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New piece on political chessboard of Azerbaijan

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  • New piece on political chessboard of Azerbaijan

    Azat Artsakh - Repubic of Nagorno Karabakh
    March 24, 2004


    Among the `129 lucky people' granted amnesty by president Ilham Aliev
    on March 17 the former prime minister of Azerbaijan Suret Huseynov was
    released from the prison of Gobustan. After being released S.
    Huseynov prayed over the tomb of Heidar Aliev and then laid flowers on
    the monument to the victims of the Karabakh war. In his interview to
    the newspaper `Zerkalo' Huseynov mentioned that he read a lot during
    the 7 years of imprisonment. `I had a lot of time to analyze
    thoroughly how it is possible to achieve the development of Azerbaijan
    and overcome the economic crisis in the country,' he said. He
    mentioned that his isolation from the society was predetermined by
    Allah. `For this reason I do not condemn Heidar Aliev and I think that
    every Mohammedan must well realize the rules of Islam. Accursed be
    those who defy Allah,' said the former prime minister mentioned that
    if the society demands, he will go into politics. `Don't you believe
    in carrying out reforms with the former team of government'' Huseinov
    was asked. `The former team is unable to undertake anything. There is
    need for another team with new thinking, a new perception of human
    rights. A society must be formed where the public opinion will be
    respected. The parliament must be legitimate in order for the society
    to believe and trust it. I am well-aware of the past elections and I
    think that if the upcoming parliamentary election is held in
    accordance with democratic methods, a society will be formed in
    Azerbaijan about which I mentioned,' said Huseinov. And added, `Before
    taking part in the election I must be announced innocent. To realize
    my innocence common logic is enough. Why should the prime minister
    need to organize a coup d'etat in a town which is 360 km far from the
    capital. A prime minister planning a coup could do it in Baku. I spoke
    about this to all the foreign representatives with whom I met,'
    mentioned Huseinov. The former prime minister also spoke about
    Karabakh. `The problem of Nagorni Karabakh is difficult but also
    easy. Personally under my direction 220 settlements were liberated in
    Karabakh. After these actions the honourable title of national hero
    was conferred on me. The question occurs why our troops approached
    within 17 km from Khankendi and could not advance any more. At that
    time we read in Russian newspapers that Azerbaijan was going to attack
    in the direction of Aghdam. This is what happened. But it turns out
    that it was a maneuver and the real opposition started from the region
    of Shahoumian to Khachinchay. 220 settlements were liberated under my
    commandment. While we had success in Karabakh, the agreement of Alma
    Ata was signed. The OSCE Minsk Group was founded to defend the
    Armenians in Karabakh whereas we had attacked them. The minister of
    foreign affairs then Tofik Gasimov signed the agreement of Alma Ata on
    July 17 and at three o'clock in the morning with Panah Huseinov they
    came to me in Yevlakh. They informed that Azerbaijan had signed the
    cease-fire and the war was over. I was angry and turned them out. They
    started creating outposts together with the Armenians from Ghazakh to
    Dashkesan. I wanted them to realize that the international community
    today is occupied with other affairs and if we liberate our
    territories we shall take a revenge on the Armenians for ousting our
    300 thousand compatriots,' said Huseinov emotionally. `I have never
    sought for power and did not even want to become a prime minister,'
    finished his speech the former prime minister of Azerbaijan, to whom
    the country authorities have ascribed many blames. We did not just
    quote this big passage from the interview of Huseinov. Analyzing these
    sensitive questions which he dwelled on in his first interview we may
    be sure to state that the international community is preparing an
    opponent, or even an heir to Ilham Aliev. First of all because
    Huseinov was released under the pressure of the Western
    organizations. Second, at the exit of the prison he already spoke
    about the legitimacy of the government in Azerbaijan and
    democratization, as if following someone's instruction. Apart from
    everything he sets forth radical Islamic ideas. Forth, in opposite to
    the present authorities he states that the Azerbaijani refugees from
    Armenia counted 300 thousand and not 800 thousand; for this one has to
    have a strong back. And finally, he openly speaks out that his primary
    task is the liberation of Karabakh. Obviously a new piece has appeared
    on the political chessboard of Azerbaijan who is now in a strong
    position and through which someone is going to checkmate somebody. The
    interesting thing is how the grand maters of chess are going to use
    Huseinov, as a victim perhaps, because the radical Islamic
    announcements of Huseinov do not at all fit into the anti-terrorist
    campaign of the `liberators', the big players of the West.
