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Caucasus foes to discuss Karabakh

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  • Caucasus foes to discuss Karabakh

    Caucasus foes to discuss Karabakh

    BBC News
    May 12 2004

    Wednesday marks the 10th anniversary of the ceasefire Armenian and
    Azeri ministers are meeting to discuss the disputed territory of

    They are expected to discuss Armenia returning some of the Karabakh
    regions to Azeri control, in exchange for reopening transport links.

    The talks coincide with the 10th anniversary of a ceasefire between the
    countries, which ended five years of hostilities over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Thousands died in the conflict and a million were forced out of
    their homes.

    The conflict erupted in 1988, when the majority Armenians in the
    mountainous enclave demanded independence from Soviet Azerbaijan.

    According to Azeri President Ilham Aliev, the foreign ministers of
    Azerbaijan and Armenia will discuss the Nagorno-Karabakh issue on
    Wednesday at a session of the foreign ministers of Council of Europe
    member countries.

    "We will exchange opinions on the possibility of liberating seven
    regions of Azerbaijan in exchange for opening transport communications
    with Armenia," he said.

    "The occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and the regions around it are
    the biggest problem and danger both for Azerbaijan and for the
    entire region."


    In 1994, the two governments signed a ceasefire ceding Nagorno-Karabakh
    and six of the surrounding territories to Armenian control.

    Since then the international community has urged the two countries
    to find a solution to the conflict, but talks have stalled.

    The BBC's Chloe Arnold in the Azeri capital Baku, says relations
    between the two neighbours are as bad today as they have ever been.

    She says there is growing impatience with the peace process in
    Azerbaijan, where many ordinary people here now say the only way to
    resolve the dispute is to go back to war.