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BAKU: Azeris sceptical about Armenian claims to Naxcivan - paper

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  • BAKU: Azeris sceptical about Armenian claims to Naxcivan - paper

    Azeris sceptical about Armenian claims to Naxcivan - paper

    Ekho, Baku
    17 Mar 04

    Text of R. Orucov's report by Azerbaijani newspaper Ekho on 17 March
    headlined "Armenia again encroaches on Naxcivan"

    The Union of Armenian Writers [UAW] intends to raise in the parliament
    of that country the issue of declaring void the 1921 Russian-Turkish
    treaty, which secured the cession of "Kars and some other Armenian
    territories to Turkey, and of Naxcivan to Azerbaijan". According to
    the Armenian newspaper Azg, these statements were made at a meeting of
    representatives of the Armenian intelligentsia, which was organized by
    the UAW at the Armenian government session chamber.

    According to UAW Chairman Levon Ananyan, one of the main objectives of
    the meeting was to "prevent the aforementioned treaty from sinking
    into oblivion". He noted that the Russian-Turkish treaty "On
    friendship and fraternity" dated 1921 was conducive to "extirpation of
    Armenians in this region". Ananyan said that the UAW was making
    preparations for filing an appeal with the National Assembly of
    Armenia that it should request the Russian State Duma to render the
    treaty void. The head of the UAW underscored that "we have to put the
    issues of Karabakh and Naxcivan at the same level". In addition,
    Ananyan claims that resolving this issue is "as important as it was 83
    years ago".

    In Azerbaijan attitudes towards the UAW plans are sceptical. "The
    Armenians always say what they want and what is advantageous to them,"
    doctor of international law Rustam Mammadov said in a conversation
    with Ekho. "First, they should not forget that two treaties were
    sealed on 16 March 1921 simultaneously, the Russian-Turkish and
    Armenian-Azerbaijani-Georgian ones. The second treaty reiterated the
    same provisions as in the Russian-Turkish one. And separate clauses
    were dedicated to the issue of Naxcivan in both treaties. It was
    established that Naxcivan was a constituent part of Azerbaijan. In
    fact, it was precisely because of this provision that the Turks agreed
    to sign the peace treaty." Second, Mammadov said, in this treaty
    Soviet Russia guaranteed Naxcivan's security and its being part of
    Azerbaijan. It is effectively impossible to denounce this treaty now,
    the expert said. "Because this document was not signed by the
    modern-day Russian Federation. Even the Soviet Union did not exist at
    the moment of its signing. The modern-day Russia, in turn, was created
    as a result of the dissolution of the Soviet Union." The most
    important thing is that the Armenian side has no grounds to declare
    separation of Naxcivan from Azerbaijan "because in 1921 Armenia signed
    the trilateral agreement recognizing Naxcivan as part of
    Azerbaijan. There is also an addendum to the treaty specifically
    devoted to the status of Naxcivan. And it is too signed by Armenia,"
    Rustam Mammadov emphasized.

    As to the possibility of the Armenian National Assembly requesting the
    Russian State Duma to annul the Russian-Turkish treaty of 1921, this
    option is not considered as serious by the Russian diplomats either.
    Commenting on this issue for Ekho, press attache of the embassy of the
    Russian Federation in Baku Gennadiy Yevsyukov said that "there have
    not yet been such precedents in the post-Soviet area. Therefore we, as
    serious diplomats, find it hard to analyse hypothetical steps of
    non-government organizations with respect to the regulatory and legal
    framework of the early 20th century. Personally, I would not undertake
    to get into discussions on revision of the regulatory and legal
    framework of our historical past," the diplomat said.

    In turn, deputy executive secretary of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party
    Bahar Muradova told Ekho that the voiced claims had to be viewed as
    the continuation of the notorious Armenian expansionist policies. "It
    also implies that even if Armenia, through international structures,
    officially renounces its claims to our occupied territories tomorrow,
    this does not mean that it will have given up the idea of
    appropriating Azerbaijani or Turkish lands. I think that both the
    government of our country and the international community should pay
    close attention to this matter." Muradova does not think that the
    request to the State Duma of the Russian Federation will lead to the
    results that the Armenians desire. She is confident that the Russian
    State Duma will not take steps that could jeopardize Azerbaijan's
    territorial integrity.

    Submitted by Janoyan Ana