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Cyprus MPs urge AGBU to reconsider Melkonian closure

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  • Cyprus MPs urge AGBU to reconsider Melkonian closure

    Cyprus MPs urge AGBU to reconsider Melkonian closure

    The Financial Mirror - Nicosia
    March 24, 2004

    Members of the House of Representatives Education Committee urged the
    Armenian General Benevolent Union Tuesday to reconsider its plans to
    close the Melkonian school in June 2005 and asked that it remain open
    until all the present students graduate.

    Deputies from all parties, headed by Committee Chairman Prodromos
    Prodromou, grilled the AGBU's global representative, Gordon Anderson,
    over plans to close the school.

    He stated firmly that the House considers the Melkonian a place of
    Armenian education and a part of the cultural and national heritage of

    The Committee Chairman issued a stern warning to the AGBU to delay a
    final decision and consider resuming negotiatiosn with the Cyprus
    community and others, such as the local alumni association, over the
    school's future.

    Prodormou said that in the worst case, all presently enrolled students
    should be allowed to complete their education, stating that otherwise
    the Cyprus parliament would view the unilateral decision as a hostile

    Prodromou also asked the AGBU to inform the House of its immediate
    plans on the future of the school, in response to explanations given
    by Anderson, claiming that the `AGBU does not intend to sell the
    buildings, and instead is considering alternative options.'

    DISY MP Ionas Nicolaou and fellow lawmaker Nicos Tornaritis were not
    impressed by the explanation given, reminding the AGBU representative
    that the two main buildings were in the process of being declared
    national heritage buildings, which in any event does not allow their

    `This is outrageous,' Tornaritis said, raising his voice to the AGBU

    Nicolaou was highly critical of the strong-arm tactics used by the
    AGBU to quash any opposition to the closure plan, by preventing local
    Board members from expressing their dissatisfaction over the plans.

    MPs were unimpressed by Anderson's explanations that the AGBU is
    considering turning the Melkonian either into a day-school, or enter
    into partnership with another school or establish an Armenian
    department within another school.

    `I call on you (AGBU) to immediately inform the House of your plans,
    since at stake is the future education of 200 students and we don't
    wish to see this uncertain situation continuing any longer,' said
    Committee Chairman Prodromou.

    A scathing attack unleashed by Anderson against Armenian
    Representative, Bedros Kalaydjian who had brought the issue before the
    Committee also backfired after many MPs voiced their displeasure.

    `I call on you to show respect,' Kalaydjian told Anderson when the
    AGBU's American official attempted to distort facts presented by Nareg
    Elementary Schools board Chairman, Dr. Vahak Atamyan, who had earlier
    testified that most of this year's graduating class of 22 pupils had
    expressed an interest to enroll at the Melkonian.

    Masis Der Parthogh, representing the interests of the Cyprus Alumni
    and the Parents Coordinating Committee informed deputies regarding the
    AGBU's reluctance to enter into a dialogue with the worldwide
    Melkonian Alumni towards finding an acceptable solution, adding that
    the network of alumni associations is prepared to take charge of the

    He asked the House to declare the Melkonian a national heritage
    foundation following the decision by the EU to recognise the Armenian
    language as one of the 54 languages of the Union, which Cyprus will
    join on May 1, and asked the MPs to call on the Ministry of Education
    to intervene in the whole affair.

    Der Parthogh's call for the House to back a proposal submitted by the
    Green party to consider altering the current zoning of all the
    school's lands, from commercial to green, was received warmly.

    AKEL and DIKO MPs promised that they would seriously consider
    submiting a draft bill changing the zoning status of the Melkonian
    property, in the event that the AGBU did not come back with fresh
    proposals to find an acceptable solution.

    The Cyprus Alumni has repeatedly warned that the real motive behind
    AGBU's decision to close the Melkonian is to sell the land and whisk
    up to CYP 40 mln out of the country for use for unspecified purposes.