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IT as a tool for Armenian Tourism Industry

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  • IT as a tool for Armenian Tourism Industry

    IT as a tool for Armenian Tourism Industry


    Tourism was declared a priority in Armenia in 2001 when the country was
    celebrating the 1,700 anniversary of its proclaiming Christianity as a state
    religion. In the following years the number of foreign visitors to Armenia
    grew by 92%. In January 2001 the US and Armenian governments set up the
    Armenian Tourism Development Agency (ATDA). In September 2001 sponsored by
    the International Executive Service Corps, ATDA opened "ARMENIANInformation"
    the first information center in the South Caucasus. Armenia possesses vast
    cultural and historical treasures but they can hardly make the country a
    tourist attraction unless given an appropriate information frame. Experts
    say that to become a developed tourist country Armenia needs a strong
    information backing. It's here that Armenia's second priority, information
    technologies, come in helpful. ARMINFO's correspondent has asked ATDA Deputy
    Executive Director Angela Sax to specify how Information Technologies are
    used in tourism.

    AI: Could you please tell us about ATDA?

    A.S.: Our key objective is to present Armenia abroad and to shape its image
    of a developed tourist country. We work in three directions: first, to get
    involved and to involve other tourism companies in international
    exhibitions; second, to actively cooperate with foreign journalists and tour
    operators; and third, to arrange various events, like the Kenats festival,
    and to ensure their broad coverage in the foreign mass media. The number of
    tourists visiting Armenia has doubled in the last three years. I am not
    saying that this is our exclusive accomplishment but we have quite a big
    share in it.

    AI: What do you think about the role of IT in the development of tourism?

    A.S.: Information Technologies are simply indispensable for Armenia, a
    country almost unknown by the world, I mean on the tourism side. Internet
    has long become a part of lifestyle abroad. People even grasp the
    information easier when it is presented electronically. That's why
    internet-promotion is so important for shaping the country's image.

    Quite recently we opened a web-site complying with all the modern standards.
    Of course, we had some on-line based information before but it was rather
    scanty. The development of the new web-portal was
    sponsored by USAID and with technical assistance by International Executive
    Service Corps (IESC) and TIB, Armenian software development company.

    The portal presents Armenia's sights, cultural and historical values,
    national parks, art galleries. All this content will make tours
    unforgettable. The site has merged modern "high tech" interface with "high
    art" aesthetics, utilizing both ancient and modern Armenian motives. From
    interactive maps of cultural landmarks to a comprehensive and easily
    accessible database of tour agents, hotels, restaurants, travel agencies and
    so much more, the ATDA portal has become the web's one-stop, on-line,
    Armenian tourism venue. Much like the ATDA's now famous ARMENIAInformation
    visitor's information center, at 3 Nalbandyan Street in the heart of
    Yerevan, the new ATDA web-portal is a virtual, full service concierge
    facility and an expansive compendium of useful information and resources -
    whether that be for travelers and tourists or history lovers and the arts
    literati. Sections are thoughtfully organized with easy access navigation
    bars; graphics and photos are vibrant and compelling; maps are easy to read
    and truly interactive, providing details on any given point in Armenia with
    the click of a mouse. Background information and helpful travel hints are
    available at every turn; shopping and recreation sites are explored side by
    side with cultural centers, museums, concert halls and art galleries;
    Armenia's vast array of architectural monuments and sacred sites are finally
    presented in such a way that travel planning is almost as fun as the actual
    visit. The site also provides a thorough and constantly updated calendar of
    weekly events, available either online or via e-mail subscription. With this
    new site, the ATDA has really given both the interested traveler and the
    tourism industry professional, no matter their point of origin, a place on
    the web to fulfill, as well as provide for every type of Armenian tourism
    and travel need.

    Today we enjoy wide contacts abroad established mainly through international
    exhibitions. The first question we are always asked is whether we have a
    web-site. Quite natural as in five minutes we cannot tell everything about
    ATDA and Armenia while those concerned want to know the most of the country
    they are going to visit. Nowadays, Information Technologies are the most
    effective and the cheapest way to disseminate information and to keep in
    touch with people.

    AI: What achievements have been made in Armenian tourism in the last years?

    A.S.: We have already founded an association for coordinating tourist camps
    all over Armenia. This is an opportunity for tourists not only to leave
    Yerevan for the country-side but also to stay, shop and buy services outside
    the capital city and thereby to boost the economic development of the
    regions. Foreign tourists enjoy comfort and road restoration project by the
    Lincy Foundation came in quite handy. One of our greatest accomplishments is
    the recent amendment of article 34 of the law On VAT exempting from VAT home
    tourism as well as the services provided by Armenian travel agencies abroad.
    This change will make it cheaper for foreigners to come to Armenia. We hope
    these changes will cover the hotel business as well.

    AI: What can you say about the work of the local travel agencies?

    A.S.: All our tour operators are professionals but some of them still keep
    to the methods of the Soviet times when the key emphasis was laid on
    historical and cultural values (pageant and Christian cathedrals). But after
    visiting two-three churches a tourist begins to lose his/her interest in the
    country. And so we need new approaches and technologies - ethnic tourism and
    adventure tourism.

    AI: Are there any projects to develop the so called "extreme" tourism in

    A.S.: The country has all the natural conditions for developing the extreme
    tourism. But this type of business needs an appropriate infrastructure -
    hotels, restaurants, services - and this all needs considerable investment.
    The construction of one ski route is not a way out of the situation. Here we
    can only advise. The solution is to invest. There are many businessmen who
    are ready to invest money in Armenia. Why not redirect this funding to
    developing extreme tourism?

    AI: Drawing parallels between the two Armenian priorities, IT and Tourism,
    what can you say about the attention that the Government pays to these

    A.S.: I would not separate these sectors as they complement each other. Both
    of them have substantial problems with infrastructure which though very
    slowly but are being solved.


    Note: The web site was designed and developed by
    TIB company on OpenSource technologies which provide robust services, stable
    work and security. The system makes it possible for the administrator to
    manage the content of the site quickly and easily. Few interactive sections
    like Interactive Map of Armenia, Airline Map, and Virtual Tour are created
    by joint use of Macromedia Flash, PHP and MySQL database server. The web
    site has a search engine, which makes it possible to make a search within
    the site as well as from Travel Agencies/Tour Operators' web sites and other
    Armenian tourism related resources. Developer company (TIB) also took care
    about the mirror page which is located in the USA and automatically detects
    the closest server to redirect users making the view of the web site as fast
    as possible independent from the user's location. The website was developed
    in UNIX family OS (FreeBSD, Linux, etc.) using web server Apache 1.x and
    higher. Dynamic pages were scripted in PHP with MySQL database back-end.
    XHTML (also DHTML) was used as a markup language.

    By Viacheslav Khachatryan, ARMINFO News Agency
    In cooperation with
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