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No political forces in Russia wish Armenia's destabilisation

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  • No political forces in Russia wish Armenia's destabilisation

    The International Herald Tribune
    May 7, 2004 Friday

    No political forces in Russia wish Armenia's destabilisation

    By Tigran Liloyan


    In the opinion of Ara Abramyan, President of the World Armenian
    Congress and of the Union of the Armenians of Russia, "There are no
    political forces in Russia that would wish destabilisation or
    internal unrest" in Armenia. "Stabilisation in Armenia is the main
    thing," he has told Itar-Tass.

    This prominent public figure and businessman has dismissed assertions
    about an ostensible involvement of Russian businessmen of Armenian
    descent in the developments in Armenia. He believes that "it is
    superfluous to say in this respect that some big Russian
    organisations allegedly finance the opposition in Armenia".

    Commenting on the internal political tension in the republic,
    Abramyan pointed out that he takes "a negative view of the
    developments in Armenia, since this also concerns the Armenians of
    Russia and of the whole world". He recalled that half a million
    Armenian nationals live in Russia.

    Abramyan is convinced that the authorities and the opposition must
    settle the internal political situation in Armenia. "Only at the
    negotiating table, not in the street or in foreign countries,"
    appealing to international authorities.

    As for the opposition's demands for President Robert Kocharyan's
    resignation, Abramyan believes that "any such demands must be decided
    upon exclusively within the legal, constitutional framework".