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Economic policy in Karabakh is favorable

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  • Economic policy in Karabakh is favorable

    Azat Artsakh - Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
    May 7, 2004


    This is the opinion of the manager of "Base Metals Ltd." Artur
    Mkrtumian, which he stated during his meeting with the mass media. So
    far 7 million dollars have been invested by the shareholders of the
    company in capital building, equipment. "The implementation of so much
    work within a period of about 1.5 year is not only the result of the
    technical skills and efforts of the specialists but also the
    favourable economic policy. The construction of a similar factory
    might usually be delayed, hindered. It should be mentioned that
    everything was done quickly, without any difficulties, and the result
    is the powerful factory. At the same time in parallel with the growth
    of the company the legislative regulations of Karabakh have been
    accomplished, which today favour similar companies to make
    investments, set up a business and achieve success," said Artur
    Mkrtumian. PERSONNEL PROBLEMS. The prevailing part of the 750 workers
    of the company, mainly the technical staff, are invited. According to
    the manager of the company Artur Mkrtumian, the company cannot keep
    the invited specialists in the country for years on. Therefore the
    company intends creating a base of specialists in the factory through
    the invited specialists. The manager explains the absence of
    specialists by the absence of similar production in Karabakh. It the
    beginning the factory also had lack of labour force. According to him,
    the reason was the events of the last 10-15 years. People have been
    alienated from industrial work which supposes certain scheduling and
    responsibility. The problem, however, has been solved, according to
    A. Mkrtumian. Moreover, there are now hundreds of people wishing to
    work in the mine. "We have local specialists, miners who excellently
    carry out this hard work from the point of view of specialization and
    earn as much as the 6th class specialist invited from Kapan,
    Alaverdy. They are 24-26 years-old young men and the company has great
    expectations from them," said A. Mkrtumian. The manager also informed
    that for the organization and development of the production in
    Karabakh with the NKR government they work out a program of training
    necessary specialists at Artsakh State University. The program is in
    the initial stage. The company has presented the list of the necessary
    monthly salary fund of the company "Base Metals" totals about 80-100
    million drams. The work in the factory lasts 24 hours, in three
    shifts, except for the underground mine which works a six-hour shift
    taking into account the hard working conditions. "Base Metals" also
    favours the improvement of the social conditions of the population of
    the adjacent villages. The evidence to this is the newly built
    dormitory which will be opened soon. The same is pursued with the plan
    of the management of the company to build a resort center on the side
    of the reservoir Sarsang.
