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Gazprom CEO and Armenian President consider gas supplies

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  • Gazprom CEO and Armenian President consider gas supplies

    The Russia Journal

    Gazprom CEO and Armenian President consider gas supplies

    BUSINESS » :: May 14, 2004 Posted: 18:47 Moscow time (14:47 GMT)

    MOSCOW - Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller and Armenian President Robert
    Kocharian discussed the current situation with Russia's gas supplies
    to Armenia. According to the press service of Gazprom, the sides
    discussed issues connected with the condition of the gas transportation
    network in Armenia and neighboring transit states. Miller and
    Kocharian considered activities of the joint Russian-Armenian company
    ArmRosgazprom and some other issues of bilateral cooperation.

    The Armenian energy sector almost completely depends on gas
    imports. Gazprom resumed its supplies to Armenia in June 2003 and at
    present is the only supplier. /RosBusinessConsulting/