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Amb. Kirakossian Lauds Carelift International's Programs in Armenia

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  • Amb. Kirakossian Lauds Carelift International's Programs in Armenia

    March 19, 2004
    Embassy of the Republic of Armenia
    2225 R Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20008
    Tel: 202-319-1976, x. 348; Fax: 202-319-2982
    Email: [email protected]; Web:

    Ambassador Kirakossian Lauds Carelift International's Programs in Armenia

    On March 18, 2004, Armenian Ambassador to the U.S., Dr. Arman Kirakossian
    visited Philadelphia to participate in the reception celebrating the
    Carelift International, a humanitarian organization implementing health-care
    projects in Armenia and NIS countries as part of the U.S.-funded assistance
    program. Working in Armenia since 2000, the Carelift International worked to
    support health services for women and children, disease prevention and
    emergency care, and family group medicine in Yerevan and provinces of
    Armavir, Lori, and Gegharkunik. It also supported the activities of the
    Armenian American Wellness Center in Yerevan and its rural branches.

    The reception was held under the auspices of Drexel University President Dr.
    Constantine Papadakis, at the President's Residence. Dr. Papadakis and
    Carelift International founder Jeffrey Gloss addressed the supporters and
    partners of Carelift International and members of the Armenian-American
    community of Philadelphia. Mr. Gloss presented the mission of Carelift and
    its humanitarian activities in NIS countries since it had been founded in
    1992. In his remarks, Ambassador Kirakossian thanked Carelift International
    for its work in Armenia and stressed the need for continuing support for
    Armenian health care sector, currently in the process of serious reforms and
    restructuring. The Armenian Ambassador also briefed on Armenia's
    social-economic situation and the challenges facing the health care sector.
    He urged the representatives of Armenian-American community to remain
    engaged on the Armenian issues and support modern Armenia's social and
    economic progress.