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BAKU: Armenians direct water to flood Azeri frontline village - TV

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  • BAKU: Armenians direct water to flood Azeri frontline village - TV

    Armenians direct water to flood Azeri frontline village - TV

    ANS TV, Baku
    17 May 04

    [Presenter] The situation in the area of Agdam District of the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani front is specially tense.

    [Correspondent, over video of a board captioned as Xacincayi] Armenians
    again stepped up their activities in the direction of Agdam on the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani front on the night of 16-17 May. This time,
    the enemy directed stream waters at the village of Tazakand in Agdam
    District via a Friendship gas pipeline formerly laid in Yerevan. As
    a result, houses of refugees settled in the area were flooded.

    [Video shows a flooded house]

    [Tahir Ibayev, refugee] This happened at about 0500 [0000 gmt] this
    morning. The stream rushed into the house.

    [Correspondent, over video] According to approximate calculations, the
    gas pipeline is made up of pipes of about 730 millimetre in diameter
    and one metre deep [underground]. According to local residents,
    Armenians blew up the pipeline in 1994 and stopped exploiting
    it. Specialists think that Armenians pump water from Xacincayi to
    Tazakand through the pipeline and this is another provocation by
    Armenia against the Azerbaijani people.

    [Nizami Aliyev, deputy executive head of Agdam District, in his office]
    [Sentence indistinct] Such a case has not occurred so far. For this
    reason, we have not taken any preparatory measures beforehand to
    prevent this.

    [Correspondent, over video] The volume of water flowing through
    the pipeline has reduced a little now and reached 2 cubic metres per
    second. It is assumed that the enemy will suddenly increase the volume
    of the pumped water at night. In this case, not only Tazakand, but
    other villages nearby might be flooded. For this reason, the district
    executive head is implementing urgent measures to avoid the imminent
    disaster and change the course of water flowing through the pipeline.

    Afat Telmanqizi, Sahin Rzayev, Zaur Naibov, ANS.