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The Armenian Catholicosate Of Cilicia And The Organization ForIntern

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  • The Armenian Catholicosate Of Cilicia And The Organization ForIntern


    Catholicosate of Cilicia
    Communication and Information
    Department Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
    Fax: (04) 419724
    E- mail: [email protected]

    PO Box 70317

    Armenian version:




    We give thanks to Almighty God who gave us the opportunity, as the
    representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Armenian
    Catholicosate of Cilicia, to meet again to reflect together on common
    issues and challenges facing humanity in general, and Christianity
    and Islam in particular. The conference took place under the auspices
    of His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia, and Hojat e-Islam
    ou Muslimin Mohammad Iraki, the President of the Organization for
    International Inter-religious Relations of the Islamic Republic of
    Iran, from 20-22 May 2004, in Antelias, Lebanon.

    We addressed common matters pertaining to the place and role of
    religion in society. We also dealt with issues and concerns of
    spiritual, moral, social and legal nature, related to the co-existence
    of Armenians and Iranians in Iran and the long-standing relations
    between these two nations. We devoted two sessions for dialogue
    with the representatives of the Middle East Councils of Churches,
    the Committee of Christian-Muslim Dialogue and Christian and Muslim
    community leaders. In our presentations and deliberations we emphasized
    the following points:

    1) In spite of their differences, dialogue is imperative between
    religions and particularly between Islam and Christianity. As
    monotheistic religions, the two religions share common values
    and traditions. It is vitally important, therefore, that organized
    dialogues aimed at closer collaboration take place between Islam and
    Christianity on local, regional and international levels and according
    to specific contexts and environments.

    2) Spiritual and moral values and principles constitute the esse and
    the basis of a society without which a given society is doomed to lose
    its identity, raison d'être and purpose. These values and principles
    must under gird the life of all societies, including decision-making
    as well as internal and external relations.

    3) In a world marked by growing crises working for peace must occupy
    a central place in Christian-Muslim collaboration. But it is not
    possible to establish peace without justice. In fact, peace and
    justice are God's gifts to humanity. Without peace and justice the
    life of a society will be dominated by evil forces, wars and violence.

    4) Islam and Christianity reject violence in all its forms and
    expressions and support non-violent action. They also reject all forms
    of occupation and associate themselves with the struggle of people
    for freedom, justice, sovereignty and human rights. In this respect,
    the conference underlined the following:

    First, we fully support the right of the Palestinian people to
    have an independent state, and the return of all refugees to their
    homeland. The State of Israel must withdraw its forces from all
    occupied territories including the Shebaa farms in South Lebanon,
    Golan hights and Jerusalem. Only justice can bring about lasting,
    real and comprehensive peace in the Middle East.

    Second, we strongly support the right of Iraq to restore its freedom,
    territorial integrity and sovereignty. The occupying forces must
    leave Iraq and the reconstruction and rehabilitation process must
    soon start with the full and active participation of all communities
    and citizens of Iraq.

    5) The coexistence between the Christian and Muslim communities must
    be based on mutual respect and trust. In this context, the organized
    presence of the Armenian communities in the Muslim countries
    and particularly in the Arab world, the religious and cultural
    liberties that they enjoy and the active participation that they
    bring in the progress of the region is, indeed, a concrete example of
    Christian-Muslim peaceful coexistence. Furthermore, the centuries-old
    coexistence of Iranians and Armenians in the Islamic Republic of
    Iran, strengthened by historical affinities and close friendship, is
    another eloquent example of dialogue of life which characterize our
    societies in this part of the world. We believe that many possibilities
    of greater collaboration between Muslims and Christians, as well as
    between Muslims and Armenians in Iran and the world at large do exist,
    which need to be explored together in the near future.

    22 May 2004

    Antelias, Lebanon


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    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress