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Cyprus: Representation in federal institutions The Legislature

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  • Cyprus: Representation in federal institutions The Legislature

    Cyprus Mail, Cyprus
    March 25 2004

    Representation in federal institutions - The Legislature
    By Yiouli Taki

    CONSTITUENT state representatives in federal institutions should have
    the internal citizenship of the respective constituent state. This is
    in line with the provision that political rights in federal elections
    will be exercised on the basis of internal citizenship: the people
    who will elect the representatives of the Greek and Turkish Cypriot
    states in federal institutions will have the internal citizenship of
    the relevant constituent state.

    Internal citizenship is defined on the basis of residence on the date
    the Foundation Agreement comes into effect. Neither of the
    constituent states will be obliged to grant internal citizenship to
    those who will choose to live in their territory but have the
    internal citizenship of the other constituent state.

    Thus it is expected that the Turkish Cypriot constituent state will
    not grant internal citizenship to Greek Cypriots who choose to reside
    permanently on its territory, so as to ensure that only Turkish
    Cypriots will vote for or be voted as representatives of the Turkish
    Cypriot state. In this way, the equal status of the two constituent
    states, as specified through their representation on a federal level,
    will be translated as political equality between the two communities.

    The Legislature: The House of Representatives and the Senate
    The two constituent states will be represented in the House in
    proportion to their population, though no state will hold less than
    25 per cent of the seats. Of the 48 seats, 36 will go to the Greek
    Cypriot state and the rest to the Turkish Cypriots. Decisions will be
    taken by simple majority.

    Representation in the Senate will be based on the political equality
    of the two sides; each constituent state will have 24 seats. There
    will be two decision-making procedures according to the matter on the

    Simple Majority: Standard decisions will be taken by simple majority
    of the Senators present and voting, including a quarter of the
    senators from each constituent state who are present and voting.

    Special Majority: Certain issues will need a special majority of at
    least two-fifths (10) of the Senators from each constituent state.
    Such issues will include the approval of the federal budget and the
    election of the Presidential Council, as well as a series of issues
    concerning the vital interests of the two constituent states.

    House decisions will need the approval of the two bodies. A special
    law will provide for a compromise mechanism between the two bodies.

    How are the religious minorities going to be represented on the

    The Maronite, Latin and Armenian minorities will be represented by at
    least one deputy each. The deputies will be counted amongst the
    representatives of the constituent state where the majority of the
    members of the respective minority reside.

    How are the minority representatives going to be elected?
    Members of the relevant minority would have the right to vote for
    their deputies irrespective of their internal citizenship.

    What is the authority of the Legislature?
    The Constitution of the United Republic of Cyprus provides the
    following powers for the legislature: 1. It will legislate and make
    decisions on issues within its competence 2. It will approve
    international agreements that need ratification 3. It will elect and
    oversee the Presidential Council 4. It will refer to the Supreme
    Court - by special majority - allegations of impeachment regarding
    members of the Presidential Council and independent officials for
    serious violation of their duties or serious crime. 5. It will adopt
    the federal budget.

    When will a special majority be needed in decision-making in the

    A special majority will be necessary for: 1. Ratification of
    international agreements on issues under the legislative authority of
    the constituent states. 2. Ratification of conventions and adoption
    of laws and regulations concerning airspace, the continental shelf
    and territorial waters of the United Republic of Cyprus, including
    the economic and border zone. 4. Adoption of laws and regulations
    regarding citizenship, immigration, water resources and taxation. 5.
    Approval of the federal budget. 6. Election of the Presidential

    You have stressed that political equality between the two communities
    is protected through a provision in the UN plan that does not oblige
    constituent states to provide internal citizenship to citizens from
    the other state. Can you explain?

    Political rights during federal elections will be exercised on the
    basis of the internal constituent state citizenship status. The only
    way for the Turkish Cypriot state to secure that its federal
    representatives will be Turkish Cypriots is through the provision
    stipulating that a constituent state is not obliged to grant Turkish
    Cypriot citizenship to Cypriot citizens holding the internal
    citizenship status of the Greek Cypriot state who choose to reside
    there permanently, after the Foundation Agreement comes into effect.
    Consequently, Greek Cypriots who are granted permanent residency in
    the Turkish Cypriot state, will continue to have the internal
    citizenship of the Greek Cypriot state.

    Thus exercising their voting rights at the federal level in the Greek
    Cypriot state: they will be able to elect candidates of the Greek
    Cypriot state or run for office themselves. This secures Turkish
    Cypriot demands since a primary concern of the Turkish Cypriot
    community is that of a situation where Greek Cypriots would be
    elected as representatives of the Turkish Cypriot state. The equality
    of the two constituent states is thus translated into political
    equality between the two communities; this would not have been
    possible if Greek and Turkish Cypriots could represent the Turkish
    Cypriot state at a federal level.