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ASBAREZ ONLINE [05-21-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ ONLINE [05-21-2004]


    1) ARF Aharonian Gomideh Banquet Raises $300,000 for Planned Armenian
    Center in
    2) Vahan Hovhannisian Addresses Legality of Boycotting Parliament
    3) Turkey to Build Military Airfield in Georgia
    4) CIS Defense Chiefs Meet in Yerevan
    5) Karabagh President Greets ANCA Head Hachikian
    6) Random Ramblings and the Rambling Rabble Rouser Who Recites Them
    7) Notes from another Place

    1) ARF Aharonian Gomideh Banquet Raises $300,000 for Planned Armenian
    Center in


    GLENDALE--Based on the premise that an Armenian center is essential in nearly
    all sizable Armenian-American communities, a center is usually planned for
    construction, usually alongside the Armenian church, in order to fulfill the
    needs of local Armenian organizations and the community at-large.
    In the evening of Saturday, May 15, for that very purpose, a banquet took
    place in the hall of the Glendale "Ararat" Homenetmen chapter's new center,
    organized by the area's ARF "Aharonian" gomideh.
    The event's benefactor was Dr. Alber Karamanoukian, whose princely
    quarter-million-dollar contribution will go toward the building of the
    center on the property adjoining Glendale's St. Asdvadzadzin church. In total,
    the night's event raised some $300,000 for that worthy goal.
    Banquet guests and attendees included US Representative Adam Schiff, Glendale
    Mayor Bob Yousefian, Glendale City Council member Rafi Manoukian, benefactor
    Alber Karamanoukian, ARF Western US Central Committee member Vahe Bozoyan,
    Glendale Unified School Board President Greg Krikorian, Glendale Community
    College Board of Trustees members Dr. Armine Hacopian and Ara Najarian, State
    Senator Jack Scott's representative Vahik Gourjian, Rev. Ardag Demirjian, and
    past and present member of church boards of trustees, Armenian and
    members of the business community, and members of the Armenian community--all
    told, more than 400 people.
    The event's emcee, Vahe Peroomian, in his opening remarks pointed out that
    purpose of the gathering was to place the plan to build a new Armenian center
    on more firm foundations. He then introduced the honored guests and officiated
    over the evening's program after dinner was served.
    The first to speak was Mayor Yousefian, who said the community had
    gathered to
    realize a beautiful dream. He pointed out that Glendale has a population of
    more than 100,000 Armenians, who need such a center for their community life.
    He called on those present to be generous with their donations.
    Peroomian announced that the ARF gomideh had received written congratulations
    from Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, Congressman Schiff, and
    State Representative Dario Frommer.
    On behalf of the gomideh, Lena Bozoyan presented a plaque to Patrik
    for his dedicated work on behalf of the Armenian Center project.
    Next to address the attendees was Harout Manoukian, the representative of the
    ARF "Aharonian" gomideh. He said that it is an honor to address the community
    on such an important occasion, and especially in the center of an active
    organization such as Homenetmen, because it is here that the foundations of an
    Armenian Center are being laid.
    Manoukian said that now, more than ever, such a densely Armenian-populated
    place as Glendale needs a new haven for our youth organizations, the Armenian
    Relief Society and its Saturday school, Hamazkayin with its choral and dance
    groups, the Sunday school of the St. Asdvadzadzin church, and the local
    of the Armenian National Committee.
    "As a political organization, we have a responsibility not only to ensure
    our rank-and-file remain vigilant and effective, but also to defend the
    interests and rights of the Armenian community and carry out our civic duty
    toward Glendale," Manoukian stressed.
    "Thanks to the Armenian National Committee, we have taken on leadership
    responsibilities in this community and will continue to do so, through the
    joint efforts of not only our members, but large numbers of supporters."
    He stressed the importance of making the Glendale-Ghapan sister city
    project a
    living, breathing effort that accomplishes real results and leads to more such
    undertakings and the development of schools, villages, and towns in Armenia.
    In the event's biggest surprise, Manoukian then announced the night's chief
    "The benefactor of our Armenian Center is a person imbued with Armenia and
    'Armenianness'," Manoukian said. "He is a skilled physician, a businessman…he
    is our 'Dr. K,' who is beloved by all and who since the tragic earthquake in
    Armenia has on every occasion participated in efforts to realize projects both
    in Armenia and locally."
    Manoukian next announced the benefactor's generous gift of $250,000, made in
    memory of his parents, Krikor and Mariam Karamanoukian.
    In this festive atmosphere, Cong. Schiff also spoke to the attendees,
    congratulating them and wishing them continued success.
    Rev. Vazken Atmajian transmitted the blessings of the Prelate, Archbishop
    Moushegh Mardirossian, and announced that the Archbishop had just been elected
    by the National Representative Assembly for another four-year term as Prelate.
    Speaking at the end of the official portion of the night's ceremonies,
    benefactor Alber Karamanoukian expressed gratitude toward his nation and
    homeland for educating him and making possible his success, and therefore his
    contribution to the Armenian Center.
    He honored the memory of his parents, noting that they had bequeathed their
    home to the nation, to be used as an Armenian school.
    Dr. Karamanoukian called on those present, "Open wide your purse strings for
    the sake of our youth, so that this center planned for our new generation may
    become reality."
    On this auspicious occasion, the gomideh had issued a booklet clearly
    explaining the timely purpose and essential need for an Armenian Center.

    2) Vahan Hovhannisian Addresses Legality of Boycotting Parliament

    YEREVAN (Noyan Tapan)--According to National Assembly (NA) regulations,
    opposition members of Armenia's parliament or factions opposing the work of
    body must boycott individual votes on issues rather than entire sessions,
    clarified NA Vice Speaker and Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Bureau
    member Vahan Hovhannisian. Their absence is otherwise considered to be in bad
    faith, explained Hovhannisian, speaking at the National Press Club.
    Hovhannisian did not rule out the possibility of depriving the absent MPs of
    mandates. "Of course, application of these sanctions depends on the
    decision of
    the NA Chairman and the entire parliament…I do not know whether the issue will
    be placed on the NA's agenda; if so, it will be done within the framework of
    the law," he said.
    "The right to boycott is the right of each MP and political faction,"
    Hovhannissian, "but the methods displayed by the opposition today make it
    impossible to call it a parliamentary boycott because the parliamentary
    opposition is struggling in the street, not in the parliament."

    3) Turkey to Build Military Airfield in Georgia

    TBILISI (Russia Journal Daily)--Turkey will construct a military airfield in
    the Georgian city of Marneuli, located in the eastern part of the country. The
    facility, which will be equipped with day and night vision systems, will take
    nearly two years for full implementation. A corresponding agreement was
    achieved during an official visit of Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili to
    Georgian Defense Minister Gela Bezhuashvili told Imedi television that the
    sides had agreed on implementing two more projects with Turkey's
    According to the minister, Turkey will train servicemen of the Georgian
    Ministry's Kodzhori special battalion of the 11th brigade, as well as create a
    military facility for special training.
    As reported earlier, Turkey has already invested $6 million in upgrading a
    Georgian military base in Vaziani, where Russian military men were deployed

    4) CIS Defense Chiefs Meet in Yerevan

    YEREVAN (RFE/RL)--Senior defense officials from the Commonwealth of
    States (CIS) met in Yerevan on Friday to discuss strengthening military ties
    among the twelve former Soviet republics.
    According to Russian Defense Minister Sergey Ivanov, who heads the CIS
    of Defense Ministers, the two-hour meeting marked "yet another positive
    step to
    develop military cooperation" across the former Soviet Union. "We considered
    the pressing issues of improving multilateral military and military-technical
    cooperation," he told a news conference.
    Ivanov said the Council made a number of "important decisions" that will lead
    to the creation of a CIS peace-keeping force, the setting up of a system of
    interstate military communication, and improved safety of military aircraft
    flights. He said the participants also approved plans for the strengthening of
    a single air defense system covering much of the Soviet Union.
    It remained unclear, however, whether the arrangements will encompass all CIS
    countries. Six of them, including Armenia, are part of the Russian-dominated
    Collective Security Treaty (CST) organization and are bound by a formal
    commitment to defend each other in the event of a military aggression. The
    treaty signatories regularly hold joint military exercises and receive Russian
    military supplies on privileged terms.
    But the other CIS countries are more wary of close military ties with Moscow.
    Some of them, including neighboring Georgia and Azerbaijan, as well as
    have openly expressed their desire to join NATO. Ukraine was represented at
    meeting by its military attaché in Yerevan, while Uzbekistan sent a liaison
    officer representing its military in Moscow.
    Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan avoided any participation in the Yerevan meeting,
    with Baku attributing its boycott to the unresolved conflict over Mountainous
    Karabagh. "We don't knock on the enemy's door," a spokeswoman for the Azeri
    Defense Ministry was quoted as saying.

    5) Karabagh President Greets ANCA Head Hachikian

    STEPANAKERT--The president of Mountainous Karabagh Republic (MKR) Arkady
    Ghukasian received Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Chairman
    Kenneth Hachikian on Friday, along with ARF Australia Central Committee
    representative Berj Mamjian, and his spouse. Mountainous Karabagh ARF central
    committee representative Grigori Hayrapetian also attended the meeting.
    Ghukasian spoke of the value of ANCA's efforts in advancing Armenian
    issues in
    the international arena, but stressed the necessity of more active Diaspora
    participation in the process of gaining international recognition of MKR, and
    suggested that Diaspora political organizations coordinate efforts with MKR's
    foreign affairs bodies.
    Hachikian assured President Ghukasian that the ANCA, in fact, attaches great
    importance to the final and complete political regulation of the Mountainous
    Karabagh issue and pledged that the ANCA will continue to actively support the
    protection of human rights and promote the socio-economic development of MKR.

    6) Random Ramblings and the Rambling Rabble Rouser Who Recites Them


    Since I began writing this column, many readers have suggested that I digress
    from my usual political commentary and address issues that affect Armenians in
    the United States and at large. I've received recommendations to write about
    the cult of materialism that pervades Armenian culture in the Diaspora, the
    state of our youth, the state of our adults, and of course the ubiquitous
    of Armenians dating non-Armenians amongst many others. Now, I have my opinion
    on these issues but I'm not sure if writing rambling articles about the
    demerits or virtues of Armenians listening to Arabic and Turkish music at
    Armenian functions is going to change the minds of anyone out there. I've
    learned that most of us are opinionated creatures--myself included. And I
    feel comfortable speaking about certain issues without having enough knowledge
    about them. The philosopher Socrates remarked that "The only true wisdom is in
    knowing you know nothing." As such, we need to continuously ask questions to
    acquire knowledge and a better understanding of society and the world we live
    in. So this week, I wish to pose some questions to which perhaps some of you
    may have the answers. If you do, I'd love to hear them. Let's start off light
    and leave the heavy stuff for the end.

    • Why is it that every time I finish reading an issue of Asbarez, I end up
    looking like I just wrestled a West Virginia coal miner? Someone told me that
    the Asbarez has no more or less ink than any other newspaper, so I put it to
    the test. I read four different newspapers from cover to cover to compare the
    results. I suppose it's a trade off. In none of the other newspapers I read
    did I find as much news about issues that affect the Armenian community, but
    after I was done my hands were covered in so much black ink that I look like
    one of the chimney sweeps from Mary Poppins.

    • Why is that every April 24, Armenian youth feel the urge to drape their
    in the tri-color flag and drive down streets playing loud Armenian music as if
    they're at a World Cup soccer match? Our parents and grandparents didn't march
    through hundreds of miles of desert sand so their descendants could act like
    soccer hooligans. It seems strange that Armenian parents who are notorious for
    their strictness and discipline can't seem to keep their own kids in check on
    the most solemn day in our culture.

    • Why do the same Armenians that close their establishments on April 24th to
    commemorate the Armenian Genocide also sell Turkish products? I also would
    to know why some Armenians are obsessed with "made in Turkey" products. No
    where else in the world outside of Turkey and other Turkic states are Turkish
    products held in such high regard as in Armenian grocery stores or on Armenian
    dinner tables. My favorite excuse was someone who told me that they will not
    stop buying Turkish products because some of the products are manufactured by
    Armenians in Turkey. They went on to explain to me that by boycotting Turkish
    products they would be hurting Armenian business located in Turkey who are
    trying to make a living and that was against their Armenian principles. I
    suppose the next time I'm picking up a jar of pickled red peppers I'll have to
    keep an eye out for the label that says "Made in Turkey by Boghos Boghosian
    has four kids and is barely making ends meet." Ridiculous!

    • Ok, one final thing that I'm confused by and maybe you can help me
    understand this. Last week, Americans witnessed the horrific beheading of
    American Nicholas Berg by a group of presumably Arabic militant Islamic
    fundamentalists. Speaking on the South Lawn of the White House, President Bush
    commented that "The actions of the terrorists who executed this man remind us
    of the nature of the few people who want to stop the advance of freedom in
    Iraq. Their intention is to shake our will. Their intention is to shake our
    confidence. Yet, by their actions, they remind us of how desperately parts of
    the world need free societies and peaceful societies. And we will complete our
    mission. We will complete our task." My question is the following (and I'm
    going to devote an entire column to this in the coming weeks). Why is the
    beheading of this one innocent person such a tragedy and the beheading of
    thousands upon thousands of innocent Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks by the
    Turkish authorities between 1915-1923 a debatable topic for the President?

    That's it for this week. I'm going to spend the time between now and next
    pondering these mysteries. Hopefully, next week we'll have some answers. Until
    then, don't stop asking questions and seeking answers.

    Skeptik Sinikian does not take any responsibility if the above column
    anyone and apologizes for digressing from his usual rants on random topics. He
    promises to behave next week and write something more sensible and less
    controversial. He can be reached at [email protected].

    7) Notes from Another Place


    I write this week's column from Los Angeles; ironically, I will recount an
    experience I had in what seems to be a land far away, yet extremely close when
    I stand in the middle of the Glendale Galleria and look around at my
    compatriots--and all this not for the obvious reasons.
    On a visit to Karabagh a few weekends ago, I discovered truth. This truth
    in the form of Shoghig--a ray--and not a small one, as the name might suggest.
    Shoghig was the home that four strangers visiting the monastery of Gandzasar,
    in the heart of Karabagh, were looking for to make sure that the stories of
    and peace, the stories of sacrifice and survival, and the stories of renewal
    and resilience all had an ending--very American of us, if you will.
    The strangers spoke to Shoghig at length, while she cooked tea and coffee,
    made them a comfortable place to sit, and sent the youngest of her sons to buy
    a cake. A cake that came pre-packaged with sweet chocolate icing and a bitter
    taste of poverty.
    And so it goes, the story of Shoghig--the happy ending that was to be.
    Shoghig and her husband, along with their three sons, Hovsep, Hriar, and
    were the idealists who moved from Yerevan, a relatively comfortable life, to
    this remote site with the promise of a house, some land, and a teaching job
    Shoghig to practice her craft in German and Russian. And they took this. I
    asked Shoghig why, and she said that she needed her sons to be raised in a
    environment, and so, the American in me said, and war torn mine fields are
    that? I didn't understand.
    Some facts about Shoghig's life:
    • Shoghig teaches at two schools. She crosses a forest each weekday morning
    to get to a village school to teach 230 kids. She crosses that forest knowing
    that wolves may be her adversaries, so she's prepared to fight.
    • Shoghig teaches then at another school a bit further. She has 15 students
    at this school. She walks her two job route--a combined commute time of 1.5
    hours each day.
    • She has a plot of land in front of her house. The practical and naïve
    Americans visiting her that day looked in vain for farming equipment--the
    the shovels, and the rest. We didn't see, so we asked. She pulled out two
    sharpened rocks, and said those to be the plows--and her knees the imaginary
    mules that pulled or rather pushed the plow. The small plot of land Shoghig
    plowed on her hands and knees and it was ready for giving birth to potatoes.
    • Shoghig's eldest son was in the army. The next eldest, a brilliant
    student, was ready to go, while the third son, a young and happy teenager, was
    still playing football.
    • She had been forced to sell her cow and its calf in the winter to pay for
    outstanding obligations, so there were no animals to speak of.
    So, the four strangers sat around a wooden table, a stove cooking some
    home-made warmth, and ate the cake of sweet chocolate and bitter poverty, and
    added a taste of cheese and bread, with berry preserves.
    Shoghig didn't ask for anything. The strangers didn't offer anything. But,
    strangers felt embarrassed, because Shoghig had instead given them a gift.
    She had offered in her rugged hands, with her golden smile, the chance for
    strangers to have a happy ending, a Hollywood ending, to go on their way
    thinking that there was a purpose for it all. And so we did. The strangers
    walked down a hill once more, got into a mini-van, quietly sobbing our
    happiness--or was it our shame, or disappointment with our own failure that
    Shoghig considered the happy ending. We went on to our lives, thinking that we
    could help Shoghig by ordering farming equipment--desperately seeking our
    Yesterday, in a supermarket in Glendale, I overheard an Armenian mother and
    son arguing first over the size of the cake they should buy, and then the
    conversation carried into the color of the car the son had just received as a
    gift--a white or black sports vehicle--and the son wasn't sure if it was the
    right color.
    So, there was a reason for it all, I thought to myself, thinking of Shoghig,
    her scraped knees, her chapped palms and finger tips, all accented by her big
    beautiful golden smile.

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