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ANC NY: New York City Commemorates Armenian Genocide

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  • ANC NY: New York City Commemorates Armenian Genocide

    Armenian National Committee of New York
    PO Box 693
    Woodside, NY 11377
    [email protected]

    May 11, 2004
    For Immediate Release

    Contact: Tony Vartanian
    [email protected]


    -- Remembrance Program Organized by the Armenian National Committee
    (ANC) of New York and the Friends of the ANC of New York

    NEW YORK, NY--Elected officials from the U.S. Congress, the New York
    City Council, Armenia's ambassador to the United Nations, along with
    two eminent historians of genocide, offered enlightening remarks at the
    City Hall of New York City on the 89th commemoration of the Armenian
    Genocide, which was organized by the Armenian National Committee
    (ANC) of New York and the Friends of the ANC of New York. Addressing
    an audience of over four hundred at the April 23 event, the invited
    speakers took to the podium and applauded recent victories achieved
    in global and domestic recognition of the Genocide while speaking
    earnestly of the urgent need for further progress.

    Following an eloquent invocation by His Eminence Archbishop
    Oshagan Choloyan and an introduction by New York ANC chairperson
    Tony Vartanian, two City Council members who sponsored the
    event spoke of New York City's support of and dedication to the
    Armenian cause. Speaker of the Council A. Gifford Miller and
    Councilwoman Melinda Katz affirmed their commitment to serving
    their Armenian-American constituency, and praised the hard work and
    dedication of Armenians working on their support staffs.

    Following the council members, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY),
    Congressman Joseph Crowley (D-NY), and Congressman Anthony Weiner
    (D-NY) offered their remarks. Ms. Maloney spoke first, describing the
    recent breakthroughs in Genocide recognition in Canada, Switzerland
    and The New York Times. Congressman Crowley reflected on his recent
    opportunity as the first member of Congress to visit Armenia, while
    describing for the audience how his experience as an Irish-American
    informed his support of the Armenian cause. Congressman Weiner
    cogently described how the Ottoman Government conducted the Genocide
    and stressed the importance of Jewish support for Armenian genocide
    recognition. There followed a short musical interlude, in which the
    Armenian a cappella trio Zulal sang two hauntingly beautiful Armenian
    folk songs.

    After their performance, Professor Peter Balakian of Colgate University
    drew upon his best-selling book The Burning Tigris, discussing the
    American humanitarian response to the Armenian massacres of the 1890's
    and the Armenian Genocide a quarter century later. "In Faneuil Hall,
    social reformers like Julia Ward Howe spoke passionately for the
    plight of the Armenians. Organizations like Near East Relief and the
    Committee on Armenian Atrocities made up the first American response to
    an international human rights crisis. The first full fledged mission
    of the American Red Cross outside the United States was in Armenia,"
    said Balakian.

    Professor. Robert Melson of Purdue University followed Balakian by
    making a comparative analysis of the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish
    Holocaust. In a unique and effective approach, Dr. Melson explained how
    social revolutionary governments, which developed programs for creating
    racially pure states, had preceded both. The link between the two
    genocides reaffirmed the actuality that the systematic extermination
    of the Armenian Genocide was the basis of the model implemented by
    the Nazi regime of World War II upon the European Jewish population.

    Consistent with the vision of the Armenian National Committee, the
    New York chapter encouraged the participation of the young leaders
    of the New York American-Armenian community in this years Genocide
    Commemoration. Arousiag Markarian spoke on behalf of the community's
    young activists. As the chairperson of the Armenian Youth Federation
    of New York and a leader in many other collegiate and community
    organizations, Ms. Markarian expressed the vigor and enthusiasm of the
    Armenian youth concerning American-Armenian issues. She stressed the
    importance of organizations, like the Armenian National Committee,
    that provide a channel for the Diaspora to play an active role in
    issues that directly affect our communities locally and globally.

    Armenia's ambassador to the United Nations Armen Martirossian concluded
    the evening with remarks on Armenia past, present and future. After
    speaking about the need for Genocide recognition, Mr. Martirossian
    went on tell the audience about the challenges facing the building
    of civil society in independent Armenia. His words came as a reminder
    that the Armenian-American community still has a large part to play in
    both areas. Speaking with conviction, he reminded those present that
    "We are the guarantee for the tragedy not to repeat itself."

    The Armenian National Committee (ANC) is the largest Armenian American
    grassroots political organization in New York and nationwide. The ANC
    actively advances a broad range of issues of concern to the Armenian
    American community.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress