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ASBAREZ ONLINE [05-24-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ ONLINE [05-24-2004]


    1) Intellectuals Again Call for Dialogue
    2) Renewed Calls for US-Armenia Tax Treaty
    3) Azerbaijan's FM Says Karabagh Talks Have New Impetus
    4) Senate Committee Approves Funding for Genocide Curriculum
    5) Blasts Kill Seven in Baghdad, More Killed In Clashes

    1) Intellectuals Again Call for Dialogue

    YEREVAN (Yerkir)--Armenia's intellectuals met for the second time in recent
    months to discuss the current political climate of the country.
    At a roundtable discussion organized by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation
    (ARF) of Armenia, a government coalition partner, prominent academics and
    cultural figures once again emphasized, on Monday, that the only means to find
    a possible resolution to current political tensions is for the authorities and
    the opposition to engage in political dialogue.
    ARF Supreme Body representative Armen Rustamian emphasized that though the
    first round of discussions helped alleviate tensions, there is threat of "a
    wave of confrontation," and asked those present for their input to avoid yet
    another escalation. "We must find the guarantees to provide the necessary
    changes," he urged.
    Linguistics University rector Suren Zolian, stressed that both sides must
    first and foremost display political will, and pointed to the roundtable as a
    practical tool in reviewing the situation, and offering ideas.
    The majority of participants voiced their discontent with behavior of both
    government and opposition, saying that authorities should not expect praises
    while 80% of population remains socially underprivileged. They also went on to
    say that both sides do not comprehend the silence of the population that
    remains hapless and distrusting of both sides. They concluded that Armenia's
    political arena remains flawed because of its Constitution and delays in
    amending the document.
    "There is stability in the state. But changes must be made in order for the
    country to enter its natural course of development," Rustamian stressed.

    2) Renewed Calls for US-Armenia Tax Treaty

    --Treaty Needed to Address Growing Bilateral Commerce and Increased Diaspora
    Economic Involvement in Armenia

    WASHINGTON, DC--In a letter to Treasury Secretary John W. Snow and in
    correspondence sent to members of Congress, the Armenian National Committee of
    America (ANCA) renewed its call for the US government to facilitate the
    levels of US-Armenia trade and investment by negotiating a comprehensive tax
    treaty with Armenia.
    "With the expansion of US-Armenia economic ties, it is more important than
    ever that our government negotiate a comprehensive and far-reaching tax treaty
    that will strengthen the US-Armenia economic relationship for many decades to
    come," said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. "The Department of the
    Treasury should be working closely with the Armenian government and with
    American businesses operating in Armenia--including the growing number run by
    Diaspora Armenians--to specifically tailor an agreement that addresses the
    needs of Americans who divide their careers between the US and Armenia--or who
    plan to retire to Armenia--in terms of portability of pensions and healthcare
    and a variety of other concerns."
    The US has negotiated tax treaties with over forty nations in order to
    the taxation of transactions, investments, rents, royalties, management
    contracts, dividends, interest, and salaries of companies and employees
    in both countries. The US has recently exchanged instruments of ratification
    with three new countries--Ukraine, Luxembourg, and Denmark.
    As part of its broader efforts to strengthen US-Armenia bilateral economic
    relations, the ANCA has been working for more than four years to encourage the
    US to negotiate a tax treaty with Armenia. Other elements of this effort
    included helping to secure Armenia's membership in the World Trade
    Organization--which took place in February of last year--and the granting to
    Armenia of Permanent Normal Trade Relations Status (PNTR). Several thousand
    Armenian Americans have written to the Social Security Administration using
    ANCA WebFax program to call for a Social Security Agreement that would help US
    citizens who work part of the year or plan to retire in Armenia. At the state
    level, the ANCA-Western Region spearheaded the creation of the
    California-Armenia Trade Office, which is set to open in Yerevan later this
    In January of 2002, Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairmen Joe Knollenberg
    (R-MI) and Frank Pallone (D-NJ) urged then Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, to
    help expedite a bilateral tax treaty between the US and Armenia that would
    effectively eliminate the "double taxation" of income of citizens working in
    both countries. The appeal came on the eve of an inter-agency US Armenia Task
    Force meeting, which discussed taxation issues as part of an overall framework
    to promote bilateral trade and economic cooperation between the two countries.

    For an overall review of US Tax Treaties

    For the full text of most US Tax Treaties: ind_info/ treaties.html.

    For information about Armenia on the website of the US Department of

    To learn about USAID's private sector aid to Armenia:

    3) Azerbaijan's FM Says Karabagh Talks Have New Impetus

    (AFP)--Peace talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia to resolve one of Europe's
    longest-running armed conflicts are "intensifying" after a period of
    stagnation, Azerbaijan's foreign minister told AFP in an interview.
    Elmar Mamedyarov said that the newly-expanded European Union (EU) was showing
    a greater interest in resolving the conflict over the territory of Karabagh, a
    factor which he said will have a "positive impact."
    Azerbaijan's foreign minister was speaking a week after President Ilham
    Aliyev, on a visit to EU headquarters in Brussels, urged the organization to
    take a more active stand in finding a peaceful solution.
    "The negotiations…have recently become more intense after certain
    Mamedyarov, a 44-year-old career diplomat appointed last month, told AFP in
    interview. "After the European Union received new members, the EU, and Europe
    as a whole, has begun to look attentively at our part of Europe," he said. "I
    believe that will have a positive impact on the search for a conflict
    He said Azerbaijan's negotiators were pushing for an interim deal, under
    Armenia would relinquish its control over the regions around Karabagh in
    exchange for the Azeri side loosening its economic blockade on Armenia. This
    deal would reduce tension between the two sides, and "create a possibility for
    negotiations to go forward in a freer atmosphere to find some sort of
    compromise," Mamedyarov said.
    Armenian negotiators have already rejected this proposal but the Azeri
    minister said he would be "persistent." "Resolving this question is a priority
    for us," Mamedyarov added. "It is very difficult, when you are in the
    twenty-first century, you are moving towards Europe, and you have these
    displaced persons and you feel under occupation."

    4) Senate Committee Approves Funding for Genocide Curriculum

    SACRAMENTO--The Senate Budget Committee on Education, chaired by Senator Jack
    Scott (D-Glendale), has approved $250,000 in the 2004-05 state budget for a
    model curriculum on human rights and genocide to be distributed to all public
    schools in California, which would include studies related to the Armenian
    Genocide, the Holocaust, as well as other attempts to destroy or eliminate
    ethnic groups around the world.
    "To be able to operate in an atmosphere of freedom and democracy, one must
    understand the evils that have haunted past generations," stated Senator
    "We must open the discussion on human rights so that today's children become
    responsible adults."
    The model human rights and genocide curriculum, approved by the State
    Board of
    Education, is intended for use at all K-12 public schools and county
    offices of

    5) Blasts Kill Seven in Baghdad, More Killed In Clashes

    BAGHDAD (AFP)--Several blasts rocked Baghdad, killing seven people, including
    two Britons, while clashes between US troops and Shiite militiamen left 18
    people dead in the populous Sadr City neighborhood.
    Four people were killed and two wounded in an explosion that destroyed an
    armored civilian vehicle just outside the sprawling complex housing the US-led
    coalition that administers Iraq, a military spokesman said Monday.
    Two of those killed in the blast were British civilians, according to the
    British Foreign Office.
    "These deaths are shocking and they show the risks that civilians and others
    have to take in order to assist the Iraqis in the necessary task of rebuilding
    and reconstructing their country," British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw told
    reporters in Brussels.
    Another three people, including a child, also were killed Monday in an
    explosion that destroyed their car only minutes before a US convoy drove by,
    witnesses said.
    Meanwhile, US troops, who have vowed to wipe out Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr's
    private army, clashed with the militia overnight in a neighborhood of Baghdad
    where he has strong support.
    Hospital officials said 18 civilians were killed in the Sadr City
    neighborhood, but the coalition put the figure at 26 and said all were
    militiamen loyal to Sadr.
    The military said US soldiers already had killed "an estimated 21" militiamen
    over the weekend after coming under small arms and rocket-propelled grenade
    fire in Sadr City.
    US troops had announced the death of another 32 militiamen Sunday in Kufa,
    just a few kilometers (miles) from the holy city of Najaf where Sadr is holed
    up to escape arrest in connection with the killing of a rival cleric.
    Twenty of those killed were felled during a battle in the compound of a Kufa
    mosque, the coalition said.
    Sadr's Mehdi Army has been involved in weeks of clashes with the occupation
    forces, mainly in central Iraq, after the coalition closed down his newspaper
    and threatened to arrest him.
    Some of the fiercest battles were fought in the Shiite holy city of Karbala,
    but both sides moved out of the city over the weekend.
    Coalition officials have made it clear they are determined to wipe out the
    armed militia.
    The coalition's military and civilian spokesmen have also said they feared
    violence could surge further as the date for a transfer of power nears.
    The Coalition Provisional Authority is scheduled to hand over sovereignty to
    an interim Iraqi government on June 30, and US authorities have insisted they
    intended to stick to that date despite the violence.
    Last week insurgents carried out two attacks against senior Iraqi political
    figures, killing the president of the coalition-installed Governing Council,
    Ezzedine Salim, in a suicide car bombing on May 17.
    A similar attack on Saturday wounded deputy interior minister General Abdel
    Jabbari Yussef. Three guards, an unidentified woman and the attacker were
    killed in the blast.
    Salim's successor, Ghazi Ajil al-Yawar, said in an interview published Monday
    that the coalition must grant "full sovereignty" to the transitional
    government, which has yet to be formed.
    "We will not agree to less," he told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper.
    The United States and Britain were to submit to the UN Security Council later
    Monday the first draft of a resolution to recognize a new Iraqi government and
    clear the way for foreign forces to remain in Iraq after the formal end of the
    "Once we have full sovereignty, we will have the right to decide whether
    multinational forces go or stay," Yawar said.
    But he added that the lack of security "means that we will need multinational
    forces...which we hope to broaden to include European Union troops and certain
    influential Arab countries."
    He also said another two weeks were needed to set up the transitional
    government amid intense negotiations involving UN envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, the
    Iraqi council and coalition officials.

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