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Cyprus, Armenian Foreign Ministers Discuss Ties, Regional Issues

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  • Cyprus, Armenian Foreign Ministers Discuss Ties, Regional Issues


    Cyprus News Agency
    20 May 04

    Nicosia, 20 May: The Cyprus problem, Cyprus' accession to the EU, the
    Cyprus-Armenia relations, the problems in the Caucasus region and the
    issue of Nagornyy Karabakh were on the agenda of discussions here today
    between Cyprus Foreign Minister Yeoryios Iakovou and his Armenia's
    counterpart Vardan Oskanyan, who is paying a working visit to Cyprus.

    In his statements after the meeting Oskanyan stressed the importance
    of Cyprus' accession to the EU for Armenia noting that "we see Cyprus
    as a friendly country, as an insider in the EU and that we can rely
    on its help to further advance our integration processes with European
    structures and particularly with the EU".

    He also said that the reason of his visit to the island is "first of
    all to advance and deepen our bilateral ties at all levels".

    Iakovou said "Armenia is a friendly country with very old ties with
    Cyprus" and that their modern ties develop continuously at all levels
    and mostly at the political level.

    He referred to the presence of many Armenians in Cyprus that
    participate to the economic, social and political life of the country
    and noted they discussed various issues.

    Iakovou said he briefed Oskanyan on the latest developments in the
    Cyprus problem, Cyprus' accession to the EU and the prospects created
    by it while Oskanyan briefed him on the problems at Caucasus region
    and Nagornyy Karabakh.

    Oskanyan said during the past 12 years of Armenia's independence
    "we consistently upgraded our bilateral ties."

    "Our relations are at a very good level at this moment. We've been
    closely working together in international organizations and we will
    continue to do so in the future," he said.

    He added that he was extremely satisfied with his talks with Iakovou
    and that their discussion was very useful.

    "We've addressed our bilateral relations, we've assessed where we stand
    today and we've talked as to how we can move forward," Oskanyan said.

    He also described "extremely helpful" the analysis and the explanation
    of the Cypriot minister about the Annan unification plan and the
    reasons behind the 'No' that the Greek Cypriot people expressed on the
    24 April referendum, adding that "now I understand better the reasons."

    "Also the minister analysed and explained what are the expectations
    for the future since truly the intention here is to see a unified
    Cyprus as a member of the EU," he added.

    He said that on his part he briefed the Cypriot minister about the
    talks on the Nagornyy Karabakh issue "where we stand and what are the
    prospects for the peaceful resolution of this conflict in our region."

    "We've also talked about other regional matters, particularly Armenia's
    relations with its neighbours, Turkey in particular," he noted, adding
    "as a goal before us we have the normalization of ties between Armenia
    and Turkey."

    He also said he very much hoped that the Cypriot minister will have
    the opportunity to visit Armenia in the near future.

    Asked if during his meetings here he discussed the issue of the
    Melkonian Educational Institute, after the Armenian General Benevolent
    Union's (AGBU) which governs the institute decided to shut down,
    Oskanyan said he discussed it both with Cypriot Minister of Interior
    Andreas Christou and Nicosia Mayor Michael Zambelas.

    "This is an issue that concerns the Government of Armenia and I simply
    heard the views of the Cypriot government officials as to what they
    think about the future of the school and I should also say that I met
    with the community members yesterday and I focused on the Melkonian's
    closure," he added.

    "We in Armenia like to see a solution to this issue that will meet
    the needs of everyone", the Armenian Foreign Minister said and added
    that Armenia was ready to offer its good offices, if it could be of
    any help, to reach a positive conclusion to this issue.