests of the international community, of Georgia and Ajaria. I
    think the subsequent developments will not have a negative impact on
    Azerbaijan's strategic interests," Ali Karimli said.

    [Passage omitted: other two politicians also do not see parallels
    between Ajaria and Karabakh and stress the negative impact of the
    situation on Azerbaijan.]

    Araz Alizada

    The co-chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Azerbaijan, Araz
    Alizada, was more resolute in his assessment of the situation in
    Georgia. He said that a pro-western "sick nationalist" had come to
    power in Georgia and he would do no good for his people and first of
    all for the Azeris living in that country. Alizada said that nobody
    would have tried to ban Saakashvili from entering Ajaria had it not
    been with armed people, APCs and tanks. The social democrat thinks
    that Saakashvili's attempt to enter Ajaria with the armed people and
    the power-wielding ministers was a coup d'etat.

    He joined other politicians in saying that Nagornyy Karabakh and
    Ajaria should not be compared, since the latter recognizes Georgia's
    territorial integrity.

    He said that the aggravation of the situation in Georgia would
    negatively affect Azerbaijan's strategic interests. As for the
    position of the Azerbaijani authorities, Alizada said that Baku should
    maintain neutrality.