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New crisis in Kosovo

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  • New crisis in Kosovo

    United Press International
    March 24, 2004 Wednesday 11:18 AM Eastern Time

    Outside View: New crisis in Kosovo


    WASHINGTON, March 23 (UPI)

    The violence in Kosovo this past week has dealt a serious blow to the
    credibility of the Western Alliance.

    After promising for five years that NATO could provide security so
    that the United Nations could lay the foundations for the
    construction of a multiethnic, democratic Kosovo, a well-organized
    campaign exposed the hollowness of Western guarantees. It also tests
    the long-term commitment of the alliance to engage in successful

    Only a few weeks ago, Kosovo was continuing to be promoted as a
    successful exercise in nation building. Indeed, the United States was
    even preparing to withdraw more forces from the international
    protectorate, on the grounds that reconstruction efforts were
    proceeding apace.

    Of course, the violence that rocked Kosovo this past week is a grim
    reminder that ignoring a problem does not make it go away.

    The West has been so desperate, however, to paint Kosovo as a
    "success" for humanitarian intervention and nation building -- even
    to the point of citing it as a precedent for how things should go in
    Iraq -- that warnings of problems bubbling below the surface were

    Indeed, Washington Post reporter Dana Priest had noted that after
    NATO forces entered the province in 1999, "A more enduring, invisible
    battlefield emerged quickly. The peacekeepers of the NATO Kosovo
    Force, or KFOR, didn't even pretend to mobilize on it. It was a
    battlefield on which the struggle for ultimate power and control was
    waged by underground political structures and outlawed security

    But NATO countries placed such a high value on "no-casualty" missions
    that aggressive and effective peacekeeping -- including disarming
    militias, hunting down war criminals and combating organized crime
    and terrorist groups -- took a back seat to "not stirring things up."
    And so the province has simmered.

    In February, Serbian intelligence alerted their Western counterparts
    that there might be an upsurge in violence in Kosovo and in other
    areas of the Balkans. On the eve of the violence, Marek Nowicki, the
    United Nations ombudsman for Kosovo, complained to the Council of
    Europe at a hearing in Paris that the human rights situation in the
    province was "unacceptable." But Nowicki went on to criticize
    international authorities in the province for failing to support his
    work, accusing U.N. officials of playing down his concerns and
    declining to pressure local authorities to act on his

    The violence directed against the Serbs of Kosovo -- "an outbreak of
    violence of this scale, of this speed, of this intensity," according
    to spokesman Derek Chappell -- occurred under the watchful eyes of
    more than 18,000 international peacekeepers. So this raises a very
    serious question: What was NATO and the United Nations doing? How
    could these attacks be planned and coordinated across the province
    with no advance warning, no signs, no leaks? And what does this say
    for the effectiveness of NATO peacekeepers?

    Jonathan Eyal of London's Royal United Services Institute maintains
    that NATO "has simply grown too complacent. It has ignored repeated
    intelligence warnings about a rising level of tension between
    Kosovo's communities" and so was unprepared to act.

    The destruction of the 130-home Serbian village of Svinjare --
    located less than a mile away from a base housing French NATO
    peacekeepers -- was just one in a series of incidents that one
    Western diplomat said were attempts by local Albanians "to cleanse
    the Serbs and create a fait accompli before any talks." So the result
    has been startled inaction in the face of what Adm. Gregory Johnson,
    commander of NATO forces in southeastern Europe, characterized as
    "almost amount(ing) to ethnic cleansing."

    Certainly, "multiethnicity" as a value defended in the new Kosovo
    also has gone up in flames.

    NATO's performance in Kosovo does not inspire those locked in other
    ethnic conflicts in the region -- such as the Cypriots, the Armenians
    of Nagorno-Karabakh, the secessionists regions of Georgia, or even
    the Israelis and the Palestinians -- to assume that any settlement
    backed by NATO guarantees would provide real and genuine security.

    Outward calm has returned to the province. But the damage to NATO's
    credibility may be much longer lasting.

    (Nikolas K. Gvosdev is executive editor of The National Interest and
    a senior fellow for strategic studies at The Nixon Center.)

    (United Press International's Outside View commentaries are written
    by outside contributors who specialize in a variety of important
    issues. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of
    United Press International. In the interests of creating an open
    forum, original submissions are invited.)