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Reviving Football traditions in Artsakh

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  • Reviving Football traditions in Artsakh

    Azat Artsakh - Repubic of Nagorno Karabakh
    March 24, 2004


    These days Gagik Tsatrian, once a popular football player of `Ararat'
    of Yerevan, graduate of the Moscow high school of coaches, is in
    Artsakh. Our compatriot has been living in Russia for 15 years
    already, where he worked with Russian football clubs. Currently he
    lives in Karelia, where along with running his business he works as a
    sport advisor. Every year Gagik Tsatrian visits his motherland. This
    time he arrived for the occasion of the 50th birthday of his former
    teammate, former football player of Karabakh Karlen Simonian. In 1977s
    these two football players together with their teammates in `Karabakh'
    they won the title of champion of Azerbaijan. Wecan only imagine what
    difficulties they had to overcome to achieve this title. As in all
    the other spheres of life in Azerbaijan football was also an area for
    discrimination. It is notable that after this victory the football
    federation of Azerbaijan dismissed the coach of the team Razmik
    Petrossian labeling him nationalist and appointed an Azerbaijani in
    his place. During our talk Gagik Tsatrian mentioned that since the
    1960's the Artsakh sportsmen were in a real struggle with the Azeri
    nationalism because the concealed conflict between the Turks and the
    Armenians went on also in the field. Unfortunately in the recent years
    football in Artsakh has regressed if not to say it has lost its former
    popularity. The reason is perhaps that no more serious football
    matches are held in the stadium of Stepanakert. And this has a purely
    political explanation: NKR is not recognized. Whereas football fans
    remember that in the 1970-80 certain matches of the Cup of the USSR
    were held here, and not only those with the participation of
    Azerbaijan. According to Gagik Tsatrian today in Karelia, where he
    works, international matches are held. In the context of the
    International Chess Tournament held in Stepanakert the necessity of
    developing this sport also becomes apparent. Especially that Artsakh
    has football traditions, we only have to revive them. There are no
    difficult problems if the way of solution has been found. At the same
    time he expressed anxiety concerning the present situation of this
    sport in Karabakh. He mentioned with pity that the former glory of
    `Karabakh' Karlen Simonian, who after leaving sport trained teams, now
    is left without any work. Such specialists, he said, cannot be left
    out of the game. And in general, according to him, it is inadmissible
    to make such persons victims of intrigues. G. Tsatrian enumerated the
    names of the people who could contribute to the restoration of the
    potential of football in the republic. In any sport it is possible to
    organize international tournaments in Artsakh. One of the hindering
    reasons is the absence of adequate sports grounds and halls. Last year
    after the international competitions of table tennis the NKR vice
    minister of education, culture and sport G. Balayan also raised this
    question. Only a year passed but it became possible to organize a
    high-level sports event. This tendency may only arouse positive
    anticipations. And again returning to the topic of football and making
    a conclusion from the concerns of Gagik Tsatrian and the formulation
    of Gary Balayan, we will mention an important circumstance: the
    solution of the question requires comprehensive state
    assistance. Having the example of the recently held chess tournament
    let us remember that sport is the ambassador of peace in the world and
    one of the effective factors favouring the recognition of the
    country. In addition, Gagik Tsatrian is ready to employ his
    possibilities and relations in Russia for the realization of such a
