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Beirut: Municipal polls The family factor

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  • Beirut: Municipal polls The family factor

    Municipal polls The family factor

    Monday Morning, Lebanon
    May 10 2004

    The dramatic recent events in the Middle East have not overshadowed
    the municipal elections, which are at the center of the Lebanese
    interest this month. President Emile Lahoud was particularly
    concerned, in the last few months, for ensuring a climate of security
    and neutrality, through the intermediary of the administrative and
    security apparatus, the Army and Internal Security Forces maintaining
    order around and inside the election offices. President Lahoud was
    also in favor of having an agreement in the towns and localities
    where it would be possible to set up consensual tickets, but if this
    was not the case, the municipal elections should take place in a calm
    atmosphere, given that the municipality assumes functions having an
    administrative nature, or relating to the environment, health and
    public services. Receiving Syriac Catholic Patriarch Ignatius Peter
    VIII Abdelahad, President Lahoud insisted on the necessity of having
    "all the Lebanese disregard their dissensions and sensitivities that
    are the case of ill-feeling".

    "They should close ranks and join efforts so as to confront the dangers
    threatening the Middle East and the challenges facing us", he added.

    'Preservation of harmony'

    After Mount Lebanon, came the turn of Beirut and the Bekaa to elect
    their candidates on May 9.

    As to what concerns the capital, the odds seemed to be strongly
    in favor of the ticket sponsored by Prime Minister Rafik Hariri,
    especially after Abdelhamid Fakhouri withdrew his candidacy. Fakhouri
    pulled out after former Prime Minister Salim Hoss, a Sunnite notable
    in Beirut, decided to distance himself from the elections. For his
    part, Tammam Salam, another Sunnite figure and also a supporter of
    Fakhouri, decided to support the ticket headed by Abdelmonem Aris,
    outgoing mayor of Beirut.

    Salam praised the formation of the "Beirut Unity" ticket sponsored
    by Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, designed to embrace as much of the
    city's confessional political and confessional horizon as possible
    in order to "maintain the unity of Beirut and express the desire of
    its people to live together in harmonious coexistence".

    There was one slight note of disharmony in Hariri's refusal to accept a
    candidate of the Kataeb Party on the Unity ticket, reportedly because
    the leader of the party, Karim Pakradouni, minister of administrative
    development, had irritated the prime minister by opposing proposals
    supported by him during cabinet meetings.

    Pakradouni tried to put the best face on the matter by indicating that
    he preferred to withdraw his party's candidate rather than compromise
    national unity.

    As for Gebran Araiji, leader of the Syrian Social National Party
    (SSNP), he declared in the name of the committee of parties, "We have
    noted Salam's desire to preserve harmony between all sides and ensure
    their representation [on the municipal council], and especially the
    representation of the Christians within the 'Unity's ticket". He
    added that "Syria supports this action, and this is proved by the
    fact that President Bashar Assad has affirmed his determination to
    remain equidistant from all the components of the Lebanese population".

    Murr: 'In favor of democratic elections'

    Elias Murr, minister of the interior and of municipal affairs, stated
    following a meeting with Mgr. Elias Audé, Greek Orthodox archbishop of
    Beirut, that his main concern was that "the municipal elections have
    taken place in a democratic manner, giving Lebanon some credibility
    abroad". He added, "If we think that the municipal elections in a
    certain region will lead to trouble that may endanger public security,
    we will postpone the elections for one month".

    Following a fracas between supporters of MP Walid Jumblatt, leader
    of the Progressive Socialist Party, and Talal Arslan, head of the
    Lebanese Democratic Party, in the Mount Lebanon town of Shweifat,
    Murr stated that those who provoked it may have wanted to postpone
    the municipal elections in that region, where the two traditional
    fractions of the Druze community, "Yazbakis" and "Jumblattis", were
    confronting each other.

    In response to the statement made by the Free Patriotic Current,
    loyal to exiled General Michel Aoun, accusing the authorities of bias
    in the conduct of the elections, Murr replied, "We've heard the same
    accusation from several of the many candidates. That's why we have
    set up a special bureau to receive such complaints and investigate
    them and check their veracity".

    The minister was non-committal about the situation in the Beirut
    polls, to be held on May 9. "I think that Premier Hariri, being in
    the strongest position, will have the lion's share of the seats on
    the city council".

    Lahoud satisfied

    Back to the elections in Mount Lebanon. President Lahoud expressed
    satisfaction with the results and the way the polls had been conducted
    and congratulated the winning candidates and the officials responsible
    for polling stations and security. "The elections in Mount Lebanon
    should serve as models for the polls in other provinces". At Shweifat,
    the Jumblattist candidate won the palm, while Talal Arslan called
    for an invalidation of the poll "because of flagrant irregularities".

    In the North Metn, MP Michel Murr, the dominant political figure of
    the region, sponsored tickets in 40 of the 48 municipalities and was
    the main winner in the elections.

    In Jounieh, ticket-splitting and vote-buying were the principal
    accusations made by the competing candidates. Two tickets were in
    contention for the 16,000 voters. The first, called "Jounieh of the
    Future", included the outgoing mayor, Adel Bou-Karam, and was backed
    by MPs Georges Frem and Mansour el-Bone. The other, supported by MP
    Farid el-Khazen and Minister Fares Bouez and called "All for Jounieh",
    was led by Juan Hobeish. The latter ticket managed to obtain the
    largest number of seats on the municipal council.

    In Deir al-Kamar, 11 of the 12 candidates on the ticket sponsored by
    Dory Chamoun, leader of the National Liberal Party and mayor of the
    town, were elected. Only the head of the opposing ticket, retired
    Brigadier Adonis Nehmé, broke through the Chamoun list.

    Michel Murr:'No link between municipal polls and the presidential

    Following his success in the North Metn, Michel Murr, replying to a
    reporter's question, indicated that "the presidential election is in
    no way linked to the municipal polls" and criticized those who wanted
    to "do battle with the Administration, that is, with the president,
    and in his own fief, the Metn District… which is and will remain an
    area of Christian moderation, and President Lahoud wishes to see this
    attitude of mind maintained throughout the region.

    "That is why, when the political battle comes, we shall declare
    our position in all frankness and say: this region will be behind
    President Lahoud if he stands as a candidate for the headship of
    the state. President Lahoud is considered a man of deep patriotism,
    as he proved in South Lebanon, and he opposes the implantation of
    [Palestinian] refugees. I will always be by his side, whatever
    the battle may be, not least that of a renewal of the presidential

    In Dekwaneh, all factions of the opposition supported the incomplete
    ticket of Joseph Bou-Abboud, which confronted the pro-Michel Murr
    ticket of Antoine Nicolas Shakhtoura, which captured the majority of
    seats in contention.

    In Sin al-Fil, there was an intense battle between the opposition
    ticket led by Nabil Kahalé and that of the outgoing mayor, Sami
    Shaoul, pro-Murr. Fifteen of the 18 seats went to the opposition.
    In Jdeide-Boushrieh, everyone was surprised to see the arrival,
    carried en masse in minibuses, of bedouins brought in to vote for
    the pro-Murr ticket. They were heard discussing the "tariff", which
    was not up to their expectations, but which they received as soon
    as they had cast their ballots. As usual, the Armenian Tashnak Party
    came down solidly on the side of the Administration.

    The opposition was divided between the reformist Kataeb movement,
    supporting Boulos Kanaan's (second) ticket, on the one hand, and a
    ticket representing the Free Patriotic Current, the National Liberals
    and the Lebanese Forces on the other.

    In Jal al-Dib, fief of the Abou-Jaoudé family, the contest was between
    two tickets, one headed by Edouard Abou-Jaoudé (pro-Murr), the other
    by Tony Abou-Jaoudé and Antoine Zard (Free Patriotic Current-National
    Liberals Lebanese Front).

    In Antelias, three tickets were in contention. The first was led by
    Elie Farhat Abou-Jaoudé, outgoing mayor, supported by Michel Murr and
    the Tashnak Party. The second, led by Basam Abou-Fadel and enjoying
    the support of the Rahbanis, refused to politicize the elections. The
    third, that of the opposition, was supported by the reformist Kataeb
    and the Free Patriotic Current.

    In Dbayé, four tickets opposed one another: that of the outgoing mayor,
    Kabalan Ashkar, supported by the SSNP; that of the outgoing deputy
    mayor, Salim Massoud, backed by Michel Murr and the Tashnak; the
    third comprised opposition personalities, Aounists and independents
    with the support of the NLP; and the fourth, led by Milad Massoud,
    candidate of the reformist Kataeb.

    The "alliance" between Michel Murr and Amin Gemayel remained undeclared
    and had the purpose of giving victory to the largest number of Kataeb
    candidates. Ticket-splitting was the rule.

    >>From Bikfaya and Baabdat to Jbeil In Bikfaya, Amin Gemayel and
    Toufik Daher, the outgoing mayor, brought together a ticket of 15
    members led by Fuad Abi-Hayla. Another ticket of six members was
    assembled by families in the town who felt they should be represented
    on the municipal council.

    In Baabda, a ticket was agreed bringing together the leading families
    of the town, led by Imad Labaki, nephew of the outgoing mayor, Assaad
    Labaki. This ticket was backed by MP Nassib Lahoud and Salim Salhab,
    who is "close to" the National Bloc.

    In Jbeil, two large tickets and one ticket of the opposition faced
    one another. Family considerations prevailed over political factors.
    Of particular interest was the alliance enjoying the support of MP
    Nazem Khouri, close to General Michel Sleiman, commander-in-chief
    of the Army, and formed by the Hawat and Shami (National Bloc)
    families, who were allied for the first time in half a century,
    with the Kallabs (Destourians). The purpose of this combination was
    to dislodge Jean-Louis Kardahi, who was himself mayor before being
    appointed minister of telecommunications. Kardahi reportedly had the
    backing of influential figures in the Administration and had used
    the facilities of his department to win the favor of the Jbeiliotes.

    Ticket-splitting and vote-buying

    In Hadeth and Shiyah, two important towns of the Baabda-Aley District,
    the Aounists comprised the most important opposition force to confront
    the tickets loyal to the Administration. Other "opposition" forces were
    too fragmented to be taken seriously. In Ghobeiri, in the southwestern
    suburbs of the capital, a Hezballah tidal wave called into question
    the popularity of the Amal Movement, led by the parliamentary speaker,
    Nabih Berri.

    The poor performance of opposition candidates reflected their habitual
    inability to cooperate effectively.

    In their monthly message, the Maronite bishops deplored the fact
    that family considerations had played such a major role in deciding
    voters' choices.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress