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Artsakh in Armenian Press

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  • Artsakh in Armenian Press

    Azat Artsakh - Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
    May 7, 2004


    The publications on Artsakh in the press of Armenia of the current
    week were more interesting and various than last week. Particularly,
    at the beginning of the week the newspapers were full of analytical
    articles and information on the Karabakh problem, and the publications
    of Thursday mainly referred to the economy. The press of the week
    closes with materials on the meeting of Aliev and Kocharian in Warsaw
    on April 28. AGAIN WAR? The newspaper "Azg", making a reference to the
    agency "Turan" in the article headlined "No Compromises on
    Azerbaijan's Part" (27.04.04) informs that on Saturday the co-chairman
    of the Minsk Group Steven Mann met in Baku with the defence minister
    of Azerbaijan Safar Abiev and talked about the Karabakh problem.
    Presenting the position of the USA in reference to Karabakh, Mann said
    that the parties must make mutually acceptable compromises. However,
    in answer Abiev said that Azerbaijan would make no concessions.
    Moreover, Azerbaijan characterized Armenia as a country-aggressor and
    added that it should be punished. Bringing the example of Yugoslavia
    and Iraq, where the military interference was used, according to the
    newspaper, Abiev asked why not to do the same with Armenia. And if add
    the to this brazen question of the Azerbaijani defence minister the
    statement of Aliev Jr. that he does not hurry in the question of
    Karabakh, only one conclusion may be made that Azerbaijan is preparing
    for a new war. A similar conclusion was made by the weekly newspaper
    "Avangard" in the article "Probability of Both Positive and Negative
    Turnarounds Increases" (28.04.04). Following attentively the policy of
    the Azerbaijani authorities in reference to the settlement of the
    problem the author of the article thinks that the situation got
    complicated after the announcement of Aliev to start everything from
    the zero point. "It seems more probable that the wish of Aliev to
    start everything from the zero point is his own "genial" idea pursuing
    one aim - to bury finally the principles of Key West unacceptable for
    Azerbaijan, and on the other hand, to win time until the opening of
    the Baku-Geihan pipeline allowing to improve greatly the financial and
    economic situation of the country, arm and strengthen the army and
    solve the Karabakh problem through war." And as to the probability of
    a positive turnaround, mentioning another announcement of Ilham Aliev
    about his willingness to recognize the independence of the Turkish
    Republic of North Cyprus, the author of the article mentions, "To
    recognize the independence of the illegitimate state which was not
    recognized by any country means directly accepting the right of the
    nations for self-determination." There is an impression that
    Azerbaijan sacrifices its own interests for the interests of Turkey.
    In the case of such developments "Azerbaijan will have to admit the
    independence of NKR otherwise the approach of dual standards not only
    will be striking but also will leave an obscure and absurd impression
    on the international community," writes the newspaper. "Anyway, in
    unforeseeable, unexpected geopolitical developments the probability of
    both positive and negative turnarounds increases which should oblige
    the Armenian diplomacy to stay alert all the time to avoid dangerous
    roundabouts in the question of settlement of the NK conflict and to
    make utmost use of the favourable situations," concludes the
    author. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. The meeting of the NKR government on
    April 27 discussed the implementation of the state budget of 2003 in
    which reference "Addressing the meeting, prime minister Anoushavan
    Danielian announced that the government had set an aim to maintain the
    high rates of the economic development of the past years and provided
    an abrupt growth of the economic development of the republic in 2003,"
    informed the press service of the NKR government to the newspaper
    "Republic of Armenia" (28.04.04). In the article headlined "Despite
    Growth of Rates Difficulties are Ahead" the newspaper "Azg"
    (29.04.04), touching upon the same topic, mentions, "2003 was a
    turning point in the economic development of NKR. In particular, the
    real growth of the GDP totaled 19.8 percent. Growth of rates was
    reported also in the spheres of industry, agriculture and other. The
    growth of the budget revenues was also unprecedented." In this context
    the active coefficient of the private sector was emphasized; if in
    2000 the share of this sector in the industrial production was 25
    percent, in three years it tripled. "With such growth rates in the
    upcoming two years the minimum salary in NKR will double, and the
    pensions will grow every year," says the newspaper. "However, let no
    one have the impression that we have overcome all the problems," said
    the prime minister of NKR according to the newspaper "Republic of
    Armenia", "on the contrary, I am sure that the main difficulties are
    to follow. This is not a popular expression but the description of the
    current economic situation of the country. And despite the high rates
    of economic development in the past years the economic growth of the
    country should be characterized as rehabilitative growth," the
    newspaper presents the opinion of the prime minister of
    NKR. KOCHARIAN-ALIEV. As we have already mentioned, almost all the
    newspapers of Armenia covered the meeting of Kocharian and
    Aliev. Particularly the newspaper "Golos Armeni" (in Russian) touching
    upon the dialogue that took place during the meeting of Kocharian and
    Aliev in Warsaw in the article "Forgot About the 0?" (28.04.04),
    mentions, "the newly elected president of Azerbaijan did not mention
    about starting the negotiations from zero which Aliev insisted on in
    some of his addresses." The newspaper "Aravot" (30.04.04), presenting
    the information provided by the radio station "Liberty" on the press
    conference of the president of Azerbaijan after the PACE meeting on
    April 29 (in which Armenian journalists also participated - C.M.),
    touches upon the question asked by the reporter of the same radio
    station "What do you mean when speaking about starting the
    negotiations from zero?" to which Aliev answered that the presidents
    of the Republic of Armenia and Azerbaijan did not achieve any
    arrangements in reference to the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh
    conflict, therefore from whatever point the parties start the
    negotiations, it will be a zero point. According to the newspaper,
    Aliev also added that the Armenian party distorts the facts announcing
    that the RA president R. Kocharian and the former president of
    Azerbaijan H. Aliev reached arrangements for the peaceful regulation
    of the NK conflict. According to another publication of the same
    newspaper, "In Warsaw R. Kocharian stated that the only way of the
    settlement of the NK question is "peaceful and willing divorce". In
    his turn I. Aliev announced that he would not cooperate with Armenia
    unless the problem of NK is solved." EVALUATION. In his turn the RA
    minister Vardan Oskanian evaluated the meeting of the presidents of
    Armenia and Azerbaijan as quite effective. "We may state unambiguously
    that the negotiation process is coming out of the deadlock," mentioned
    the foreign minister of RA in his interview to the newspaper "Republic
    of Armenia".
