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Sidney: Composers! A call to arms

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  • Sidney: Composers! A call to arms

    Sydney Morning Herald, Australia
    March 26 2004

    Composers! A call to arms

    Current events in Australia are crying out to be expressed in music,
    Tony Stephens learns.

    John Haddock believes that modern composers in the classical
    tradition should turn their attention more to current affairs.
    "Classical musicians should take their eyes off Beethoven for a
    while," he says.

    "The pop music world used to comment on things that concerned them
    about the modern world but that doesn't happen much now. There are
    opportunities for classical composers."

    Haddock saw an opportunity with the sinking of the SIEV X in the
    Indian Ocean and the rescue of asylum seekers from fishing boats in
    Australian waters, including the "children overboard" incident before
    the last federal election.

    Angered by the whole unhappy episode in Australian history, the
    composer wrote the libretto and music for an aria, See My Children
    Fly, which he says could come from a modern opera.

    He wrote it with a particular singer in mind, the Armenian-born
    soprano Arax Mansourian, who feels as passionately about the issue of
    asylum seekers as Haddock does.

    And tomorrow the Sydney Youth Orchestra joins the musical stand on
    the refugee matter when See My Children Fly has its premiere in a SYO
    concert at the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre in Penrith.

    Mansourian sings the role of an Afghan woman fleeing with her
    children from war-torn Afghanistan. She sings of her journey and the
    death of her children, using the metaphor of flight drawn from the
    age-old Afghan passion for kite flying.

    Do not hold my hand.
    Do not touch me tenderly,
    Or look upon me
    With the sad eyes of a stranger.
    Do not welcome me.
    Do not invite me in.
    Do not lock me up
    with the detention of your charity.
    I am lost.
    I am illegal.
    I have nothing,
    not one thing.
    No visa,
    no life,
    no family.
    Here behind the wire
    and the dirt
    and the mandatory detention.

    "The female concerned, her life and the death of her children is my
    own creation," Haddock says. "But the sinking of the SIEV X, in
    October 2001 in the Indian Ocean, and the rescue of asylum seekers
    from the fishing vessel Olong by the frigate HMAS Adelaide in the
    same month is very real."

    The SYO artistic director, Thomas Woods, says the new piece is one of
    the most important works to have its premiere in Australia in many
    years. "John's superbly crafted music conveys an emotional, artistic
    response to what has come to be described as the refugee crisis. The
    artistic angle provides the human element - and allows us to identify
    with refugees as people.

    "Arax Mansourian is a world-class soprano with a mature,
    sophisticated voice, and John has written a work that demonstrates
    her abilities to the fullest."

    Haddock put the aria idea to the soprano while working with
    Mansourian when she sang the lead role in Tosca last year.

    "He gave me the libretto and I thought it beautiful and emotional,"
    she says. "And he gave me the music. I liked it.

    "John is an emotional person and I'm emotional. A critic praised my
    singing in Verdi's Requiem but said it was unfortunate I was
    emotional. How could you not be emotional in Verdi's Requiem?Anyhow,
    I'm proud to be singing John's aria."

    Haddock joined the Australian Opera in 1989 and has worked with most
    leading opera conductors over a wide repertoire. His opera Madeline
    Lee won an Australia Council development grant in 1999 and will be
    performed for the first time at the Sydney Opera House in October.

    Madeline Lee is about a World War II bomber abandoned in the Libyan
    desert and the men who set out to recover it. Haddock wrote it with
    Michael Campbell, and Michael Lewis and Christopher Lincoln will sing
    the leading roles. "It's about men isolated and facing up to their
    past," Haddock says.

    Mansourian, formerly a leading soprano with the Yerevan State Opera
    in Armenia, has performed the title role in Aida, Leonora in Il
    Trovatore, Mimi in La Boheme, Nedda in Pagliacci, Liu in Turandot,
    Desdemona in Otello, Leonora in La Forza del Destino, Elizabeth in
    Tannhauser, Santuzza in Cavalleria Rusticana and the title role in
    Katya Kabanova. Her daughter, Shoushan Petrosian, is a pop singer in
    Armenia and her brother, Tigran Mansourian, a composer. Another
    brother, Mher, is an artist in France.

    Tomorrow's concert will also feature Bernstein's Overture to Candide
    and Rossini's La Boutique Fantasque, both of which are part of the
    SYO's repertoire for their tour to Italy in July.