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BAKU: FM participates CoE committee of ministers' 114th session

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  • BAKU: FM participates CoE committee of ministers' 114th session

    Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
    May 14 2004

    [May 14, 2004, 16:16:38]

    A delegation of Azerbaijan led by Minister of Foreign Affairs of
    Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov took part in the 114th session of the
    Council of Europe Committee of ministers held in Strasbourg on May

    Prior to the session, Minister E. Mammadyarov met with COE Secretary
    General Walter Schwimmer. During the meeting, the Minister signed a
    protocol on changes in anti-terror Convention of 1977, the parties
    discussed fulfillment by Azerbaijan of its commitments to the Council
    of Europe and continuation of CE's assistance to the country in this
    sphere. The Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan updated the COE Secretary
    General in detail on the activity aimed at settlement of the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.

    The Minister further met with members of the Committee Minister's Ago
    monitoring group to discuss Azerbaijan's fulfillment of the
    commitments to COE, measures taken in country for implementing
    democratic reforms, and perspectives of the Armenia-Azerbaijan
    conflict resolution. Pointing to the positive results of Azerbaijan
    President Ilham Aliyev's visit to the Council of Europe, the Minister
    emphasized the importance of Azerbaijan's cooperation with the

    In accordance with the session's first day agenda, Minister of
    Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov delivered a report on political
    issues and reformation of the European Court on Human Rights. On the
    point "current political issues", he stressed the importance of the
    Council of Europe in creation of the United Europe without
    borderlines, expressed Azerbaijan's position towards this process.

    The Minister also touched upon the bitter consequences of the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict hampering development of South Caucasus
    region, initiatives put forward by Azerbaijan for elimination of
    these problems. He also drew the meeting participants attention to
    the exceptional role of the European Human Rights Court in protection
    of human rights and freedoms, and stated that Azerbaijani supports
    the new 14th protocol of the European Human Rights Convention aimed
    at reformation of the Court and improvement of its efficiency.

    Later on the same day, Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenian
    held meeting in presence of the OSCE Minsk group co-Chairs at the
    office of he permanent representation of France to the Council of

    On the 13th of May, the 114th session of the Committee of Minister
    continued its work. During the meeting presided by new Chairman of
    the Committee Jan Petersen, Minister Elmar Mammadyarov supported the
    idea of conducting 3rd Summit of the Council of Europe underlining
    the importance if inclusion of topical issues, particularly that of
    conflicts settlement, in its agenda. He noted that consequences of
    the conflicts have a negative impact upon realization of the European
    values in developing countries.

    Speaking of the combat against terrorism, Mr. Mammadyarov stated that
    he supports COE related efforts, particularly, preparation of the
    general anti-terror convention, told of the terrorist acts committed
    by Armenia against Azerbaijan and their bitter consequences, and
    emphasized the need to intensify the combat against aggressive
    separatism. The Minister, however, noted that Azerbaijan attaches
    great importance to the values common to all mankind and dialogue
    between cultures.

    In conclusion of the session, the Foreign Ministers of the COE member
    state adopted final official statement of the 114th session, and
    Statement on advanced experience in the sphere of elections to the
    effect that the unsolved conflicts pose threat to security,
    territorial integrity and stability in the member countries, and pike
    fear into their populations.

    Another document adopted by the Ministers and concerning the results
    of the Committee Minister's Chairman says that the Committee welcomes
    the three Azerbaijan President's decrees on pardon, and supports
    continuation of the way of national reconciliation and democratic

    It also welcomes the fact of continuation - parallel with the session
    of - of the negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan under the
    trusteeship of the OSCE Minsk Group, and reminds the commitments to
    the Council of Europe assumed by both countries in entry.

    On the same day, Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met with PACE
    rapporteur on Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict Terry Davis to exchange
    views on the current situation.

    Beside, COE Secretary General Walter Schwimmer held a meeting with
    Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia to discuss the
    fulfillment of obligations on the conflict's resolution assumed by
    the member states, and the relevant contribution of the Council of

    On the same day, Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia met in
    presence of the Minsk group co-Chairs at the office of he permanent
    representation of France to the Council of Europe.

    Minister Elmar Mammadyarov had a separate meeting with the co-Chairs
    as well.