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Will Russian Investment Win Georgia's Heart?

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  • Will Russian Investment Win Georgia's Heart?

    Will Russian Investment Win Georgia's Heart?
    By Irakly Areshidze

    Moscow Times, Russia
    May 11 2004

    Aslan Abashidze's long reign in the Georgian province of Adzharia was
    made possible by the continuous support of Moscow, which skillfully
    wielded the dictator to influence the political process in Georgia.
    President Vladimir Putin, who declined to back Abashidze against a
    rising tide of opposition, was therefore primarily responsible for
    bringing 13 years of tyranny in the Black Sea province to a peaceful
    end last week. Yet, by convincing Abashidze to resign, Putin has
    forfeited one of his most effective levers for altering the course
    of Georgia's domestic affairs.

    The United States also helped Georgia to resolve the conflict by
    backing President Mikheil Saakashvili's demand for the restoration
    of Georgian sovereignty in Adzharia. By repeatedly calling for a
    peaceful solution to the conflict, Washington also helped to prevent
    the use of military force. During the actual crisis last week, however,
    senior U.S. officials were distracted by the prisoner abuse scandal in
    Iraq and paid scant attention to events in Georgia. The U.S. role in
    securing Abashidze's resignation should therefore not be overestimated.

    Russia's leading role in resolving the crisis in Adzharia was similar
    to its role during the Rose Revolution last year. The administration of
    U.S. President George W. Bush actively promoted democratic elections
    in Georgia. This gave Saakashvili a strong impetus to launch popular
    demonstrations against fraud committed by the government during
    parliamentary elections last November.

    When the opposition stormed parliament three weeks later, however, the
    situation was managed not by Washington, but by Moscow. Igor Ivanov,
    then foreign minister, arrived in Tbilisi to mediate between President
    Eduard Shevardnadze and Saakashvili, while the United States remained
    on the sidelines. Thus Ivanov served as midwife during the difficult
    birth of a new Georgian regime, even though the opposition was widely
    seen as pro-American.

    Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgia has been a focal
    point of the Russian-U.S. rivalry in the Caspian region. Moscow has
    consistently worked to weaken the Georgian state by stalling on troop
    withdrawal, aiding separatist regimes in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali
    region (so-called Southern Ossetia), fomenting a potential conflict in
    Dzhavakheti (a region largely populated by ethnic Armenians), and by
    supporting Abashidze. Moscow's goal has been to make Georgia dependent
    on Russia for its survival, as it has done with Belarus and Moldova.

    For years the United States countered Russia's efforts, initially
    by pushing for the rapid construction of pipelines through Georgia
    to carry Caspian Sea oil and gas. Under George W. Bush, the United
    States took a more active role, launching a program to help Georgia
    upgrade its armed forces. Following the Prague summit in 2002, when
    NATO invited seven new members to join the alliance, Republicans in
    Washington began to insist that Georgia -- and the Caucasus as a whole
    -- be considered as a priority for future expansion. Their efforts will
    likely begin to bear fruit next month at the NATO summit in Istanbul.

    Georgia now stands at a historic crossroads. It has the potential,
    along with Turkey and a democratic Iraq, to serve as a conduit for the
    advancement of U.S. interests in Central Asia and the Middle East, the
    region that will likely dominate U.S. foreign engagement for the first
    half of this century. For this to happen, Saakashvili's government must
    pursue real political and economic reforms, the United States must
    continue to support Georgia during its period of transition, and the
    Bush administration must at least partially implement its vision for
    the greater Middle East. Georgia would need to become an economically
    strong and politically stable member of NATO, much like the Baltic
    states, before it could realize its full potential in this scenario.

    Such developments would be incompatible with Moscow's own policy in
    the Caucasus, of course. Analysts in Tbilisi are therefore debating
    whether Putin actually acknowledges Russia's defeat in the battle
    for the Caucasus and wants to build a new relationship with Georgia,
    or if he has merely changed his tactics in an effort to retain Georgia
    within Russia's sphere of influence.

    At first glance, the events of last November and last week suggest that
    the United States and Russia have reached a compromise on Georgia,
    under which Washington would take the leading role in matters of
    strategic importance while Moscow would play a constructive but more
    limited role. The agreement on ending the U.S.-Russian rivalry in
    the Caucasus, reached by Bush and Putin during the Moscow summit in
    May 2002 appears to be working.

    This optimistic appraisal may be premature, however. Saakashvili was
    hugely indebted to Putin for his rise to power, and Putin's removal
    of Abashidze has doubled that debt. Putin will undoubtedly use this
    newly gained influence to pursue Russia's traditional goals, though
    he may be changing his tactics.

    A number of recent developments suggest that Moscow is now focused on
    keeping Tbilisi under its thumb by means of private sector investment
    into key sectors of the Georgian economy. Last year, Unified Energy
    Systems took control of electricity distribution in Tbilisi. Gazprom
    now seeks a similar monopoly in gas delivery. Neither move is motivated
    exclusively by profit. When Saakashvili visited Moscow in February, top
    Russian businessmen expressed a strong interest in pursuing ventures
    in various sectors of the Georgian economy. Given Putin's influence on
    the oligarchs, the Tbilisi media interpreted this interest as a sign
    that the Russian government is encouraging business to get involved
    in Georgia.

    Investment in Georgia remains a risk, and more so recently as many
    foreign businesses have come under pressure from the authorities.
    Washington is therefore incapable of matching "private," politically
    driven Russian investment in the country.

    In the meantime, Russian businesses could quickly dominate the weak
    Georgian economy with a relatively small injection of capital. It
    seems logical to assume that by taking control of the Georgian economy,
    Moscow hopes to influence the country's domestic and foreign policy. It
    is rumored that Russian money is behind the launch of a new television
    station in Tbilisi. If true, this would be the first clear sign of
    a Russian business in Georgia designed to serve a political purpose.

    It is far from certain that this strategy will enable Moscow to stop
    Georgia from pursuing NATO membership and a closer relationship with
    the United States. So long as Washington keeps up the pressure on
    Moscow to remove its military bases from Georgia in a timely manner,
    continues to help strengthen the Georgian army and ensures that
    Georgia does not enter into a framework agreement with its northern
    neighbor, Russian investment in Georgia could indirectly advance U.S.
    interests in the country. Such investment will bolster the Georgian
    economy and improve living conditions. And a strong Georgia will be
    a more attractive ally for the United States and NATO.

    Then again, a strong Georgia would also benefit Russia, plagued as
    it is by security concerns on its southern flank.

    Irakly Areshidze, a political analyst and elections strategist based in
    Washington and Tbilisi, contributed this comment to The Moscow Times.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress