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California Courier Online, May 13, 2004

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  • California Courier Online, May 13, 2004

    California Courier Online, May 13, 2004

    1 - Commentary
    Turks Identify Themselves As
    Perpetrators of the Genocide

    By Harut Sassounian
    California Courier Publisher
    ************************************************** ************************
    2 - ALMA Features Two Exhibits: 'Bloodlines,'
    & 'Images From the Ashes: Smyrna 1922'
    3 - AIWA Will Honor Lily Balian
    At May 22 Fundraiser in L.A.
    4 - Concern Foundation Honors
    Bosley CEO John Ohanesian
    5 - AJA Elects New
    Board for 2004
    ************************************************** **********************
    1 - Commentary

    Turks Identify Themselves As
    Perpetrators of the Genocide

    By Harut Sassounian
    Publisher, The California Courier

    While April 1915 spelled a national disaster for the Armenian people, who
    would have thought that 89 years later, the Armenian Genocide would still
    haunt the Turks?
    To the dismay of the Turkish government, several major developments last
    month reminded the Turks that they cannot escape the consequences of the
    crime committed in 1915:
    -- Five more U.S. states (Montana, Idaho, Tennessee, Nebraska, and
    Louisiana) acknowledged the Armenian Genocide this month, bringing the
    total number of such U.S. states to 36;
    -- The Turkish Foreign Ministry issued a statement on April 21, expressing
    "its extreme regret" that "a monument was erected in the yard of a Catholic
    Church in Krakow, Poland, on April 17, 2004, with an inscription that reads
    'Armenians were the victims of genocide in Turkey in 1915;' "
    -- The New York Times issued an internal guideline stating that henceforth
    it would refer to the Armenian Genocide as such without any denialist
    -- Thousands of articles were published in newspapers throughout the world,
    referring to the 89th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and covering the
    commemorative events on that occasion;
    -- Both Presidential candidates in the United States issued solemn
    statements on April 24. Pres. Bush recognized the mass murder of 1.5
    million Armenians without using the word genocide, while Sen. Kerry called
    it genocide and urged the international community to recognize it;
    -- One of the most significant developments for the recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide occurred in Canada on April 21. With a vote of 153 to 68,
    the Canadian Parliament officially recognized the Armenian Genocide,
    despite strong Turkish opposition.
    Hundreds of articles on this subject were published in Canada and Turkey on
    the Parliament's vote. The Turkish Ambassador and the Turkish communities
    in Canada and the United States engaged in a massive lobbying campaign
    trying to block this initiative. Afterwards, the Turkish government
    threatened that the vote would have serious economic repercussions on
    Canada, meaning that Turkey could cancel major business contracts with
    Canadian companies.
    There was, however, one key observation missing from all of these news
    reports, editorials and commentaries. While wildly lashing out at Canada,
    the Turkish government does not seem to have paid close attention to the
    text of the resolution which reads as follows: "This House acknowledges the
    Armenian genocide of 1915 and condemns this act as a crime against
    Nowhere in the text is there a mention of Turks or Ottomans as the
    perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide. Why are the Turks then, so
    vociferously complaining about this resolution? Simply because the Turks
    know all too well -- better than anyone else -- the crime that was
    committed by their ancestors. That knowledge must weigh heavily on their
    collective guilty conscience. This resolution is not blaming them for
    committing any crime. Under these circumstances, the Turks are simply
    identifying themselves or accusing themselves of committing genocide
    against the Armenians.
    There is no more damning evidence of the genocide committed by the Turks
    against the Armenians than their own acknowledgment or confession of their
    Turks Complain to The N. Y. Times
    As expected, the Turks are lashing out at The New York Times for announcing
    last month that it would henceforth refer to the Armenian Genocide simply
    as genocide, without any qualifiers.
    In a letter to Bill Keller, the Executive Editor of The New York Times, the
    President of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations, Ercument Kilic,
    expressed his "disappointment" over the paper's decision to describe as
    genocide "the misfortune of the Ottoman Armenians." After listing a series
    of falsehoods, Kilic urged the Editor "to reconsider" his decision, stating
    that "the image of The New York Times as a neutral and impartial medium has
    been seriously tarnished." As I had suggested in an earlier column, the
    more the Turks complain to The New York Times, the more they help publicize
    the Armenian Genocide.
    Already, the newspaper's new guideline has resulted in a lengthy and very
    positive article on the Armenian Genocide, in the April 26 issue of the
    prestigious New Yorker magazine. Writer Gary Bass recalled that Bill
    Keller, the Executive Editor of The New York Times, referred to the
    Armenian Genocide as genocide back in 1988 in an article he wrote during
    his time at the paper's Moscow bureau. Bass reported that during a phone
    conversation last month, Keller told him: "It seemed a no-brainer that
    killing a million people because they were Armenians fit the definition [of
    In the weeks ahead, the Turks, with their complaints, will probably cause
    more such positive articles to be written on the Armenian Genocide in many
    other major newspapers and magazines.
    ************************************************** ************************
    2 - ALMA Features Two Exhibits: 'Bloodlines,'
    & 'Images From the Ashes: Smyrna 1922'
    WATERTOWN. Ma - The Armenian Library and Museum of America (ALMA) announced
    its most recent exhibit, "Images from the Ashes: Smyrna 1922" featured in
    the Bedoukian Gallery, April 18 through October 3. The opening reception
    will take place May 16, from 3 to 5 p.m., and will mark the opening of
    Greek-American artist, Anna Spileos Scott's, "Bloodlines," a contemporary
    and striking art installation commemorating the destruction of the city of
    Smyrna. In addition, Anna Scott and "Bread" series artist, Apo Torosyan,
    will give a lecture about their experiences and inspirations that are
    reflected in their artwork.
    In 1921, the city of Smyrna, south of Constantinople, was the second
    largest city of the Ottoman Empire. Turkey's primary center of trade and
    culture, Smyrna known as "gavour Izmir" ("infidel Smyrna") to the Turks, as
    most of the population were Greeks, Armenians, Europeans and Jews. By
    December 1922, the city was a smoldering ruin, with most of its population
    murdered or driven out permanently in the ruthless drive to create a new
    Turkish state without the "gavours."
    "Images from the Ashes: Smyrna 1922" examines the role of Smyrna on
    Ottoman and European culture, as well as the primary roles of Greek and
    Armenian Christian populations. Both groups, the native populations of the
    area, were completely eliminated in this early model of 'ethnic cleansing'.
    Unlike other destroyed cities in history that are remembered today, the
    city of Smyrna has been forgotten.
    The exhibit tells the tragic story of the city in a diverse exhibit
    encompassing different materials combined from a number of sources. The
    exhibit includes an extensive photograph record of the city compiled by
    Richard and Anne Elizabeth Elbrecht of Davis, Calif., The exhibit includes
    rare images of the final days of the city prior to its destruction. These
    photographs will be complemented by rare textiles, rugs, and publications
    produced in Smyrna, all of which survived the final destruction. The
    textiles, now part of the museum's holding, were donated by the Yeranian
    and Nicolaides families, who are immigrants from Smyrna.
    Although Armenians made less than ten-percent of the population, the city
    was a major center of Armenian arts and education. The destruction of the
    Armenian population in 1922 was the final major atrocity of the Genocide,
    the closing act on seven years of rape, murder and pillage.
    On the same afternoon as the opening of "Bloodlines", Peabody-based artist
    Apo Torosyan will present his own experiences when he returned to his
    native village in Turkey. Torosyan is a successful artist and lecturer who
    has exhibited in hundreds of galleries, including several exhibits at ALMA.
    He is perhaps best known for his "Bread" series of art, that incorporates
    actual pieces of bread into his multimedia art installations. Torosyan's
    video and discussion will explore the emotional impact of his return to
    Turkey after 25 years.
    Admission is free to ALMA members and children under 14, and a $2 suggested
    donation for non-members.
    For more information, call the office at 617-926-2562
    ************************************************** ************************
    3 - AIWA Will Honor Lily Balian
    At May 22 Fundraiser in L.A.
    LOS ANGELES - The Armenian International Women's Association (AIWA), Los
    Angeles Affiliate, will honor Lily Ring Balian with the Outstanding Woman
    of Achievement and Commitment Award at their annual fundraiser on May 22,
    at The Millennium Biltmore Hotel.
    Balian has represented Armenian women in Los Angeles for over 10 years
    working to increase the visibility of Armenian women, promote their equal
    role in the world and advance the discussion of education, social welfare,
    culture, business and heritage in society. The AIWA luncheon will help
    raise funds for their continuous outreach projects for women.
    Balian lives in Los Angeles and serves as a consultant for political
    campaigns statewide and nationally and has managed public affairs and
    political campaigns in both the private and public sector for more than 20
    years. In 1991, Gov. Pete Wilson appointed her to the California Commission
    on the Status of Women where she advanced to Chair of the committee. Ring
    Balian continues to take an active role in numerous organizations many of
    which focus on women's causes. She is currently the Vice President of the
    KCET Women's Council; a member of Women Los Angeles, participated as
    chairperson of the Ladies Auxiliary of Western Diocese, served as former
    President of the Los Angeles Affiliate of the Armenian Women's
    International Association, where, in 1995, she represented California, as
    well as the AIWA at the United Nations Fourth World Conference for Women in
    Beijing, China. It is for her ongoing commitment to Armenian women in
    society that AIWA honors her this year at their annual fundraiser.
    AIWA has worked to gather information about the changing role of women in
    the world, monitored the activities of Armenian women, established an
    Armenian Women's archive and regularly sponsored programs and issues
    publications to further these purposes.
    For more information on the luncheon or to order tickets, contact Cindy
    Norian at 310-277-4490, or Joan Agajanian Quinn at 310274-4938 by May 10.
    For more information on AIWA, visit
    ************************************************** ************************
    4 - Concern Foundation Honors
    Bosley CEO John Ohanesian
    BEVERLY HILLS - The Concern Foundation for funding cancer research
    worldwide announced the honoree for this year's Annual Block Party. John R.
    Ohanesian, President and CEO of Bosley, will be honored at the 30th annual
    fundraiser on July 17, at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles.
    The Concern Foundation wages a war against cancer every year by raising
    money at its signature event and by promoting public awareness of its
    community outreach programs. Ohanesian epitomizes the values of this
    charitable organization. He is a humanitarian and community leader with
    over two decades of experience in the health care industry.
    Ohanesian has been President and Chief Operating Officer of Bosley since
    joining the company in 1990. As of 2001, he assumed the role of Chief
    Executive Officer after successfully completing the acquisition of Bosley
    by Aderans, Inc. of Tokyo, Japan. Since joining Bosley, the world leader in
    surgical hair restoration, Ohanesian has led growth from 8 offices to 90
    offices and from 68 employees to over 600 employees. Performing more
    surgical hair restoration procedures than any company in the world, Bosley
    was the first medical provider in the United States to successfully produce
    and air an infomercial in 1993. As President and CEO, Ohanesian has been
    the prime caretaker of the company founder's core values - personal
    integrity and the highest level of quality patient care. Bosley advanced
    many of the artistic techniques used worldwide today to achieve natural
    results under the leadership of hair restoration pioneer L. Lee Bosley,
    >>From 1984 to 1990, Ohanesian was Vice President of Saint John's Hospital
    and Health Center in Santa Monica, from 1990-1996 he was a member of the
    California Citizens Compensation Commission as an appointee of Gov. George
    Since 2000, Ohanesian has been an active member of the Los Angeles Music
    Center's Center Theatre Group, the operating company for the Ahmanson
    Theatre and the Mark Taper Forum. He is on the Corporate Circle Committee
    and assumed the Co-Chair role from 2001 to 2003. He joined the Board of
    Directors in 2001 and presently serves as Vice-Chair of the Development
    Ohanesian resides in Beverly Hills with his two daughters, Adona and Ava.
    Ohanesian enjoys supporting his daughters' schools, in particular, the
    Curtis School Hot Lunch Program where he has volunteered annually since
    For more information, contact Lysa Barry, Barry & Associates at
    818-716-7111 or [email protected].
    ************************************************** ************************
    5 - AJA Elects New Board for 2004

    LOS ANGELES - At its first 2004 general membership meeting, the Armenian
    Jewelers Association, West Coast, elected a new Board of Directors.
    Meeting on April 12 at Mandaloon Restaurant, discussions were held for a
    new agenda and plans for the year were sketched out.
    The new Board members are: Peklar A. Pilavjian, Ghazaros Ghazarossian, Joe
    Zabounian, Gevork Hagopian, Karen Michaelian, Vatche Fronjian, Jack
    Hovanessian, Krekor Karaguezian, George Gulian, Aret Menzilcian, and
    Khachig Hawatian.
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    ************************************************** ************************

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress