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Iran: Azerbaijan Military Manoeuvre Adversely Affects Caspian Issue

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  • Iran: Azerbaijan Military Manoeuvre Adversely Affects Caspian Issue


    Shargh web site, Tehran,
    2 May 04

    The Republic of Azerbaijan is planning to perform a military manoeuvre
    in the Caspian Sea in the coming days. Contrary to the remarks by the
    commander of Azerbaijan's Border Guards regarding the aims of the
    manoeuvre in terms of evaluating the readiness of the border forces of
    the Azerbaijan Republic in order to confront a possible violation of
    its maritime borders, it seems that this military action is
    commensurate with the deployment of NATO equipment in the areas close
    to the northern borders of Iran and that the aims of the manoeuvres
    are something else.

    Holding military manoeuvres so soon after the recent Moscow
    conference, during which the littoral states of the Caspian Sea
    declared their verbal commitment to keep the Caspian Sea far from
    militarization and help the establishment of a durable peace, is a
    matter that can be studied from several points of view.

    A long time ago, Aran and Shirvan were annexed forcefully by Tsarist
    Russia and the name was changed to the Republic of Azerbaijan. The
    policies of that republic in the later course of history were always
    accompanied with the negation of the historical identities and always
    affected the security of the northern borders of Iran. The leaders of
    the Republic of Azerbaijan, which has fewer than 8 million population,
    under the guidance of the late president of the Azerbaijan, Haydar
    Aliyev, used the old doctrines of the former USSR to insist on the
    common language of Azeris with Iranian Azerbaijan, as an element for
    trying to separate this part of Iran from the rest of the country.

    The Republic of Azerbaijan, since its independence from the 15
    republics of the former USSR, has tried to regain old aims and has
    tilted towards extraterritorial powers for financial and other
    assistance. They have attracted 12.5m dollars from the White House and
    Washington's special budget to consolidate and equip the Azeri Navy
    and bring it up to NATO standards, in line with the militarization of
    the Caspian Sea. The military influence of the USA on the regional
    countries around the Caspian Sea has been increasing under many
    pretexts, like the training of military forces or holding
    manoeuvres. For instance, every year we see the common manoeuvres by
    the USA with regard to Kazakhstan. In order to increase the support
    from the Republic of Azerbaijan, the USA has used its experience of
    military and economic assistance programmes. The Americans have
    presented warships and patrol boats to Azerbaijan. They are
    consolidating their own presence in the region through a partner like
    Azerbaijan to protect their oil interests. On the other side, the
    Russian Federation, which had the reputation of a powerful military
    presence in the Caspian Sea, has tried to enhance its military muscle
    through holding naval manoeuvres. The great manoeuvre of the Russians
    in the Port of Astrakhan, immediately after the summit of the littoral
    states in Asgabat, was in the same line. The Russian Federation has
    recently declared that it has to equip its forces in the Caspian Sea
    with the latest military equipment.

    Undoubtedly, Iran's northern neighbours are taking advantage its
    passive position. Relying on the great powers, they are trying to
    enhance their military power in the Caspian Sea in order to gain more
    advantages in there. They will be able to protect the security of the
    pipelines under constructions, especially Baku-Ceyhan, which are
    uneconomical routes designed to bypass Iran, as well as to pressure
    Iran to go deeper into the passive mood and ignore its rights to oil
    and gas in the Caspian Sea. This point gains importance when we notice
    that four of the 14 main oil and gas fields in Azerbaijan are within
    the 20 per cent limits that some Iranian politicians have set as the
    acceptable share for Iran. Of course, Azerbaijan's other allies, like
    Turkey, which has 15 km of common border with Azerbaijan, and Israel,
    are planning to expand the political, economic, and cultural influence
    in the region, and they are supporting Azerbaijan from a military
    point of view.

    The reality is that, despite the failure of the repeated sessions and
    conferences of the littoral states for devising a proper exploitation
    plan in the Caspian Sea and the codification of joint military plans
    in order to preserve the balance of naval power in the Caspian Sea,
    can be followed by our authorities in order to protect the national
    interests and facilitate the implementation of other plans. On the
    other side, Iran's power to affect the Karabakh and Talesh issues are
    among Iran's capacities that have not been used, and they can be
    important in the preservation of stability along the maritime and land
    borders and help Iran to play its natural and historical role.