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Between Islam And The West

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  • Between Islam And The West

    Dar Al-Hayat, Saudi Arabia
    March 24 2004

    Between Islam And The West
    Mustafa Al Faqi

    The study of the Turkish phenomenon needs historical awareness and an
    understanding of the Turkish character and the various factors that
    form its identity and determine its policies that oscillate between
    the historical Ottoman Turkey and the geographical European Turkey.
    The Turkish State is not disturbed by being in Europe's backside
    instead of being in the Islamic world's front. There are many aspects
    to consider within the Turkish phenomenon: First of all, Turkey's
    location as a link between Asia and Europe and its control of the
    straits gave it historical powers whose remnants remain to this day.
    Secondly, the European dream that tickles Turkish feelings and
    dominates its policies has led it to seek the appeasement of the
    European Union and subsequently the United States and Israel. There
    is no doubt that Ataturk's ideology contributed substantially to
    Turkey's turn of perspective from the east to the west, despite all
    the difficult conditions and concessions it had to face.
    Nevertheless, the former French President, Valerie Giscard D'Estaing
    has deemed that Turkey's membership in the EU is almost impossible
    and that perhaps a country like Morocco, in his point of view, has a
    priority over it.

    Ataturk's secularism distanced Turkey from the Arab East, for the
    eradication of the traditional headwear is not just symbolic but an
    indication of the end of the Ottoman era and the beginning of
    adopting Latin letters and turning Islam to a unique "Ataturkian"
    model that is guarded by the army. We should also not forget that
    Turkey is an important member of the NATO alliance and has played an
    essential role in protecting Western and American interests and so it
    is a key member of the Western defense system, which stood by its
    side during its security troubles whether pertaining to the Cypriot
    or Kurdish issues. Furthermore, the expansion of the Islamic tide in
    modern Turkey represents an exceptional phenomenon, for new
    generations express enthusiasm about returning to Turkey's Islamic

    Hence, Turkey is a distinctive country and has played a significant
    historical role in the entire region. Arabs have not properly used
    the Turkish "card" in all their issues particularly in the
    Arab-Israeli struggle. It is about time that Arabs deal with Turkey,
    perhaps through the Arab League or bilateral ties, in a new
    perspective because the diversity of its role makes it in a position
    that can exert pressure on major world powers. The Turks are probably
    enthusiastic about such a role but we Arabs have failed in taking
    advantage of that role. Arab-Turkish relations definitely vary from
    one Arab country to another as well as from one period to another
    depending on international circumstances. We will not forget the
    confrontation in 1998 with Syria that was avoided by the wisdom of
    late President Assad and the efforts of the current Egyptian
    President Mubarak.

    Arab-Turkish relations have a lot of potential and should focus on
    the following points: Overcoming the past's negative aspects and
    concentrating on the partnership that lasted for many centuries in
    order to boost relations and give Turks the incentive to reconsider
    their total secularism and change of identity without hurting Turkish
    pride or the image of their legendary conqueror, Mustafa Kemal. The
    Israeli-Turkish relations should not be an obstacle but a quality in
    this course for Turkey could exert pressure in favor of peace. That
    is why it should be given the status of observer in the Arab League
    since it and Iran constitute the Arabs' northern and eastern
    neighbors. Moreover, the Turkish model of Islam should be considered
    a fact. The recent visit by the current Syrian President to Turkey
    has created a better atmosphere and has strengthened Arab-Turkish
    relations and possibly gave way to a mediation role with Israel on
    the Syrian and Lebanese tracks. The situation in Iraq might also be a
    factor in bolstering these relations especially that Northern Iraq
    has an ethnic Turkish minority.

    This is our point of view concerning that country, at the center of
    the world and that carries a part of human heritage and occupies a
    strategic and unique position, which we share with a long history
    including points of strength and weakness, particularly at the time
    when the Turkish army perpetrated historic misfortunes that were
    embodied in "Damascus's hangings" in addition to the "Armenian
    massacre." Yet, history exonerates and peoples forgive and at the end
    it is the long-term perspective of the relations between Arabs and
    the country, oscillating between east and west that persist.