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Oostlander Report Reaffirms Euro Parl Resolutions on Genocide Issue

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  • Oostlander Report Reaffirms Euro Parl Resolutions on Genocide Issue

    European Armenian Federation
    for Justice and Democracy
    Avenue de la Renaissance 10
    B - 1000 BRUXELLES
    Tel./Fax : +32 (0) 2 732 70 27
    E-mail : [email protected]
    Web :

    March 19th, 2004
    Contact: Talline Tachdjian
    Tel.: +32 (0)2 732 70 27


    The report:
    - references the resolution of 18 June 1987
    - calls on Turkey to reopen the borders with Armenia

    Brussels, Belgium - The European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs,
    Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy (AFET) adopted on March
    17th, 2004, the report `on Turkey's progress towards accession,' written by
    Dutch Christian Democrat Representative, Mr. Arie Oostlander (PPE), by a
    vote of 39 for, 2 against and 7 abstentions.

    This vote came after 199 amendments to the report had been proposed and
    considered by members and political parties.

    During the Committee meeting the day before, Mr. Oostlander has presented 21
    compromise amendments to the report, of which two amendments directly
    concerned Armenia and the Armenian Genocide.

    The adopted report `requests Turkey to reopen the borders with Armenia and
    to promote good neighbourly relations with Armenia, to work together to
    promote equitable solutions to the regional conflicts and not to take any
    action that would stand in the way of a historic reconciliation.'

    In another compromise amendment adopted by the Committee, the report wishes
    for `the establishment of a dialogue between Turkish and Armenian academics,
    social and non-governmental organisations in order to overcome the tragic
    experiences of the past as has been expressed in its earlier resolutions (of
    18 June 1987, 15 November 2000, 28 February 2002 and 26 February 2004)'.

    `We hail the European Parliament's affirmation of previous resolutions on
    the recognition of the Armenian Genocide,' declared Hilda Tchoboian,
    Chairperson of the European Armenian Federation. `After many years of
    intense perseverance, we have succeeded in resurfacing the resolution of
    1987 and having it reaffirmed in several European Parliament reports.'

    The Federation reminds that in his initial text, Mr. Oostlander had
    deliberately evaded the genocide issue, citing as a pretext in its
    explanatory statement, the Turkish sensitivities regarding this issue.

    `Though a reasonable dialogue between peoples is always desirable, Mr.
    Oostlander's report fails to recognize that Turkey is still today far from
    demonstrating the slightest serious intention to conduct dialogue with
    Armenia and Armenians. Consequently, it is not possible to camouflage the
    crime suffered by the Armenian people with well-meaning wishes,' stated

    Arie Oostlander's report will be submitted to European Parliament vote
    during its plenary session in the coming weeks.
