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Lessons of Medi-Cal's Diaper Debacle

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  • Lessons of Medi-Cal's Diaper Debacle

    Los Angeles Times , CA
    March 23 2004

    Lessons of Medi-Cal's Diaper Debacle

    Slow-moving agency took years to close a loophole to fraud. And still
    problems persisted.

    By Tim Reiterman, Times Staff Writer

    SACRAMENTO - Fraud drains billions of dollars from California's
    $29-billion health program for the poor, experts say, but few of the
    thousands of products provided by Medi-Cal have been abused as much
    or for as long as adult diapers.

    In the late 1980s, Medi-Cal suffered a $200-million scandal known as

    In response, the Legislature ordered state health officials to adopt
    strict monthly limits on the amount Medi-Cal would pay retailers to
    supply diapers and other products to elderly and disabled
    beneficiaries with incontinence.

    But records show that Medi-Cal took more than nine years to fully put
    those controls in place and to close a widely known loophole in its
    computerized billing system that invited fraud.

    The state's spending on diapers for adults spiked again in the late
    1990s as dishonest providers called "diaper bandits" stole tens of
    millions of dollars more from the program. In some cases, Medi-Cal
    was billed as much as $2,000 a month for a single patient.

    The 1990s episode, state auditors found in December, amounted to a
    clear failure by Medi-Cal officials to promptly correct a costly and
    well-known fraud problem.

    And as the state grapples with a multibillion-dollar budget deficit,
    the recurring saga of out-of-control spending for an item as simple
    as diapers for adults helps to illustrate why controlling spending
    for healthcare remains such a challenge.

    State health officials say they have worked long and hard over the
    years to stamp out the fraud without unduly restricting access to
    incontinence products that give patients comfort, security and skin
    protection - or unduly hurting honest providers.

    Medi-Cal tightened the screening of providers, imposed its first
    usage limits and negotiated wholesale price levels with

    Officials say they are steadily bringing down spending on
    incontinence products.

    But they still can't be certain, after two major outbreaks, that they
    have stemmed the thievery.

    Stan Rosenstein, who oversees Medi-Cal as the state health
    department's deputy director for medical care services, said the
    trouble with fraud is that dishonest providers "are always testing

    "They use their computers to test our computer system," he said.

    Growing Demand

    The demand for incontinence supplies has grown as the number of aged
    and disabled beneficiaries has increased. Medi-Cal has paid more than
    $1.4 billion for such products since mid-1986.

    Even so, officials saw two dramatic rises in spending for
    incontinence supplies that they attributed largely to fraud and
    misuse, not to caseload growth.

    Figures compiled for The Times by Medi-Cal show that reimbursements
    were $13 million in 1987 and roughly tripled in each of the next two
    years, exceeding $130 million in 1989.

    During a crackdown on providers, spending plunged to $58 million by
    1991, but then began a steady climb that accelerated to more than
    $107 million in 1997 and peaked at $143 million in 1999. The Medi-Cal
    system relies, to a large degree, on the honesty of healthcare
    providers who submit bills for products prescribed by doctors and
    supplied to patients.

    To file a claim, a retailer must first obtain a billing number from
    Medi-Cal. And in the late 1980s, that was easy to get. People with no
    experience in the healthcare industry, and no special license, set up
    shop. There was no limit on how many diapers they could bill to
    Medi-Cal, as long as they appeared to have doctors' prescriptions.
    And many took advantage.

    As pharmacy investigations chief for Medi-Cal, Carlo Michelotti was
    one of the first to begin chasing the "diaper bandits."

    "We identified $200 million in questionable payments," said
    Michelotti, now chief executive officer of the California Pharmacists
    Assn. "So I put a band of merry men together."

    >From San Diego to the San Francisco Bay Area, Michelotti's staff
    helped track down unscrupulous diaper purveyors operating out of mail
    drops, a liquor store, even a used tire shop with a junkyard dog out

    The first Diapergate investigations by federal and state authorities
    yielded dozens of criminal convictions.

    Spurred by lawmakers and the scandal, Medi-Cal in the early 1990s
    established a $165 monthly limit on the cost of incontinence products
    for each Medi-Cal patient, which industry sources say covers several
    diapers a day plus pads or liners.

    However, it was an open secret among providers that the Medi-Cal
    computer system had a gaping flaw.

    The computer would stop a retailer from billing over the limit, but
    it would not prevent other retailers from collecting similar amounts
    for the same patient.

    "We complained to Medi-Cal for years about it," said Bob Achermann,
    executive director of the California Assn. of Medical Product
    Suppliers. "The response was that it was a systems issue."

    Medi-Cal had identified a fix, but officials say they decided it
    would put honest retailers at too much financial risk. Store
    operators would have no way of knowing whether another supplier had
    already used up a Medi-Cal patient's monthly allotment and could get
    stuck for the price of the diapers.

    Medi-Cal did nothing to close the loophole. And by the mid-1990s, the
    word was out in Los Angeles County, where experts say fraud is most
    prevalent and where a disproportionate number of diapers has been

    In 1997-98, there were more medical supply dealers "than 7-Elevens
    and gas stations put together," recalled Roubik Assatourian,
    president of a medical products wholesaler, who agreed to cooperate
    with the government and who has testified in numerous federal
    prosecutions and before Congress. "It was one dealer opening and
    telling his sister and cousin....

    "The economy was good," Assatourian said in an interview, "and there
    was a surplus in the state budget, and the state was not really
    paying attention."

    Some retailers plied beneficiaries with free groceries or gifts to
    get their business. Some were swapping patient identification
    information so they could bill Medi-Cal. Some had so many surplus
    diapers, purchased at taxpayers' expense, that they were unloading
    them at swap meets.

    The smartest operators realized that Medi-Cal had begun to inspect
    invoices to see whether stores had purchased enough stock to support
    their Medi-Cal billings. And that's where Assatourian came in.

    As president of Apical Corp., he provided bogus invoices to dozens of
    retailers, making it appear that they had received the diapers that
    they claimed to have provided to patients.

    One of his customers was Khahik Simonyan, owner of Eagle Pharmacy and
    a well-known member of the local Armenian community who helped
    sponsor youth programs and shipped containers of diapers to aid
    earthquake victims in Armenia.

    Medi-Cal had paid Eagle about $1.45 million in 1997 through mid-1998,
    most of it for incontinence supplies supposedly provided to about 700

    Assatourian conceded that some of his invoices had inflated the
    number of diapers delivered to Eagle. Other invoices falsely stated
    that Eagle had received adult diapers when they instead had gotten
    baby diapers, which are much in demand but are ineligible for
    Medi-Cal repayment.

    "Baby diapers were delivered, but adult diapers were billed,"
    Assatourian testified after Simonyan was indicted in 2000 on federal
    charges of stealing $627,000 from Medi-Cal.

    Assatourian said he had supplied falsified invoices so he could
    survive in a corrupt marketplace. "People ... were opening up medical
    supply stores with the full intent of committing fraud," he said.
    "These people were putting legitimate medical supply businesses out
    of business."

    Simonyan was convicted, but authorities say he fled the country
    before his sentencing in August 2002.

    Within the ranks of Medi-Cal, internal reviews in 1999 and 2000 found
    that spending on incontinence supplies was spiking by $5 million a
    month, and that sometimes more than 10 different stores were billing
    for diapers for the same beneficiary. Medi-Cal had a
    $60-million-a-year problem on its hands.

    "After I picked myself off the floor, we got together a group the
    next day and started a multifaceted attack," Rosenstein said. "It was
    all bad news, and we took it on aggressively."

    Providers Eliminated

    Hundreds of providers were eliminated or dropped when Medi-Cal
    ordered them to reapply for eligibility. There was a moratorium on
    new medical equipment providers, which continues today. Dozens of
    bogus providers were prosecuted by federal and state authorities. And
    Medi-Cal billings receded.

    The solution to the computer loophole was described in a 2000 staff
    analysis as a "simple change" costing $10,000. It essentially allowed
    Medi-Cal to track the dollar amount of incontinence supplies that all
    beneficiaries received, no matter how many stores they had used.

    But before it was put in place, Medi-Cal officials spent three years
    debating whether to try more complicated and costly options, such as
    a "reservation system," which would have allowed providers to find
    out whether a beneficiary was entitled to more diapers or not.

    The computer change was not completed until February 2003, a few
    months after a Bureau of State Audits examination highlighted the

    However, that computer change created the very difficulty that state
    officials had tried to avoid.

    "If I am a good provider and come in after someone over-billed, then
    I would be excluded" from collecting, said Achermann, of the medical
    suppliers association.

    Rosenstein acknowledged the problem. "We do put providers at risk now
    ... to prevent fraud," he said. "We decided that honest providers could
    come back and get it approved after a denial."

    Medi-Cal officials contend that their adult diaper cost-cutting has
    been highly effective. But people in the industry say businesses
    still are circumventing the limits by billing the program for other
    items when they reach the maximum for incontinence supplies.

    They also say that some manufacturers and wholesalers are taking
    shortcuts with diapers - using less of the substances that absorb
    moisture - because Medi-Cal's reimbursement rates have not changed
    for years.

    "The problem is that they made so many cuts that the person in
    business has to look for the loopholes," said Susan Patillo, owner of
    We Care Corp. in Carpinteria, which makes skin care products and
    sells diapers. "If they keep closing the loopholes, providers will
    not be able to supply Medi-Cal patients."

    Medi-Cal officials say they have not received complaints from
    beneficiaries about the availability of products, but that they
    sometimes have encountered quality problems.

    Sue Hodges, an Oakland activist who uses a wheelchair, said many
    disabled people fear that providers would stop participating in the
    program because they are not being paid enough.

    "Take my example," she said, "I have partial incontinence, and I use
    disposable panty liners - big things ... and I have a disposable pad on
    my wheelchair." Without them, she said, "I can't leave home."