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Idea of common state in Cyprus

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  • Idea of common state in Cyprus

    Azat Artsakh - Repubic of Nagorno Karabakh
    March 24, 2004


    On March 7-14 the group of 19 Armenian and Azerbaijani journalists
    visited Cyprus. The visit was organized by the press clubs of Yerevan
    and Baku within the framework of the program `The possibilities of
    settlement of the Karabakh conflict: evaluations of experts and
    coverage in the mass media'. The implementation of the project was
    assisted by the network program of the mass media of the Open Society
    Institute. The organization of the visit was favoured by the office of
    press and information of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Cyprus, the
    press service of the embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Russia, the
    chairman of the union of journalists of Cyprus Andreas Kannauros, the
    press and information service of the government of North Cyprus. The
    aim of the visit of the representatives of the mass media of Armenia,
    Azerbaijan and Nagorni Karabakh was to observe the problem of Cyprus
    from inside and also an attempt to compare with the actualities of our
    region. According to the editor of the `Weekly Bulletin' of the
    Yerevan Press Club Elina Poghosbekian, `The changing atmosphere of
    both the north and the south of Cyprus inspire optimism. It is more
    difficult to foresee whether we the Armenian and Azerbaijani
    journalists who appeared on the hospitable island of Aphrodite will be
    able `to learn to walk again'. Thus, it is too early to draw parallels
    with the South Caucasian actualities. The other aim of our visit was
    the discussion of ways of further cooperation between the mass media
    and the unions of journalists of these countries.' The history of
    negotiations for the unification of North and South Cyprus started in
    1947 is apparently approaching its end. If on March 22 the direct
    dialogue between the internationally recognized Republic of Cyprus and
    the Turkish community of the island does not have any results, then
    within the framework of the project of the Secretary General of the UN
    Kofi Annan the negotiations will involve the guarantor countries
    Greece and Turkey. In case of failure in that stage too Kofi Annan
    will extend his final suggestions. And if this program is not accepted
    by the parties either, the question will be solved by a referendum in
    the north and the south of the island, which will probably be held on
    April 21. The thing is that after the military coup in Athens on April
    21, 1967 and the seize of the power by the `black colonels' on July
    15, 1974 an attempt was made to unite Cyprus and Greece, which was
    followed by the deployment of Turkish forces in the island. On April
    23, 2003 free moving was allowed by the so-called `green'
    (demarcation) zone. According to the spokesman of the government of
    the Republic of Cyprus Chrisostomides, after opening the border every
    day about 10 thousand Turkish and Cypriot people cross it, and during
    all this period no skirmish has been reported. Free passage has
    enabled the Turks of Cyprus to receive the passport of the Republic of
    Cyprus. According to the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of
    Cyprus, since April of 2003 13.5 thousand people for the North have
    received passports. Since May 1, 2004 the Republic of Cyprus will
    become a member of the European Union and consequently the borders of
    free passage will be enlarged considerably. However the home minister
    of the Republic of Cyprus pays no less importance to the fact of local
    significance: since April of the same year 34 thousand Turkish
    Cypriots have received internal passports. According to him, only in
    their archive there are data concerning issuing such passports to 115
    thousand Turkish Cypriots. `Our meeting with the prime minister of the
    internationally non-recognized state of the Turkish republic Mehmet
    Ali Talat took place on the eve of his visit to Ankara where he was to
    have consultations with the government of Turkey. Turkey is the only
    country which has officially recognized the Turkish Republic of
    Cyprus,' writes Elina Poghosbekian. The prime minister confesses that
    the situation that North Cyprus is not recognized yet cannot last any
    longer. Nothing good may come out of it if South Cyprus is admitted to
    the European Union whereas the north is not, he added. The president
    of the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus Rauf Denktas has radical
    position and demands founding a confederation of two independent
    states. The variant of Rauf Dengtas is absolutely unacceptable for the
    Greek Cypriots, however, as prime minister Talat mentioned, there are
    questions seriously bargained for. There is the question of the fate
    of the settlers from Turkey, who outnumber the native Cypriots, to be
    solved. Their exact number is not known; according to the Greek party,
    their number is 125-130 thousand, whereas the Turkish party says they
    form 35 % of the 200 thousand population of North. Of the people
    settled in the island who may stay and who will have to leave after
    receiving a compensation? What will be the size of the compensation?
    What will be with the further presence of the foreign forces (Turkish,
    British and Greek) in the both parts of the island? The home minister
    of the Republic of Cyprus Christu assures that the unification will be
    through economic relations, which are becoming more effective after
    opening up the `green' zone. `In my opinion, the unification will
    require 6 million pounds. One thing is clear: without donors we cannot
    supply the living of the population,' said Christu. The annual income
    of the Cypriot Greeks (16 thousand dollars per capita) surpasses the
    annual income per capita of not only the Cypriot Turks but also of the
    `old' members of the European Union Greece and Portugal. Will the
    Greek community say `yes' during the referendum? The home minister of
    the Republic of Cyprus is convinced that the economic relationships of
    the communities with the institutional circles established by the
    European Union will enable a rapid settlement of the problem. `Having
    a bitter but instructive experience of co-existence we will again
    learn to walk.' The `star time' of Cyprus is expected on May 1. Will
    it on this red date of the calendar enter the European family united
    or the 30 years of division will last? Little time is left. We will
    only add that in Cyprus Karabakh was represented by the members of the
    Stepanakert press club Gegham Baghdassarian and Narineh Aghabalian.
