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Distinguished Faculty For Genocide and Human Rights Univ. Program

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  • Distinguished Faculty For Genocide and Human Rights Univ. Program

    255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310
    Toronto, ON, Canada M3B 3H9
    Tel: (416) 250-9807 Fax: (416) 512-1736
    E-mail: [email protected]


    DATE: March 24, 2004


    Toronto, Canada - As Mr. Kofi Annan, the Secretary-General of the United
    Nations, recently noted:
    For nearly half a century -- almost as long as the United Nations has been
    in existence -- the General Assembly has recognized the need to establish…a
    court to prosecute and punish persons responsible for crimes such as
    genocide. Many thought...that the horrors of the Second World War -- the
    camps, the cruelty, the exterminations, the Holocaust -- could never happen
    again. And yet they have. In Cambodia, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in
    Rwanda. Our time -- this decade even -- has shown us that man's capacity
    for evil knows no limits. now a word of our time, too, a
    heinous reality that calls for a historic response.

    As there is a continuing need for understanding the phenomenon of genocide
    and a response to it, the International Institute for Genocide and Human
    Rights Studies (A Division of Zoryan Institute) and the University of
    Minnesota-Twin Cities are offering the Summer 2004 Genocide and Human
    Rights University Program (GHRUP) and are pleased to announce the
    distinguished faculty who will be participating this year.

    In addition to Roger Smith and Stephen Feinstein, Co-Directors of the
    course, some of the instructors this year include Taner Akçam, Visiting
    Associate Professor, Dept. of History, University of Minnesota; Joyce
    Apsel, Master Teacher in the General Studies Program at New York
    University; Stephan Astourian, Professor, Department of History, University
    of California-Berkeley; Major Brent Beardsley, Research Officer at the
    Canadian Forces Leadership Institute and former Personal Staff Officer to
    Major-General Roméo Dallaire, UN Assistance Mission for Rwanda; Frank
    Chalk, Professor, Department of History, Concordia University and
    Co-Director of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights
    Studies; Vahakn Dadrian, Director of Genocide Research, Zoryan Institute;
    Richard Hovannisian, Armenian Educational Foundation Endowed Chair of
    Modern Armenian History, University of California-Los Angeles; Jacques
    Kornberg, Professor Emeritus, Department of History, University of Toronto;
    Eric Markusen, Senior Research Fellow, Department for Holocaust and
    Genocide Studies, Danish Institute for International Studies; Gregory
    Stanton, Professor of Human Rights, Mary Washington College, President of
    Genocide Watch and Director of the Cambodian Genocide Project; and Eric
    Weitz, Arsham and Charlotte Ohanessian Chair in the College of Liberal Arts
    and Director of the Center for German and European Studies, University of
    Minnesota. With a few variations, the faculty at both programs, in
    Minneapolis, July 5-16, 2004, and in Toronto, August 3-13, 2004, will be
    the same.

    "This course has always been a unique opportunity for students to
    experience a broad comparative perspective on genocide. We are very proud
    that among the faculty we have not only some of the foremost scholars in
    their respective fields, but also individuals who are active in
    international efforts to both document and prevent genocide around the
    world," stated Dr. Roger Smith.

    The purpose of the program is to provide students with a framework for
    understanding genocide and its effects. It explores the universality of the
    issues related to genocide and takes a comparative approach for
    understanding the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, the Cambodian Genocide,
    the Rwandan Genocide, and more recent events with genocidal overtones. In
    addition, many special themes are explored, such as the mass violation of
    human rights; women, children and genocide; how to teach about genocide;
    issues of memorialization and representation; and possibilities of dialogue
    and reconciliation between perpetrator and victim groups.

    Students wishing to participate in this unique program must have their
    applications in by May 15, 2004 for the Minnesota program and by May 31,
    2004 for the Toronto program. In order to maintain the seminar format in
    this high demand course, the number of students is limited, so early
    application is recommended. Limited scholarship assistance will be available.

    For more information or to apply, contact the International Institute for
    Genocide and Human Rights at (416) 250-9807,, or by
    email at [email protected], or contact Stephen Feinstein, Director,
    Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, University of Minnesota, at
    (612) 626-2235, [email protected].