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Turkey Repudiates Israel, Rules Out Sending Troops to Georgia

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  • Turkey Repudiates Israel, Rules Out Sending Troops to Georgia, United States
    March 22 2004

    Turkey: Turkey Repudiates Israel, Rules Out Sending Troops to Georgia

    by C Deliso

    In a statement having somewhat ambivalent implications, Turkey has
    repudiated long-standing ally Israel for its assassination of Hamas
    spiritual leader Sheik Yassin.

    A dawn helicopter assault on Monday morning targeted the paraplegic,
    wheelchair-bound Yassin as he was leaving a Gaza mosque. Six others
    were killed and 17 wounded.

    While the rest of the world harshly criticized Israel, both for its
    policy of targeted assassinations and for the inflammatory impact the
    killing will have, the US was merely `troubled' by the event and
    reminded that Hamas was after all a terrorist organization.

    UN Secretary General Kofi Annan condemned the attack as contrary to
    international law and harmful for the Middle East peace process.
    Ominously for Israel, Hamas warned that Israeli leader Ariel Sharon
    through the assassination had `...opened the gates of hell and nothing
    will stop us from cutting off his head.' Yet they didn't stop with
    threatening Israel. Now the oversized client state whose foreign
    policy is increasingly inseparable from the Israeli one, America, has
    also been served notice:

    ``...the Zionists didn't carry out their operation without getting the
    consent of the terrorist American administration and it (the United
    States) must take responsibility for this crime,' Hamas said in a
    statement. `All the Muslims of the world will be honored to join in
    on the retaliation for this crime.''

    In typically flamboyant style, Sharon personally congratulated the
    assassins. In a grandiose comment that could have just as well been
    made by George Bush, Dick Cheney or Paul Wolfowitz, Sharon said,
    `...the war against terror has not ended and will continue day after
    day, everywhere.'

    Most countries don't find such black-and-white stances prudent.
    Turkey, for example, is a Muslim country which shares borders with
    Iran, Iraq and Syria. Yet it is also a secular state, with a
    developed Western consumer society, and is actively seeking
    membership in the EU. The sometimes uneasy balancing act between the
    country's twin orientations has been exacerbated by the war with Iraq
    and now, by the increasingly belligerent actions of traditional ally

    According to Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gül, Monday's
    assassination will increase the risk of retributive terrorism:

    `...we consider the attack which Israel has launched this morning very
    dangerous... I am very concerned about this issue. Many innocent
    civilians and children are also killed in such incidents. We also
    condemn the suicide attacks. We continue to condemn such attacks.'

    Gül's lament was made especially bitter by the revelation that Turkey
    had warned `on a number of occasions' that Yassin would be targeted,
    `adding that Ankara had always viewed such an action as a threat to

    `...because of this, we have said everybody should be more cautious and
    should avoid actions that will aggravate incidents... but, I sadly see
    that the attack which is launched today has become a very dangerous

    It's not often that Turkey criticizes Israel so harshly. They are in
    some ways natural allies. They have common enemies, common buffer
    states, formidable militaries and vast importance for the US. Not
    coincidentally, neocons like Richard Perle played a large part in
    bringing the leaders and foreign lobbies of the two countries
    together in the 1980's and 90's. The victory was confirmed in 1996
    when the two countries signed an agreement for `...reciprocal naval
    visits, military academy exchanges and the use of each other's air
    space. Later that year a defense industry collaboration deal was
    established which provided for the transfer of technologies and
    technical collaboration.'

    Turkey, which has already suffered coordinated terrorist attacks last
    fall, is keen to avoid provocations that could cause repeats. The
    relationship with Israel has had its rocky moments in the past, and
    the Yassin assassination may presage another one.

    Nevertheless, the two states have stepped up similar cooperation in
    recent months. One complex deal looks especially likely to increase
    Turkey's strategic regional importance. The deal would see Turkey
    send its outdated military hardware to its ethnic ally to the east,
    replacing it with new Israeli equipment. This is sure to cause
    concerns for another neighbor, Armenia, which has a feud of long
    standing with Azerbaijan concerning the contested province of Nagorno

    A recent report claimed that in the deal `...Israel would supply
    components and technology for the assembly of weapons platforms in
    Turkey. Turkey would then deliver the weapons to Azerbaijan.'

    If successful, the cooperation could be expanded to other Central
    Asian and Caucasus countries. Azerbaijan already employs Israeli
    contractors for airport and border security systems. Now Azerbaijan
    is seeking military help from Israel and Turkey `...amid a
    deterioration in Baku's relations with Iran that stems from a dispute
    over the energy-rich Caspian Sea.'

    Sunday night, only hours before the fateful assassination of Yassin,
    the Israeli Foreign Ministry warned its citizens not to travel to
    Turkey for Passover, for the first time putting the country on its
    terrorism danger list. At the same press conference where he
    criticized Israel's action against Hamas, Gül hit back over the
    travel warning. When asked for his reaction, the Foreign Minister

    `...that is their business. Istanbul is one of the safest places in the
    world. They should leave Israel. Terrorism is much more common in
    Israel than in Istanbul.'

    This response was quite appropriate. Despite the twin terrorist
    attacks in Turkey's European capital last fall, Istanbul is generally
    speaking one of the safest cities in the world, especially after
    dark. The Israeli government's remarks were unhelpful, especially at
    a time when the Jewish state should try to avoid isolating itself
    further on the world stage. More immediately, Turkey has a truly
    vital relevance for it- as a future supplier of water. On March 4,
    Israel signed a `guns for water' agreement to import water from
    Turkey. Under the agreement,

    `...Israel will import 50 million cubic meters of water per year from
    Turkey for a 20-year period. The amount would constitute 3 percent of
    Israel's drinking-water consumption. Finding sources of water in the
    parched Middle East has long been a source of concern, with some
    experts predicting water disputes could prompt the next great Middle
    East war.'

    There had been fierce speculation that the deal would not be signed,
    ` avoid possible angry reactions from Muslim countries.' Israeli
    objectors have also recently demanded concentrating on desalinization
    plants instead, which they argue is cheaper in the long-term.

    As part of the deal, Turkey will buy Israeli tanks and aerial
    technology. Now, bidders from 5 countries are making offers for the
    actual importing, pledging ` lower the cost of transportation by
    15%, which will make the deal much more economically feasible.'

    In one of the chief areas where the two countries are closely
    associated, i.e., their allegiances to the US, a distancing is also
    taking place. One year ago Turkey refused American orders to open the
    country up as an attack route against Iraq- a rare display of
    democratic defiance and a move that indicated Ankara's ability to
    respect limits and adhere to its principles. Now, with its prime
    focus being EU membership, Turkey is more eager to make its own
    foreign policy harmonize with that of the EU, which is also
    distancing itself more and more from an increasingly isolated

    Turkey is also enjoying its increasingly important role in regional
    foreign policy. Ankara played the recent Georgian showdown carefully,
    refusing to be drawn into the fray on behalf of Adjara's
    separatist-minded leader, Aslan Abashidze. He recently told Interfax
    that Turkey was duty-bound to protect his `autonomous republic' from
    the Georgian central authorities under the 1921 Treaty of Kars.
    Georgia repudiated this as an absurd anachronistic reference, and
    Turkey confirmed that the Ottoman-era agreements were best left to
    the past:

    `...asked if Turkey could send soldiers to Adzharia within the
    framework of its right as the guarantor power stemming from the Kars
    agreement, (Turkish EU Adjustment Commission Chairman Yasar) Yakis
    said, `Turkey has never had such an intention. None of 70 million
    Turks will think of sending soldiers to Adzharia.''

    Instead, while meeting Saturday with Georgian Parliament Speaker Nino
    Burjanadze, the envoys also said that Turkey attaches `...great
    importance to Georgia's territorial integrity.' Referring to the two
    nations' historic friendship, Yakis added, `...there are always steps
    we can take together with Georgian authorities to further improve our
    friendship.' This weekend Yakis and former Turkish State Minister
    Refaeddin Sahin also held meetings in both Batumi and Tbilisi to
    ` views about measures to be taken between two sides to
    prevent [the] reoccurrence of such a tension in the future.'

    While the near violent showdown between Abashidze and Georgian
    President Mikheil Saakashvili seems to have been averted, the latter
    threatened to reintroduce sanctions Monday against Adjara, if
    Abashidze doesn't allow Georgian government representatives to run
    the region's customs operations. Adjara has a key geographic
    position, on the cusp of the Black Sea and the border with Turkey.
    Customs revenues, which Abashidze has refused to turn over to the
    central government in the past, provide the majority of Adjara's
    revenue and go towards propping up Abashidze's personal suzerainty
    over the area. Unrest there, such as last week's showdown, has a
    direct effect on Turkish transportation, shipping and local economy.
    Hence it remains in the country's interests to facilitate a peaceful
    resolution of Georgian disputes.