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AAA: MCC Selects Armenia for Direct Grant Program

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  • AAA: MCC Selects Armenia for Direct Grant Program

    Armenian Assembly of America
    122 C Street, NW, Suite 350
    Washington, DC 20001
    Phone: 202-393-3434
    Fax: 202-638-4904
    Email: [email protected]

    May 10, 2004
    Contact: David Zenian
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Washington, DC - Armenia and 15 other countries were recognized by the
    United States as "good partners" who can apply for financial assistance
    through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) created by the U.S.
    government to help select countries of the world, MCC Chief Executive
    Officer Paul V. Applegarth said at a news conference last week.

    "Being selected as a country eligible for funding through the MCC's
    Millennium Challenge Account means that the United States considers the
    selected country a good partner and that it clearly deserves further
    encouragement. But this partnership is based on accountability," Applegarth
    told reporters.

    "The Armenian Assembly welcomes the U.S. decision which is yet another
    window of opportunity for Armenia to reinforce sound political, economic and
    social policies that promote economic growth. We congratulate the
    government and people of Armenia for winning this global competition for
    additional American support," Assembly Board of Trustees Chairman Hirair
    Hovnanian said.

    In making its determination, the Board of Directors of the MCC considered
    both the past and current policy performance of the candidate countries in
    the areas of "governing justly, investing in their own people and promoting
    economic freedom."

    "It is very encouraging to see that Armenia has cleared the first major
    hurdle and is now eligible to apply for funding through the billion dollar
    MCC aid program set up by the Bush Administration to support policies that
    promote good government. Assuming that Armenia's proposals are ultimately
    funded, this will mark the first direct grant from the U.S. to the
    government of Armenia," Hovnanian said.

    The other selected countries are: Benin, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Georgia,
    Ghana, Honduras, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mali, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nicaragua,
    Senegal, Sri Lanka and Vanuatu.

    Applegarth, who was nominated to the post as MCC Chief Executive Officer,
    and confirmed by the Senate this week, said:
    "Our mission - encouraging and rewarding good policies that produce
    sustainable economic growth - holds profound implications for freedom and
    security across the globe. Today's decision demonstrates the clear
    commitment of the U.S. to reducing poverty and human suffering. This is a
    new approach to foreign aid. We want to encourage partnership, and we want
    to promote good government."

    Applegarth said it was now up to the selected countries, including Armenia,
    to present their "specific plans and proposals" for further scrutiny and
    evaluation before any determination is made on the amount of aid each
    country will get.

    "Let us not take anything for granted. Being on the list of selected
    countries does not mean an automatic qualification for assistance from
    Millennium Challenge Account," he said.

    Applegarth said the next and more important step now included a hands-on
    evaluation by an MCC technical group to each of the selected countries and
    the submission of specific and compact proposals by the countries

    "The money is in place, and it is up to the selected countries to move fast
    and get their specific requests in. But we have to underline one important
    factor: We expect accountability and there is no such thing as a perpetual
    qualification. Any country could be dropped if it fails to meet
    expectations," Applegarth said.

    The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide
    organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian
    issues. It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.
