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President Bush Welcomes Millennium Challenge Account Recipients

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  • President Bush Welcomes Millennium Challenge Account Recipients

    Voice of America, DC
    May 10 2004

    President Bush Welcomes Millennium Challenge Account Recipients

    Paula Wolfson

    President Bush is urging more developing countries to adopt economic
    and political reforms, saying it will qualify them for increased
    American aid. Mr. Bush honored the first sixteen countries to become
    eligible for a new aid program that rewards reforms with development
    Under this newly implemented program, countries that can prove they
    are implementing reforms can apply for money from a special aid fund
    called the Millennium Challenge Account.

    That fund is expected to result in a substantial increase in U-S
    foreign assistance in the next few years, and is the focal point of
    the administration's aid policy.

    Although creation of the fund was announced by the president two
    years ago, the first recipients were announced last week. President
    Bush personally congratulated the qualifying countries Monday at a
    ceremony attended by their ambassadors to Washington and other

    "The 16 chosen in this round are showing the way, are showing what is
    possible, are serving as a bright light in the developing world. You
    have taken the first courageous steps toward greater independence and
    greater wealth, and greater hopes for the people you serve," he says.

    These countries span the globe - from Armenia to Madagascar...Bolivia
    to Sri Lanka. . .Mali to Mongolia. The president said they have
    chosen the path of reform, and their people are better off as a

    "For example, Madagascar is aggressively fighting corruption. The
    Ministry of Justice has suspended a dozen magistrates on suspicion of
    corrupt activity. The government is also implementing an ambitious
    program of judicial reform. Senegal, Africa's longest-standing
    democracy, has also enacted new anti-corruption laws, and is
    implementing new measures to fight money-laundering, he says.

    Mr. Bush also cited government reforms to improve health care in
    Honduras, and boost both health and education spending in Georgia. He
    said these steps prove these countries have the will to do what is
    necessary to really combat poverty.

    "Reform can bring more aid from America, and it will also bring more
    investment and more trade, lessening the need for aid over time.
    Reform will be repaid many times over in the relief of poverty, and
    rising national wealth and stability for their countries," he says.

    In addition to implementing reforms, countries seeking Millennium
    Challenge Grants are required to list their goals for the future and
    outline further steps they plan to take to meet the needs of their
    people and increase economic growth.