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Glendale: Key to English success: parents

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  • Glendale: Key to English success: parents

    Glendale News Press
    March 24 2004

    Key to English success: parents

    Not all parents agree with the English Language Development program,
    and some take their children out of it. Officials say that's not the
    best decision for the child.

    By Gary Moskowitz, News-Press

    GLENDALE - Olga Sargsyan removed her son, Naenarek, from an English
    Language Development program recently, saying she saw no progress in
    his reading skills after several months in the program.

    The Glendale Unified School District's English Language Development
    program is designed to help students whose primary language is not
    English meet state proficiency standards in reading, writing and
    speaking the English language.

    Under state law, the district must provide the program. Parents can
    remove their child from it at any time.

    Sargsyan's son was born in the United States, and speaks and writes
    English, but his reading skills needed improvement, Sargsyan said.

    After a few months in the English program, Sargsyan was unhappy
    because she saw no improvement in Naenarek's reading skills. She was
    also unhappy with district officials, who she felt did not answer all
    of her questions and did not adequately explain aspects of the

    Since pulling her son from the program this fall, Sargsyan spends
    about three hours a day reading and writing English with him, and she
    thinks his work has improved.

    Her dissatisfaction with the district's English language program
    prompted Sargsyan to keep her daughter, Anni, out of the program
    altogether. She recently told school site officials that her daughter
    speaks only English, even though all family members at home speak

    "I can tell you [the program] was awful for my son," Sargsyan said.
    "I know if I put my daughter in ELD, it will be a problem for me
    again and again. This might be a good program for kids who don't know
    any [English] words, but for kids who were born here, they learn
    fast. I pulled him out, but I work with him every day, and he is now
    in very good condition. His reading skills have improved."

    Mary Mason, principal at Keppel Elementary School and a former ELD
    teacher, said that specific information on students' academic
    performance is confidential, so she could not discuss Naenarek's

    Mason did say teachers are able to make general academic assessments
    about students who are removed from the ELD program early.

    "It wouldn't be unusual for a child like him to see his grades drop
    after being removed from the program," Mason said. "Since you have
    dropped those ELD standards, the child is now seen as an English-only
    child, and will not be given the extra support and time to learn
    English and learn grade-level curriculum. The ELD students go through
    a different grading process that actually separates their ELD grades
    from the standard grades, which helps us and the parents see their
    progress more clearly.

    "I can only imagine how difficult it must be to be bombarded with a
    new language all day. It takes a lot of mental energy for the student
    to keep up.

    "We know parents care about their children, and sometimes schools can
    be an imposing place, with all of our acronyms and our procedures,"
    Mason continued. "But parents are free to come in and talk to us
    about their child's progress. That's what we're here for. This is
    their child, and we want them to know what's going on and how we can
    support their children.

    "They have done research into the sink-or-swim method, where you get
    thrown in and you either make it or you don't," Mason added.
    "Research shows that ELD learning helps them access the curriculum as
    it's coming at them. They have found that kids with ELD support
    performed better rather than with no support."


    The district's Intercultural Education Department operates the
    English Language Development program at district headquarters.

    Immigrant parents who want to enroll their children at a Glendale
    school are first asked to set up an appointment at the Welcome
    Center, where students' English speaking, writing and reading skills
    are assessed through state-mandated testing.

    Officials ask all students and parents a series of questions about
    languages, including: "Which language did your son or daughter learn
    when he or she first began to talk?" "What language does your son or
    daughter most frequently use at home?" "What language do you use most
    frequently to speak to your son or daughter?" and "Name the language
    most often spoken by adults at home."

    Based on the answers to those questions and the results of student
    language tests, the results are explained to parents, and students
    are placed in the appropriate English language classes, officials

    Students who remain in the English Language Development program must
    eventually pass a state standardized test to be moved out of the
    program and into standard English classes.

    Parents like Sargsyan are not uncommon at district schools, but they
    are the minority, said Joanna Junge, coordinator of the English
    Language Development program and the district's Welcome Center.

    The Welcome Center serves English language learners through testing
    and translation services, and also provides a counseling program for
    refugees and families seeking asylum.

    "We have to rely on parents to tell the truth when they fill out
    surveys about their children," Junge said. "If we don't have accurate
    information, we're not focusing in on the right needs, and you're
    risking making things miserable for the child and the teacher."

    Some parents and students attach a stigma to the English Language
    Development program, saying they feel like it's a "label" they would
    prefer to avoid, said Alice Petrossian, GUSD's assistant
    superintendent for educational services.

    "Sometimes kids feel like they're wearing a scarlet letter, but they
    are getting information that is critical to their learning,"
    Petrossian said. "They need to be fluent in English to succeed at all
    other levels. And, if their primary language skills are lacking, they
    will have additional problems with learning English and other
    subjects like math."


    Local parents have the opportunity to attend regular meetings of each
    school's English Learner Advisory Committee and of the District
    English Learner Advisory Committee.

    District officials, administrators, educators and parents who
    participate in the committees meet throughout the year to discuss
    ways to improve the program and evaluate the district's master plan
    for providing education services to the immigrant student population.

    The school site committees meet about four times each year, and the
    district committee meets monthly at district headquarters. All
    meetings are open to the public.

    Valentine Oanessian, the district committee's chairwoman,
    Parent-Teacher Assn. president at Marshall Elementary School and a
    member of Marshall's school site council, was born in Iran and moved
    to the United States in 1979. She speaks Armenian, English, Italian,
    Persian and some Spanish. Her 8-year-old daughter, Athena, has been
    enrolled in the English Language Development program at Marshall
    Elementary School for two years.

    "I have seen improvement with my daughter, and her English is quite
    good," Oanessian said. "I think her writing has improved the most.
    She started writing poems a few weeks ago, and I was amazed. Now, she
    wants to talk only in English, which is great, but I don't want her
    to lose her Armenian completely. Now she's more fluent in English
    than Armenian."

    Parent involvement with English learner students is crucial to
    students' success, Oanessian said.

    "I think when it comes to parents, the best thing they can do is
    first get the knowledge about the [ELD] program first, from the
    roots, and then ask questions," Oanessian said. "Mainly, I have
    always said if you want your child to be successful, you have to be
    there working with them. I want to know what my child is learning, so
    I can help her more, and also teach other parents whose English
    language is their barrier.

    "We have to make sure we make it easy for them. If every parent tried
    to show up, we would all learn so many things."