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NCI Examines Political Confrontation in Armenia

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  • NCI Examines Political Confrontation in Armenia

    The National Citizens' Initiative
    75 Yerznkian Street
    Yerevan 375033, Armenia
    Tel: (+374 - 1) 27.16.00, 27.00.03
    Fax: (+374 - 1) 52.48.46
    E-mail: [email protected]

    May 6, 2004

    National Citizens' Initiative Examines Political Confrontation in Armenia

    Yerevan?The National Citizens' Initiative (NCI) resumed today its series of
    specialized policy seminars on vital issues of concern for both the Republic
    of Armenia and Armenians worldwide.

    Raffi Hovannisian, founder of NCI and the Armenian Center for National and
    International Studies (ACNIS), greeted the capacity audience with opening
    remarks on the "Political Confrontation in Armenia: Causes, Effects, and
    Solutions." "Even a cursory analysis of the past few years demonstrates why
    we have so frequently lost in the course of our history. In our heart of
    hearts and in our inner consciousness, each of us knows that the situation
    in the country, as it stands now, is not durable. Whether we consider last
    year's elections a cause or an effect, they evidenced the commission of a
    big national mistake, the correction of which is crucial. We welcome the
    ongoing dialogue on various levels-its very invitation, attempt, and
    realization-yet we also know that it is the incumbent president's
    responsibility to initiate the corrective change in the state of affairs.
    Otherwise, the opposite, however unpredictable, is inevitable. It is at this
    level that we need an expedited and comprehensive resolution forged by
    consensus. This is neither a prediction nor a threat, nor advice of any
    kind. This simply is a public imperative," he said.

    ACNIS analyst Hovsep Khurshudian delivered a paper on the current state of
    political culture in Armenia. "Since 1988 and 1991 political culture in
    Armenia has faced a perilous retreat, and accountability for this lies first
    and foremost with the authorities," he opined, calling on the governing
    coalition to join the opposition in fulfilling the obligations set forth in
    the recent resolution of the Council of Europe. To this end he suggested
    establishment of a parliamentary committee composed equally of coalition and
    opposition members.

    In his address entitled "Constitutional Procedures and 'Legal'
    Arbitrariness," law professor Hrair Tovmasian noted: "It is manifest that
    both the current and the draft Constitutions presented last year for
    referendum, with their internal contradictions, incomplete checks and
    balances, unclear accountability mechanisms, and powerful prerogatives
    granted to the president, are not only useless in solving domestic
    confrontations but also serve as their main cause. By means of systemic
    change, the application of a parliamentary form of government in the
    Republic of Armenia is the best way, in our opinion, to eliminate such
    internal conflicts and to avoid them in the future," he said.

    Good governance analyst Karen Hakobian offered remarks on "Transfer of
    Authority as a Mirror of Democracy: The Crises of Regime Change in Armenia
    and in the Region." "Armenia faces a crisis of authority and a governance
    dilemma in general; hence, regime change becomes a necessity. But if there
    are no established long-term socioeconomic and political objectives, if
    there are no clear-cut and formulated models of good governance, one is
    likely to encounter similar crises later on, this time during the reign of
    the next administration. A change of regime should serve only as a means for
    securing clearly defined public interests and the country's development," he

    During the second session of the seminar, representatives of Armenia's
    political parties took the floor, Alexander Butaev and Albert Baghdasarian
    representing the National Democratic Union, Albert Bazeyan of the Republic
    Party, Hovhannes Hovhannisian of the Liberal Progressive Party, Gagik
    Tadevosian of the National Unity Party, and Grigor Harutiunian of the People
    's Party of Armenia. Of the invited coalition representatives only Galust
    Sahakian and Mushegh Lalayan of the Republican Party attended the
    roundtable. Mkrtich Minasian of the "People's Deputy" parliamentary group
    also took part in the discussion.

    The interventions of the politicians and public figures were followed by
    formal deliberations on possible ways out of the present situation.
    Noteworthy were contributions by Armenian Intellectuals' Forum chairman
    General Edward Simoniants; economist Edward Aghajanov; Anahit Bakhshian,
    principal of Derenik Demirchian High School in Yerevan; Davit Petrosian of
    the Noyan Tapan News agency; Avetik Ishkhanian, chairman of Armenia's
    Helsinki Committee; Gayane Markosian of the "Harmonious World" NGO; Manuk
    Haroutiunian, senior research fellow of the Institute of Philosophy and Law
    at the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia; Yerevan State University
    lecturer Aram Haroutiunian; political analyst Artsrun Pepanian; and many

    In particular, General Simoniants noted that "this meeting proves that it is
    groundless to claim the lack of highly intelligent specialists in the search
    for solutions to overcoming the crisis in the country. Unfortunately,
    however, the bearers of this political benchmark are not united and
    coordinated in academic and policy greenhouses such as this." He regretted
    the discontinuation of the opposition-coalition dialogue recently hosted by
    ACNIS, and called for its resumption.

    The National Citizens' Initiative is a public non-profit association founded
    in December 2001 by Raffi K. Hovannisian, his colleagues, and fellow
    citizens with the purpose of realizing the rule of law and overall
    improvements in the state of the state, society, and public institutions.
    The National Citizens' Initiative is guided by a Coordinating Council, which
    includes individual citizens and representatives of various public,
    scientific, and educational establishments. Five commissions on Law and
    State Administration, Socioeconomic Issues, Foreign Policy, Spiritual and
    Cultural Challenges, and the Youth constitute the vehicles for the
    Initiative's work and outreach.

    For further information, please call (3741) 27-16-00 or 27-00-03; fax (3741)
    52-48-46; e-mail [email protected]; or visit