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Turkey, Azerbaijan to entrap Armenia by stage-by-stage option - pape

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  • Turkey, Azerbaijan to entrap Armenia by stage-by-stage option - pape

    Turkey, Azerbaijan to entrap Armenia by stage-by-stage option - paper

    Ayots Ashkhar, Yerevan
    14 May 04

    Text of Vardan Grigoryan's report by Armenian newspaper Ayots Ashkhar
    on 14 May headlined "Is the stage-by-state or package option a
    trap?" and subheaded "What should Armenia do?"

    To all appearances, the recent developments in the region have boosted
    the hope of Azerbaijani diplomacy for the stage-by-stage option of
    the Karabakh issue settlement.

    Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov's statements that the Istanbul
    summit of NATO will give rise to Armenian-Turkish-Azerbaijani
    trilateral talks with a resolution on "returning the seven districts
    in return for the opening of the railway" testifies to this. In turn,
    Ankara is continuing to express "its effusion of love" for Armenia,
    and the circles that represent Turkish business have started a wide
    propaganda campaign about serious prospects for Armenia if trilateral
    Turkey-Armenia-Azerbaijan trade is restored.

    Against the background of such developments, Armenia's very
    careful attitude to possible negotiations between Armenia, Turkey
    and Azerbaijan also draws attention. And the most important thing is
    that along with stressing the significance of Armenia's cooperation
    with NATO, President Robert Kocharyan declines to go to Istanbul due
    to the fact that Armenian-Turkish relations are not good today.

    We think that in order to understand the real reasons behind these
    events, it is necessary to take the priorities of US policy as the main
    engine that will change the regional status quo. In the regional sense,
    the "sly step" of US policy is not at all a quick settlement to the
    Karabakh issue, but a drastic change in the geo-political situation
    in Armenia and in the whole region by opening the Armenian-Turkish
    border. They often say that the Armenian-Turkish border will open
    at the end of 2004, and this date coincides with the date for the
    negotiations on Turkey's entry into the European Union.

    It is clear that the USA's harshly-worded demands are added to the
    demands of the European Union here. What does the fulfilment of such
    a demand mean for Turkey, if it is not to lose its younger brother
    Azerbaijan? So how to find a happy medium? It is clear and simple: to
    connect the problem of opening the Armenian-Turkish border with the
    settlement of the Karabakh issue. But how to set this settlement in
    motion, if Azerbaijan, as a party that has lost the war, is not ready
    for it because of the inevitability of serious losses it will have
    according to any "package" [solution]. In any case, there is an option
    called a stage-by-stage option under which Azerbaijan and Armenia
    will cede something to each other, saving Turkey as a result. With
    this aim, Azerbaijan (i.e. Turkey) is putting forward the idea of
    returning the seven districts in return for the opening of the railway.

    We are sure that under Turkey's "pressure", this figure may be reduced
    even to "five districts in return for the opening of the railway". But
    this is not important. The most important thing is that before opening
    the Armenian-Turkish border, the settlement of the Karabakh issue
    should be connected with the process of improving Armenian-Turkish
    relations. Because if tomorrow Azerbaijan puts forward new demands
    against Armenia, Turkey will immediately agree with them on the basis
    of trilateral arrangements. Turkey will do the same, for instance
    by demanding that Armenia give up on the international recognition
    of the Armenian genocide, and after that, Azerbaijan will deny the
    stage-by-stage arrangements in the Karabakh issue, i.e. block the
    railway and keep the liberated territories in its hands.

    This testifies to the fact that by applying the stage-by-stage option
    for settling the Karabakh issue, Turkish diplomacy is simply luring
    Armenia into a trap. So President Robert Kocharyan's refusal to go to
    Istanbul was the right step no matter what the reasons behind it. It
    is also correct that Armenia refuses to take part in the trilateral
    meeting of the foreign ministers with the mediation of Turkey. But we
    think that one cannot be satisfied with this, because any trilateral
    meeting of the three countries' foreign ministers, irrespective of
    Turkey's mediation, will be used for connecting the opening of the
    Armenian-Turkish border to the Karabakh issue settlement.

    Armenian diplomacy is obliged to draw up another formula against
    the Armenia-Turkey-Azerbaijan trilateral format, which will be again
    based on the idea of lifting the blockade of transport ways. In this
    sense, the Armenia-Turkey-Georgia option is preferable, and Russia's
    involvement in the process is an ideal option, leaving the Karabakh
    issue only to the OSCE Minsk Group.